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الموضوع: ::: النسخة الاحترافية من مجلة Slaed CMS 2.0 Pro بالتعريب :::::::

  1. #1

    ::: النسخة الاحترافية من مجلة Slaed CMS 2.0 Pro بالتعريب :::::::

    سبق وقمت بطرح النسخة المجانية lite من المجلة على العنوان التالى

    اليوم اقدم لكم النسخة الاحترافية منزوعة الكود

    بعض المميزات باللغة الانجليزية

    - One of the main innovation given versions this full absence of the built-in forum PHPBB, his(its) component and modules.
    - Is Transcribed function to generations headline pages generated module. Thereby, improved subscripting the site search system and the following rating of the site as a whole.
    - Are Made cardinal changes to functions of the filtering. The Installed possibility of the accompaniment forbidden to use the words from panel of the system manager. That in turn enables forbid to use, possible in комментариях of the users, that or other words.
    - Is Added possibility of the installation manager time of the functioning Cookies users and system manager from panel of control directly.
    - Is Installed possibility of the accompaniment of the references to profile and personal messages of the forum. Now Your authorized user have a possibility of the transition in given divisions of the forum from its personal division directly.
    - Is Modified a block of the modules. The automatic determination and reflections will Added in block of the reference to outside forum.
    - Is Written and installed function count просмотренных pages visitor Your site. Given statistics works without use database and hereunder does not load the system. The Statistics is zeroized automatically in day once.
    - Is Written additional block, in which is reflected statistics viewing the pages in graphic element overnight, but in the same way buttons for news in format RSS and module Anti спама.
    - Is Made changes to system of the commentaries. The Adjustment was subjected to the table a database commentaries. They Are Removed some field, are changed скрипты and requests in them.
    - Is Written new function to automatic generation of the password for use in module of the users, but in the same way for generation of the graphic secret code in automatic mode.
    - Is Changed way of protection конфигурационных files of the system from direct access. Hereunder снижена load and is increased safety.
    - Are Moved some parameters main конфигурационного file in panel of the system administrations. Thereby, increased flexibility in adjustment secret, graphic code.
    - An Abbreviated introduced parameters when installing the system on facility инсталлятора.
    - Is Installed additional check when entering the user that in turn excludes stealing Cookies and input in system under name stolen data by malicious penetrator.
    - An Improved check enterring information in safety system.
    - Is Written and integrated new function for sending the messages on facility mail();. Thereby, versatility is increased in her(its) use.
    - Is Modified function of the sending the mass messages and sending out from panel of the system manager. Snizhena load on database.
    - Is Modified function of the analysis request in database.
    - In desksides of the system are added parameters of the determination of the user on the last IP address and possibility of the installation of time of the functioning session visitors of the system.
    - A Global change was subjected to the system of the groups and points. The Added possibility of the installing the special groups of the users independent from amount typed by them points. The Accompaniment in special groups is produced directly by manager of the project. Snizhena load on database under actuated system of the groups in three times, by comparing with former.
    - Is Completely transcribed a system of the commentaries. For all commentaries, are now used whole two functions. Thereby, vastly increased flexibility, функциональность and comfort of the viewing the commentaries. The Installed possibility to desksides of the commentaries from panel of control manager directly. In adjustment are added: Amount of the commentaries on page and greatly possible amount sign in word at publications commentary by user.
    - A Site function of the output amount pages. Partly code is changed for more suitable control at большом amount pages. Maded change to all module and division where this is used.
    - In system anymore are used old functions of the check and filtering such as: FixQuotes, delQuotes, check_words, check_html, filter_text. In lieu thereof, is installed more flexible and quick function to filtering. Thereby, vastly fell the system load in that places, where they were used. Change were subjected to all files of the system, where needs was a change. The Functions are saved and carried in separate file, for correct work with outside and old module.
    - Is Written and integrated in system site function boot the files and graphic element.
    - Is Modified system to safety in plan language variable.
    - Is Written and installed site function of the check and installation necessary attribute for конфигурационных files of the system.
    - Was subjected to change a function choice of the language for modules in administrative part of system.
    - Is Written and installed broadly-functional BB editor with function automatic транслита russian alphabet in latin and back, extensions window entering the text and a great deal another. Editor is performed in graphic stiletto with garter CSS
    - Is Made changes to functions of the generations of the secret code. It Is Modified and site her(its) use.
    - For increasing of safety in panels of the manager is installed checking for removing mounting directory.
    - Is Modified system to generations of the subject of the registration. Thereby, work is simplified on fabrication of that registration. It Is Increased her(its) функциональность and flexibility.

