لقد حاولت ابشتى طرق ازالة هذا الترجينTROJ_BOSERVER بدون فائدة لان الكمبيوتر يعامله على اساس انه ملف النظام لا تسطيع ازالته... فقومت بالبحث عن معلومات عن هذا الترجين فوجدت بعض المعلومات عنه :
TROJ_BOSERVER is the server portion of the Back Orifice program. Any hacker with the correct IP address and the client part of this program (TROJ_BOCLIENT) can connect to this server portion and then control the infected system -- it can be used both as a remote administration utility and a hacker tool. This program installs itself in the root directory of the C: drive. The file does not have an icon, and its name by default is _.exe ({space}.exe). This file installs itself in the system registry so that it will load with Windows. Users who attempt to delete this file from Windows often fail because it is in use. To remove this program once installed, the user must remove the key value from the registry that points to this file, then reboot the system. Then, this trojan file will no longer automatically execute, and can be deleted.
فالرجاء مساعدتي و بسرعة لاني بأمس الحاجة للمساعده لزالة هذا الترجين ..و شرح كيفية ازالته ... و شكرا لكم مقدما
اخوكم .... الفارس