السلام عليكم
لاصحات المدونات والمواقع الاجنبية
طريقة جديدة تقدر تتخطى بيها موضوع ال copy وال paste
يعنى مثلا جبت من موقع كلام وعايز تحطه فى المدونة بتاعتك او موقعك
كده يبقى نسخ ولصق
لكن الاسكربت هنا بيغير محتوى الكلام بحيت ان يكون موضوعك حصرى محدش كتبه قبل كده
لو انت كتبت قطعة زى دى :
وعايز مثلا تحطها فى موقعك بس كده مش هتتأرشف فى جوجل لانها مكررهكود:"First of all, you need to know what an affiliate program is and how it works in order to fully understand how you can make some money out of it. Affiliate programs is like a joint venture where you or your website becomes a partner with another website that have already developed a product or service that they are already selling in the Internet. As a partner, your job is to direct the visitors of your website to your partner website and hope that they will purchase the products or services being offered. Your website will be like the company's marketing arm, among several."
هنا يجى دور الاسكربت
افتح الاسكربت
وحط فيه القطعة اللى فوق واظغط ENTER هيطلعلك القطعة بالشكل ده
طبعا فى فرق واضح جدااكود PHP:
"First of all, you must know what is a program of subsidiary company and that functions in order to entirely include/understand how you can manufacture a certain amount of money from it. The programs of subsidiary company is like a joint-venture in participation where you or your Web site becomes a associate with another Web site which already developed a product or service that they are already sold in the Internet. As a associate, your work is to direct the visitors of your Web site towards your Web site of associated and to hope that they will buy the products or the services being offered. Your Web site will be like the arm of the sale of the company, among several."
والموضوع كمان مش علشان جوجل غلشان الزوار ايضا
الاسكربت يعمل بكفأة 99%
لتحميل الاسكربت
الاسكربت لا يحتاج غير CURL مفعلة فى السيرفركود PHP:
وفقط ارفع الملفين وافتح من المتصفح الاسكربت