سلام عليكم

اخواني الكرام اللي يعاني من نفس المشكله ياليت يخبرني هنا

احاول افتح بريدي من الهوتميل يظهر لي هذا الكلام

Account Temporarily Unavailable

We apologize, but your account is temporarily unavailable. This delay does not affect the entire site or result from any problem specific with your account however the server that holds your account information is temporarily unavailable. We do not expect this delay to last much longer, so please continue to check our site for your account status.
We will do our best to make your account available as quickly as possible. We appreciate your support, and sincerely apologize for the inconvenience

ماني فاهم وش حاصل بالضبط افتح بريد اخر عندي يفتح طبيعي
