النتائج 1 إلى 3 من 3

الموضوع: تحذير !! إلى كل السيرفرات؛ الهدوى الذي يسبق العاصفه:: هاام

  1. #1
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2005

    تحذير !! إلى كل السيرفرات؛ الهدوى الذي يسبق العاصفه:: هاام

    أفاد تقرير نشرته شركة زون أتش (ZoneH) المتخصصة في أمن المعلومات وإحصائيات الجرائم الإلكترونية، بظهور ثغرة عالية الخطورة لنظام لنكس اصدار الكرنل 2.6 [Linux 2.6.x]
    وهي ريموت روت ( remote root )

    اللهم اكفنا شرها يا رب العالمين
    نص التحذير
    A US based IT Security company known as Digital Armaments Inc ., launched an hacking challenge on the topic “Remote Kernel” that started on November 1st and will end on December 31st when the prizes will be given on the basis of the publication of an official advisory reporting the identified vulnerabilities. This Advisory will be then sold in an auction.

    It could have been just another race among the variety of similar races that every year are announced on the Internet, but according to the organizers, during the race it was discovered an important vulnerability that it is worth the IT Community attention.

    Actually, the official rules forbid to disclose any infomation before the end of the challenge, so it was spread out just a short announce about a vulnerability on Linux 2.6.x.
    Is that the truth? Is the identified vulnerability so important or is it just a promotional initiative? Some distrust is quite obvious in this case..

    On November 16th, indeed, a message was published on the homepage of Digital Armaments’ website, announcing that it has been identified a remote root vulnerability on Linux 2.6.x.

    “EXCLUSIVE Linux Kernel 2.6.x unpatched remote exploit is available at auction to the Platinum Subscription”, the message says. But unfortunately, no other information was revealed.

    This kind of vulnerability is very critical and extremely rare, because the Linux core was audited by thousands of professionals in computer security.

    We know just that this vulnerability concerns IPV4 and IPV6 stacks in the Linux kernel, and that it can cause a remote code execution.

    Will it be the truth or will it be a form of “advertising” aimed to attract as many people as possible to the final auction.. we have to wait until December 31st to learn something more about that.

    رابط التحذير من موقع الزون إتش

    شـــكراَ سوالف ســـوفت ,,, قمة المواقع العربية بلا منازع

    --|| سبحان الله والحمد لله والله أكـبر ||--

  2. #2
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2006

    سمعنا هالكلام من زمان
    وسمعنا ان في 4 لوكلات للكرنل الموجودة الحين لساتها Priv8 واصلا لو كان هالكلام صحيح ما اتصور انها بتكون مشكلة كبيرة لشركات الاستضافة خاصة ان هالاشخاص اللي قالوا انهم يملكوا هالثغرات اذكى من ان يخترقوبها سيرفر عادي

    وخبر اليوم بفلوس باكر ببلاش!!!


    Email: OmanSecurity AT gmail DOT com

  3. #3
    عضو فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2005

    الله يعين إن شاء الله ,,
    ولو كان الخبر صدق عز الله راحت سيرفراتنا !!

    افضل مافي الايام الماضية انها مضت

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