    New possibilities - a Level of the manager and user
    - Is Made change and reductions of the code administrative and user part of modules Kontent and Questioning.
    - Is Completely transcribed user part of modules Video and Audio, is contributed changes to administrative part. Thereby, fell the load on database in 8-10 once. Maded correction perfecting viewing module data, but in the same way relevance for search systems.
    - Is Partly transcribed user part of module Questions and answers . Modified searching for of the module. The Remote transmission of the name to categories in address line браузера, which prevented correct subscripting search system, but in the same way was uncomfortable for запоминания or copyings.
    - In module of the questions and answer is added possibility of the unhooking the sending the questions from visitors of the project, but is in the same way added possibility of the installing the secret code that in turn excludes sending the questions спамерскими program.
    - Is Modified function of the viewing and sorting Anecdote in panels of the manager. The former request is Modified in the base that has brought about reduction of the load on database in 8-10 once. Completely user part of module is transcribed. The Maded optimization for the best subscripting search system.
    - Is Modified administrative and user part of module of the users. The Added possibility forbid postal addresses and neil at registrations of the users. The User desksides to panels of the manager, are as a matter of convenience carried in division of the users. The visual adjustments user and administrative part of module are Contributed.
    - In новостном module systems is installed anchor, which enables the directions of the user pressed on commentary, directly to viewing the commentaries without scrolling of the article.
    - Is Modified module of the voting, abbreviated code in user and administrative part for count of the modernizations language function. It In addition is hereto installed possibility of the change the interval between voting the users from panel of the manager of the module.
    - Is Modified module of the directory of the files, is installed possibility of the change the interval between estimation of the files user from panel of the manager of the module. Thereby, vastly снижена possibility накрутки rating.
    - Is Modified module of the directory site, is installed possibility of the change the interval between estimation site user from panel of the manager of the module. Thereby, vastly снижена possibility накрутки rating.
    - Is Removed built-in editor in system TinyMce in view of brakings of the boot and functioning under included mode. The Givenned editor обновлQн before actual version and is installed as module with possibility of the work with him both visitor of the site, and manager with opening in new window браузера.
    - Is Removed built-in in system Bakup database. Given скрипт обновлQн before actual version and is installed as module for manager of the project with opening in new window браузера directly from panel of the system manager.
    - Is Modified administrative part of module of the automatic exchange reference. Improved viewing site and their sorting. Snizhena load on database.
    - Is Made changes to module контента, which significant image perfect subscripting a division and pages given module search system.
    - Is Modified module Html Content in plan of the velocities of the functioning and safety.
    - Is Modified module to feedback. If one manager on put, field To whom is not reflected.
    - Is Installed by BB Editor in module of the news with possibility of his(its) use at publications and reflections of the news

    تم تعريب النسخة الاحترافية بشكل كامل ووضع قالب عربى

    النسخة تدعم منتديات phpbb

    وبها مميزات جبارة وهى افضل من النيوك بمليار مررررة خصوصا الاصدار pro

    لتحميل النسخة > منزوعة الكود <

    كود PHP:

  2. #2


  3. #3
    عضو فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2005

    مشكور يا غالي ولكن اية الفرق بينها وبين النسخة السابقة وهل تقبل التعامل مع منتديات الib و ايش هي المميزات الجبارة


    نرتقي لنكون الافضل

    melano1.com [at] hotmail.com
    اللهم لك الحمد كما ينبغى لجلال وجهك وعظيم سلطانك
    سبحان الله و بحمدة سبحان الله العظيم

  4. #4
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2006

    أخي الكريم جزاك الله خيرا ولكن لدي ملاحظة ان اكثر من نصف المجلة غير معرب فهل انا غلطان ام الأمر كذلك وشكرا

  5. #5

    أخي مطرب
    دايم مبدع مشكور الغالي

    ثامر العنزي
    فني تقنية شبكات الحاسب

  6. #6

    مشكزرين اخوانى على المرور
    راح اترجم المميزات من الانجليزى واضعها هنا
    بانسبة للتعريب
    فهذا التعريب اصلا للنسخة المجانية lite وتم وضعه للنسخة pro لكن النسخة pro بها اضافات كتيرة لذلك تظهر بعض الكلمات بالانجليزى وسوف اضع التعريب الكامل قريبا

  7. #7
    عضو فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2006

    ممكن تقولنا افضل من النيوك بمليار مرة ليه ؟

    ايه الاضافات المختلفة والامكانيات الى مش موجودة فى النيوك

    ارجو سرعة الرد لانى بصدد اتخاذ قرار استعمال واحدة منهم فى موقع جديد

    واولا واخيرا شكرا لك

    اقرأ القران الكريم

    Proud To Be A Muslim

    نسألكم الدعاء لأمى بالرحمة والمغفرة, اللهم قها عذابك يوم تبعث عبادك اللهم نور لها قبرها ووسع مدخلها وأنس وحشتها وأرحم غربتها وشيبتها

  8. #8
    عضو فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2003

    ننتظر التعريب الكامل

    عفواً... لا استخدم الماسنجر
    بريدي للمراسلة هو zuhairmashat # gmail.com

  9. #9
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2004

    جزاكم الله خيرا
    التعريب والرابط تكفون

  10. #10
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2005

    الرابط متقفل ياخوان


  11. #11
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2000

    للاسف الرابط

    Sorry! Link doesn't exists.

    لا يعمل ارجو وضع رابط بديل

  12. #12
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2007

    للاسف الرابط

    Sorry! Link doesn't exists.

    لا يعمل ارجو وضع رابط بديل
    الموضوع قديم ...

    في حال تعرض عضويتك للسرقة:
    عفواً، ولكن لا يمكن أن نخدمك في هذه الحالة.

  13. #13

    اخي انت تهزا بنا

  14. #14
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2000

    سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم

  15. #15
    عضو فعال جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2007

    اخانا لا يهزأ بنا
    الرجل بحث عن سكربت وعندما وجده
    وجد ان الرابط لا يعمل
    فطلب من الاخوان وصع رابط اخر
    وانا اري ان هذا افضل من كتابة موضوع كامل يطلب فيه السكربت

    اخي ثلاث سيوف
    وجدت النسخة ولكنها روسية هل تريد ان ارفعها لك ؟

    تحاور مع العاقل بعقل .. اما ان يقتنع او تقتنع
    وتحاور مع الجاهل بعقل .. اما يطقعش او تفرقش
    وتلك الفاظ لا معنى لها كذلك كلماته

ضوابط المشاركة

  • لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
  • لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
  • لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
  • لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك

أضف موقعك هنا|شقق للايجار في الكويت | بيوت للبيع في الكويت | شركة كشف تسربات المياه | شركة عزل اسطح بالرياض | عزل فوم بالرياض| عزل اسطح بالرياض | كشف تسربات المياة بالرياض | شركة عزل اسطح بالرياض