صفحة 2 من 3 الأولىالأولى 123 الأخيرةالأخيرة
النتائج 16 إلى 30 من 43

الموضوع: الى الأخ كارم ابراهيم

  1. #16
    عضو فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2004

    ارسلت لهم رسالة اليوم هذا نصها

    Dear : Support Team

    I am still waiting for your urgent assistance

    thank you

    وكان هذا ردهم



    My name is George. Your Service Request ticket has been transferred to the Windows Live Hotmail Sender Support Team, helping to support Hotmail's anti-spam efforts. As I understand you are encountering an issue sending email messages from your mail server to Hotmail accounts.

    In order to quickly and effectively troubleshoot the difficulties you are having with regards to your e-mail not being received by the intended Hotmail customers, please review the questions below and reply at your earliest convenience.

    1. What are the IP addresses of your outbound mail servers (as seen by the receiving server)?

    2. What domain are you sending from?

    3. Is your server a dedicated or shared server?

    4. What ISP, operating system, mail transport software, and/or mailing list management software are you using?

    5. How are "bounce messages" (non-delivery notices) handled by your system?

    6. How frequent are your mailings? What are the volumes of these mailings?

    7. What are some of the accounts on Microsoft's systems that you are attempting to send to?

    8. Do your SMTP logs show any failed transactions when attempting to send to addresses at MSN, MSN Hotmail or other MSN Services? If so, please include them inline in your response.

    9. Can you telnet to port 25 of mx1.hotmail.com from your mail server(s)?

    10. Can you traceroute to from your mail server(s)?

    11. Please include samples of a few of the messages you are sending, with complete headers (as seen by your recipients.)

    12. In what manner(s) are recipients added to your mailing list(s)?

    13. Provide the URL of your web site.

    14. Provide the URL of your Privacy Policy.

    15. Provide the URL at which users opt-in to receive your mailings.

    16. Provide the URL at which users may choose to permanently unsubscribe from your mailing list.

    17. Are you currently a Return Path client? Are you Sender Score Certified?

    18. Do you publish Sender Policy Framework (SPF)/Sender ID records for your IP?

    19. Do you use separate IPs for your transactional vs. promotional/subscription marketing communications?

    20. Are you in the Junk Mail Reporting Partner Program?

    21. Do you use Smart Network Data Services?

    Once I have received this information, I will review the data and contact you with the next steps.

    For information on common delivery questions please refer to the Hotmail Postmaster Site found at: MSN Postmaster

    Thank you,


    Windows Live Hotmail Domain Support


    واذكر اني جاوبت على هذه الاسئله وتجاهلت بعضها لعدم معرفتي صيغة السؤال

    انتظر منك مساعدتي للرد على جميع اسئلتهم

    شاكر لك ومقدر

    وقل الحمد لله الذي لم يتخذ ولداً ولم يكن له شريك في الملك ولم يكن له ولي من الذل وكبّره تكبيراً

  2. #17

    What are the IP addresses of your outbound mail servers (as seen by the receiving server)?
    اى بى سرفرك
    What domain are you sending from?
    domain.com اسم الدومين الرئيسى فرضا اسم السرفر name.domain.com اكتب اسم الدومين هذا
    Is your server a dedicated or shared server?
    What ISP, operating system, mail transport software, and/or mailing list management software are you using?
    company.com centos exim اسم الداتا سنتر ونظام التشغيل ونوع البريد
    How are "bounce messages" (non-delivery notices) handled by your system?
    How frequent are your mailings? What are the volumes of these mailings?
    What are some of the accounts on Microsoft's systems that you are attempting to send to?
    mail hotmail.com
    اكتب اى اميل جربت ترسل عليه
    Do your SMTP logs show any failed transactions when attempting to send to addresses at MSN, MSN Hotmail or other MSN Services? If so, please include them inline in your response.
    Can you telnet to port 25 of mx1.hotmail.com from your mail server(s)?
    telnet mx1.hotmail.com 25
    اكتب الامر اعلاه وانسخه هو والنتيجة ليكون جواب السؤال

