Assalamu Aleykum

For Business in China
If you are planning to visit china to follow up a deal, or to search for new business opportunities, we, IKHLAAS have great pleasure to be your guide in china, prepare your visit schedule to the factories and wholesale markets, accompanied with specialized and experienced interpreters, to make your stay in china of maximal benefit.

What else can IKHLAAS do for you?
Sourcing - If you are approaching Chinese suppliers for the first time, you will likely face many obstacles when searching, communicating, and agreeing with them.
Our position inside China, overcoming the language hurdle with broad business relations, we can provide you with the authentic and well-fame suppliers, in minimum time.

Inspection - Many clients feel worried about quality and specification inconsistency.
We reach any place in China; verify the quality and specifications of the product are completely compatible with the documents of the transaction, executing arbitrary sample test and fix the accurate quantities loaded at the manufacturer premises.

Logistic support - In such a vast country like China, and in case your required items are supplied from different locations, it seems very complicated to adjust inland transport, clearance and time of shipment.
It is IKHLAAS s job let you forget all about this entanglement. We ensure combining of goods performing all custom and financial procedures, issuing official export documents, and arrange shipment simultaneously.

Shipment - From any China port or airport, we ensure shipment of your goods to any destination, and provide you with the necessary shipment documents.

So who is IKHLAAS???
Based in China officially permitted by laws of P.R. China, IKHLAAS UNITED GROUP LTD. was founded in Shenzhen, China, in 1996, specializes in mass production, distribution and whole sale of general merchandise that were made in China. Enjoying several years of experience in the largest and most versatile world market, IKHLAAS unites your business with its own, and consider its success part of yours!

Whatever the product you are looking for, wherever in the world you are it takes few hours for our qualified and experienced staff to find it, few days to inspect, load and ship, few months to makes you harvest the full Profits of your transaction.

We never limit our ambition to end at one transaction.. If you are looking beyond, IKHLAAS will accompany you for the furthest distance: more transactions, new products, representation, follow up. Our horizon doesn't end at the horizon!

And last but not least, currently we’re producing many hot products like Digital Holy Quran(OEM,ODM), mp3 players, flash disks and others. Check our site for more details

currently, as a hot products we offer MMC cards in suitable price ( 1GB 55$), and mp3 players.
Digital Quran Player : voice only 25$/ voice and script 50$
msn: zxxz_69[at]h0tmail[dot]com

Written By SaD JAckal