Warning: mysql_connect(): Host '

is blocked because of many connection errors.
Unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' in /home
l؟؟؟؟؟؟/public_html/vb/admin/db_mysql.php on line 40

There seems to have been a slight problem with the database.
Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser.

An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

الرسالة تظهر بعد ان يتوقف المنتدي .. المنتدي مستضف على سيرفر وقاعدة البيانات على سيرفر اخر

هل اجد حل وتفسير لهذة المشكلة لديكم يا اخوني