    Can you traceroute to from your mail server(s)?
    اكتب الامر اعلاه وانسخه هو والنتيجة ليكون جواب السؤال
    Please include samples of a few of the messages you are sending, with complete headers (as seen by your recipients.)
    activaiton private message and notice we didnt send emails yet its new server
    In what manner(s) are recipients added to your mailing list(s)?
    just register in site
    Provide the URL of your web site.
    Provide the URL of your Privacy Policy.
    رابط على موقعك يوضح الااتفاقية وكذا اعمل اى صفحة Html وسميها مثلا privacy.html واكتب فيها قوانين وضع رابطها فى الاجابة محتوى الصفحة عربى لا مشكلة
    Provide the URL at which users opt-in to receive your mailings.
    just register in site
    Provide the URL at which users may choose to permanently unsubscribe from your mailing list.
    from there panel
    Are you currently a Return Path client? Are you Sender Score Certified?
    Do you publish Sender Policy Framework (SPF)/Sender ID records for your IP?
    Do you use separate IPs for your transactional vs. promotional/subscription marketing communications?
    no just make my sie send emails to members
    Are you in the Junk Mail Reporting Partner Program?
    لو مشترك فى الخدمة اكتب اسم اليوزر
    Do you use Smart Network Data Services?

    GNU/Linux system EngineerVps & Dedicated servers & ManagementContact Me On : 00201003338749 or ceo@murabba.comwww.murabba.com

  3. #18
    عضو فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2004

    شكرا لك استاذي

    هل لنوع البريد اذكر pop3

    وبالنسبة لصفحة privacy.html هل يجب ان تكون على نفس دومين السيرفر أو أحد المواقع التابعة لي على السيرفر ؟

    Are you in the Junk Mail Reporting Partner Program?
    لو مشترك فى الخدمة اكتب اسم اليوزر

    مشترك في أيش ؟

    بإنتظار ردك

    شكرا لك

    وقل الحمد لله الذي لم يتخذ ولداً ولم يكن له شريك في الملك ولم يكن له ولي من الذل وكبّره تكبيراً

  4. #19
    عضو فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2004

    ارسلت لهم نوع البريد : pop3

    وصفحة privacy.html رفعتها على نفس دومين السيرفر

    وهذا السؤال
    Are you in the Junk Mail Reporting Partner Program?

    جعلت الجواب : NO

    والآن وصلتني منهم الرسالة التالية



    My name is Stephen with Windows Live Hotmail Domain Support. Your IP (×××.××.××.×××) is currently being throttled based on its reputation within our systems.

    Hotmail/Windows Live Mail limits the number of e-mail messages a particular IP can send within a time period. Based on an IP's reputation (built based on various data sources) it is allotted an allowed sending limit per unit time. When an IP (sender) exceeds its allowed limit, any further SMTP commands from the IP will receive the SMTP error code 421 from Hotmail/Windows Live Mail and the connection terminated.

    Please note that if your IP exceeds its predetermined threshold, any further SMTP commands from the IP will receive the SMTP error code 421 from Hotmail and the connection terminated.

    To prevent blocks of this nature from being levied in the future your company will want to do the following:

    Monitor user complaints. Hotmail also has a sender complaint feedback loop program Junk Email Reporting Program (JMRP). Enrollment in this, free of charge, program will benefit you as a sender as it will keep your e-mail lists updated and populated with interested MSN Hotmail Customers. Participation in this program will remove those MSN Hotmail Customers who do not want to receive e-mails from your company. If you are interested in joining this program please visit Http://support.msn.com/eform.aspx?pr...ail&ct=eformts.

    Sign-up for SNDS. Hotmail has created the Smart Network Data Services program. This is a service that helps legitimate email senders work with their customers and partners to reduce spam originating from their IP. http://postmaster.msn.com/snds/. This program allows a sender to monitor the 'health' and reputation of their IPs.

