السلام عليكم

شباب بدي مساعدتكم في شرح هذا الايميل لي لأني حسيته فيه شي غلط ومافهمته

Couldn't find bot 'professorz' running, reloading...

==> Fakename: /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL PidNum: 24667 [12:00] --- Loading eggdrop v1.6.6 (Sun Jul 17 2005)
[12:00] Module loaded: transfer
[12:00] Listening at telnet port 10000 (users)
[12:00] Module loaded: channels
[12:00] Module loaded: server
[12:00] Module loaded: ctcp
[12:00] Module loaded: irc
[12:00] Module loaded: share
[12:00] Module loaded: filesys (with lang support)
[12:00] Module loaded: notes (with lang support)
[12:00] Module loaded: console (with lang support)
[12:00] Module loaded: blowfish
[12:00] Module loaded: assoc (with lang support)
[12:00] Module loaded: wire (with lang support)
[12:00] =======================================
[12:00] oye.tcl Loaded
[12:00] Reported any bugs to oye@yahoo.com [12:00] =======================================
[12:00] Userfile loaded, unpacking...
[12:00] === professor: 1 channels, 5 users.

Eggdrop v1.6.6 (C)1997 Robey Pointer (C)2001 Eggheads I detect professorz already running from this directory.
If this is incorrect, erase the 'pid.professor'

أرجو المساعدة شباب