    I would also strongly recommend that you authenticate your outbound email via Sender ID and publish your SPF records for your outbound email IPs and register with Sender ID. You can find additional information and submit your domain for inclusion into the Sender ID program at Sender ID Home Page . Please note that technical standards (RFC 4408) discourage use of "ptr" for performance and reliability reasons.

    Check other 3rd party block lists. Please visit SenderBase® The IronPort Security Network to verify that your IP is not being targeted by any 3rd party block lists.

    Segment your mailing infrastructure by IP. Marketing e-mail, transactional corporate, "forward to a friend" e-mail and signup e-mails should be sent from different IP's. This will help to identify what types of messages are being flagged by Hotmail customers and may help prevent transactional messages from being impacted by any negative reputation that may be impacting IP's used to send marketing communications.

    Strengthen the sign up process. Confirm that you are using a double-opt-in sign up process. This will not help in removing existing Hotmail customers from your e-mail lists but it will confirm the authenticity of those who sign-up on for your e-mail campaigns and newsletters.

    Do some analysis on the data regarding complaints - look at Hotmail customers who have never clicked, opened, responded or bounced in any way. These poor performers could contain many bad addresses.

    Clearly mark your e-mails so that Hotmail customers are able to quickly and easily identify that they requested e-mails from your service.

    Clean up your lists. Remove those who do not want to receive the emails. Make the unsubscribe process more visible.

    Apply for the Sender Score Certified Mail program. If you are doing all the above or wish to be "safe listed" you may wish to consider joining the Sender Score Certified Mail Program. Many legitimate mailers and marketers have qualified and joined this "white listing" program to improve mail deliverability and decrease email from being filtered to the Junk E-mail Folder. Sender Score is a third party program, administered by Return Path. Sender Score (Home - Sender Score Certified™) is the only White Listing service to which we subscribe.

    Additional information on common deliverability issues and best practices can be found on the Windows Live/Hotmail Postmaster Site found at: MSN Postmaster. You may also want to review our "Improving E-mail Deliverability into MSN Hotmail and Windows Live Mail" downloadable document available at: MSN Postmaster Services (MPS).

    Please be aware that the troubleshooting steps in this email are recommendations only. Microsoft makes no guarantees that following these steps will guarantee deliverability to MSN, Hotmail, or Live.com customers.

    Thank You


    Windows Live Hotmail Domain Support


    بإنتظار الرد منك لأرد عليهم

    شكرا لك

    وقل الحمد لله الذي لم يتخذ ولداً ولم يكن له شريك في الملك ولم يكن له ولي من الذل وكبّره تكبيراً

  5. #20

    راسلهم مرة اخرى واخبرهم بالتالى

    Hello sir i already know that IP (×××.××.××.×××) is currently being throttled based on its reputation within your systems

    and you asked me about

    1. What are the IP addresses of your outbound mail servers (as seen by the receiving server)?

    2. What domain are you sending from?

    3. Is your server a dedicated or shared server?

    4. What ISP, operating system, mail transport software, and/or mailing list management software are you using?

    5. How are "bounce messages" (non-delivery notices) handled by your system?

    6. How frequent are your mailings? What are the volumes of these mailings?

    7. What are some of the accounts on Microsoft's systems that you are attempting to send to?

    8. Do your SMTP logs show any failed transactions when attempting to send to addresses at MSN, MSN Hotmail or other MSN Services? If so, please include them inline in your response.

    9. Can you telnet to port 25 of mx1.hotmail.com from your mail server(s)?

    10. Can you traceroute to from your mail server(s)?

    11. Please include samples of a few of the messages you are sending, with complete headers (as seen by your recipients.)

    12. In what manner(s) are recipients added to your mailing list(s)?

    13. Provide the URL of your web site.

    14. Provide the URL of your Privacy Policy.

    15. Provide the URL at which users opt-in to receive your mailings.

    16. Provide the URL at which users may choose to permanently unsubscribe from your mailing list.

    17. Are you currently a Return Path client? Are you Sender Score Certified?

    18. Do you publish Sender Policy Framework (SPF)/Sender ID records for your IP?

    19. Do you use separate IPs for your transactional vs. promotional/subscription marketing communications?

    20. Are you in the Junk Mail Reporting Partner Program?

    21. Do you use Smart Network Data Services?

    and i already answer all of this so what i can do else to fix this issue asap ... also you have received message from my isp that i have exclusive sending rights from this address so >> please fix this asap waiting for asap replay


    GNU/Linux system EngineerVps & Dedicated servers & ManagementContact Me On : 00201003338749 or ceo@murabba.comwww.murabba.com

  6. #21
    عضو فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2004

    جزاك الله خير اخوي كارم

    ارسلت لهم

    ووصلتني رسالتين منهم

    الرسالة الأولى


    My name is Anja from Windows Live Hotmail Domain Support. I have forwarded your issue to our filtering department for further investigation. You will be contacted once the investigation is completed. Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,


    Windows Live Hotmail Domain Support


    والرسالة الثانية


    Thank you for writing back to JMR Partner Management Team. My name is Roland and I have read that you want to join the E-Mail Reporting (JMR) Partner Program. I know how important it is for you to have your request granted.

    MSN Hotmail has a Junk E-Mail Reporting (JMR) Partner Program to help organizations maintain mailing best practices by unsubscribing unwanted recipients and ensuring clean mailing lists.

    We are pleased to inform you that your company has passed the initial qualifications for enrollment into the JMR Partner Program. Our next step would be to establish a Junk E-Mail Reporting Agreement with your organization.

    Our preferred method of establishing this agreement is via digitally signing of the JMR Reporting Agreement. To set up the digital document and provide signing instructions, we will need the full name and email address of the person with authority to sign for your company. Please note, if the company name in the previous paragraph is incorrect, please include the correct name. When we have all this information an email will be sent to the signer with a link to our digital signing site. The digital signing process is simple and in most cases much faster than signing and mailing a hardcopy of the agreement.

    If you prefer you may sign a hardcopy agreement and mail it back to us. If this is your preference, please notify us via email at this address and we will send you a copy of the partner agreement for signature.

    Please note that the intent of this program is to provide you with a list of users that wish to be removed from your mail distributions. Participation in the program does not guarantee that your IP will not be blocked in the future and that individual blocking / un-blocking issues will still need to be handled through the HM Support Team.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to respond to this email with any questions. We look forward to your participation in this program.

    Thank you,

    Roland R.

    The JMR Partner Management Team


    بجد روتين معقد عندهم يذكروني بالدوائر الحكومية عندنا :anger2:

    وقل الحمد لله الذي لم يتخذ ولداً ولم يكن له شريك في الملك ولم يكن له ولي من الذل وكبّره تكبيراً

  7. #22


    My name is Anja from Windows Live Hotmail Domain Support. I have forwarded your issue to our filtering department for further investigation. You will be contacted once the investigation is completed. Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,


    Windows Live Hotmail Domain Support

    هذه خاصة بال sender id وغالبا طالما حولت المشكلة لقسم ال filtering يكون رد القسم بتفعيل الارسال

    الثانية دى اتفاقية هتوقعها معاهم

    مطلوب منك هتبعت ريبى موضح فيه التالى

    we will need the full name and email address of the person with authority to sign for your company

    اسمك كامل والعنوان
    وقلهم ok i preferred method of establishing this agreement is via digitally signing of the JMR Reporting Agreement

    ووضح اسمك والعنوان وكده وانتظر ردهم

    GNU/Linux system EngineerVps & Dedicated servers & ManagementContact Me On : 00201003338749 or ceo@murabba.comwww.murabba.com

  8. #23
    عضو فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2004

    شكرا لك اخي كارم

    معليش اتعبتك معاي

    تمت مراسلتهم

    على فكرة اخي كارم المنتديات اللي على السيرفر كانت ترسل بشكل طبيعي وفجأة توقف الارسال للهوت ميل

    مع العلم اني عملت ترقية للأباتشي والسي بنل

    فهل هذي الترقيات تكون قد أثرت على الارسال او على التعديل في Zone Template Editor >> standard ؟

    وقل الحمد لله الذي لم يتخذ ولداً ولم يكن له شريك في الملك ولم يكن له ولي من الذل وكبّره تكبيراً

  9. #24

    echo "test message" | mail -s "test" mail@hotmail.com

    بدلها باميلك ومن الشل للتاكيد انك محجوب او لا

    GNU/Linux system EngineerVps & Dedicated servers & ManagementContact Me On : 00201003338749 or ceo@murabba.comwww.murabba.com

  10. #25
    عضو فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2004

    echo "test message" | mail -s "test" mail@hotmail.com

    بدلها باميلك ومن الشل للتاكيد انك محجوب او لا
    نفذت الأمر ولم يحدث اي تغيير بالشل ولا وصلت رسالة على الهوت ميل

    وقل الحمد لله الذي لم يتخذ ولداً ولم يكن له شريك في الملك ولم يكن له ولي من الذل وكبّره تكبيراً

  11. #26

    يبقى فعلا فى بلوك وهنننتظر ردهم ان شاء الله ..

    GNU/Linux system EngineerVps & Dedicated servers & ManagementContact Me On : 00201003338749 or ceo@murabba.comwww.murabba.com

  12. #27
    عضو فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2004

    جزاك الله خير اخوي كارم

    ارسلت لهم اطلب مساعدتي عاجلاً وحتى الآن لم يصل رد منهم

    اتمنى ان تجيب على سؤالي هنا


    بارك الله فيك

    وقل الحمد لله الذي لم يتخذ ولداً ولم يكن له شريك في الملك ولم يكن له ولي من الذل وكبّره تكبيراً

  13. #28

    على فكرة اخي كارم المنتديات اللي على السيرفر كانت ترسل بشكل طبيعي وفجأة توقف الارسال للهوت ميل

    مع العلم اني عملت ترقية للأباتشي والسي بنل

    فهل هذي الترقيات تكون قد أثرت على الارسال او على التعديل في Zone Template Editor >> standard ؟

    لا لا تؤثر ولقد طلبت ان ترسل من الشل نفسه للتاكيد

    GNU/Linux system EngineerVps & Dedicated servers & ManagementContact Me On : 00201003338749 or ceo@murabba.comwww.murabba.com

  14. #29
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2002

    اخى ممكن تعطينى الايبى الخاص بيك عشان نفحص اذا علية بلوك او لا

    طبق هذا الخطوات عن طريق الشل راح تعرف اذا السرفر علية حظر او لا

    telnet mx4.hotmail.com 25

    تظهر لك رسالة من الهوت ميل

    helo domennn.net

    طبعا domennnهو اسم موقعك

    تظهر لك رسالة اخرة من الهوت ميل

    وبعدها بتكتب

    mail from: admin@www.com

    اذا السرفر الخاص بك محظور راح تظهر لك الرسالة هذا

    550 Your e-mail was rejected for policy reasons on this gateway. Reasons for rejection may be related to content with spam-like characteristics or IP/domain reputation problems. If you are not an e-mail/network admin please contact your E-mail/Internet Service Provider for help. For e-mail delivery information, please go to MSN Postmaster
    Connection closed by foreign host.

    وهيك راح تعرف انوا السرفر وحطور من الهوت ميل

    جاهز لبرمجة سكربتات بإستخدام PHP وبإحتراف بدون دفعة اولى و الدفع بعد معاينة السكربت
    أخر الأعمال :
    التنين للإستضافة
    سكربت نكت كاهووو
    سكربت ردود الصحافة لكاهووو
    مولد النماذج البريدية

    الى جنات الخلد يا شيخ الشهداء ....الشهيد الحي احمد ياسين
    وانا لله وانا له لراجعون

  15. #30
    عضو فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2004

    جزاك الله خير اخوي كارم

    اخى ممكن تعطينى الايبى الخاص بيك عشان نفحص اذا علية بلوك او لا

    حياك الله اخوي وشكرا لك على مساعدتك

    لأسباب امنية امتنع عن وضع الآيبي بالموضوع

    طبق هذا الخطوات عن طريق الشل راح تعرف اذا السرفر علية حظر او لا

    telnet mx4.hotmail.com 25

    تظهر لك رسالة من الهوت ميل

    بعد تطبيق الامر السابق ظهرت هذه النتيجه

    كود PHP:
    Connected to mx4.hotmail.com (
    Escape character is '^]'.
    220 bay0-mc10-f21.bay0.hotmail.com Sending unsolicited commercial or bulk e-mail to Microsoft's computer network is prohibited. Other restrictions are found at http://privacy.msn.com/Anti-spam/. Violations will result in use of equipment located in California and other states. Fri, 20 Jun 2008 23:57:14 -0700 
    Connection closed by foreign host. 


    helo domennn.net

    طبعا domennnهو اسم موقعك

    وبعد تطبيق helo ×××××××.net

    ظهرت لي الرسالة التاليه

    -bash: helo: command not found

    تظهر لك رسالة اخرة من الهوت ميل

    وبعدها بتكتب

    mail from: admin@www.com

    وبعد ما عملت الامر التالي : mail from: admin@www.com

    ظهرت لي الكلمة التاليه : Subject: فقط

    اذا السرفر الخاص بك محظور راح تظهر لك الرسالة هذا

    550 Your e-mail was rejected for policy reasons on this gateway. Reasons for rejection may be related to content with spam-like characteristics or IP/domain reputation problems. If you are not an e-mail/network admin please contact your E-mail/Internet Service Provider for help. For e-mail delivery information, please go to MSN Postmaster
    Connection closed by foreign host.

    وهيك راح تعرف انوا السرفر وحطور من الهوت ميل

    وهذي رسالة وصلتني منهم


    Thank you for contacting the JMR Partner Management Team. My name is Abigail and I am responding to your request for enrollment to the Junk Mail Reporting Partner Program. I appreciate your interest in joining this program.

    ahmed, a digital signing agreement has been set up for you. You will receive an email with a link to the signing site. Log onto the site with your email address and use this access code - 3MsN$6. The site is easy to use but let us know if you need assistance.

    After signing the digital signing agreement please reply to this thread and let us know that the contract has been signed. Doing so will notify us so that we can begin the completion of your application into the Junk Mail Reporting Program.

    It happens that we also receive a number of questions concerning the complaint format. We offer two methods of forwarding complaint email messages: "Original" and "RFC822 Attachment."

    For "Original," the complaint is forwarded to us as-is. The "from" address is the Windows Live Hotmail users alias.

    For "RFC822 Attachment," the complaint is forwarded from staff@hotmail.com.

    We recommend that you have complaints forwarded to an address dedicated to Windows Live Hotmail complaints and having such complaints forwarded as "RFC822 Attachments." This would mean sending them as attachments. This will give you a way to uniquely identify any received email as complaints since they will be received in the Windows Live Hotmail complaint mailbox. These messages will appear to be coming from staff@hotmail.com. This also gives you an address you can add to your Safe Senders list so that forwarded complaints are not blocked by your spam filters.

    Also, the forwarding address is the email address where you want to receive email complaints. The contact alias is the email address of someone within your organization whom we can contact should there be any issues or problems.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to respond to us at the address that sent this email.


    Abigail Rose


    جزاكم الله كل خير

    وقل الحمد لله الذي لم يتخذ ولداً ولم يكن له شريك في الملك ولم يكن له ولي من الذل وكبّره تكبيراً

ضوابط المشاركة

  • لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
  • لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
  • لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
  • لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك

أضف موقعك هنا|شقق للايجار في الكويت | بيوت للبيع في الكويت | شركة كشف تسربات المياه | شركة عزل اسطح بالرياض | عزل فوم بالرياض| عزل اسطح بالرياض | كشف تسربات المياة بالرياض | شركة عزل اسطح بالرياض