النتائج 1 إلى 4 من 4

الموضوع: أغتنم الفرصه تم مضاعفة الترافيك لجميع سيرفرات نوكستر

  1. #1
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2002

    أغتنم الفرصه تم مضاعفة الترافيك لجميع سيرفرات نوكستر

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    أعضاء سوالف الموقرين نعلمكم انه تم مضاعفة الترافيك لجميع السيرفرات المقدمه من نوكستر
    سابقاً 1000 جيجا شهريا الآن 2000 جيجا شهرياً

    وايضا تم تركيب برامج ومعدات لحماية السيرفرات من هجمات الدوس وذلك من أجل نسبة اتصال مرتفعه وسرعة عالية بإذن الله

    لمشاهده العروض والأسعار

    مع تحيات
    إستضافة خمس نجوم

    www.5sHost.com غير متواجد حالياً

  2. #2
    عضو فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2003

    السلام عليكم

    شي طيب والله وخبر حلو

    وانا من الناس المتعاملة وياهم وفعلا خدمتهم ممتازة طبعا برفقة خمس نجوم

    وانصح الجميع باستغلال الفرصة

    ALARBIA.COM غير متواجد حالياً

  3. #3
    عضو فعال جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2003

    السلام عليكم

    بالتوفيق اخي الكريم فيصل أتمنى لك كل الخير .

    بالفعل خطوة جيده جدا منهم اضافة الفايروول الهاردوير .

    لكن وصلني هذا , ومعناه ان الاسعار تزيد على العملاء 7% من بداية شهر 1 ما اعرف اذا وصل لك نفسه ولا لا , عندي سيرفر باك اب هناك :

    Please be advised, effective for Feb 1 2005 service periods,
    rates will be increasing on specific services, as described below.

    The rate increase will be 7% (Retail Price) for existing clients (service ordered by Dec 16 2004),
    effective for service periods beginning February 1st, 2005 (Jan 15th Advance Billing Dates).
    Published rates for new offerings will increase 7%-10% on December 17th, and applicable as of that date.

    The rate increase is applicable to the following products/services:
    Dedicated Servers
    Virtual/Shared/Reseller Hosting

    The rate increase will NOT apply to the following products/services:
    Software Licensing (CPanel, Plesk, Windows, etc...)
    Internet Access (Dialup, Wireless, T1, DS3, etc...)
    Add-On/Feature Upgrades (Extra Drives, RAM, Backups, Firewalls, etc...)

    The primary factors leading to the rate increase are;
    1) PP&L Electric is raising rates statewide as of Jan 1 2005 by 8%-9%. Details: http://www.pplrateinfo.com/
    2) Purchase and installation of high-end Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) protection gear.

    Customers will receive the following benefits from the rate increase.

    1) Inbound Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) protection.
    BurstNETT has done much work in the past 6 months to increase overall network uptime, performance, and reliability.
    Denial of services attacks, however, have continued to plague the network due to it being outside of our control.
    BurstNET will be installing industry leading DDOS protection gear to improve service levels to our client base.

    2) Bandwidth Allocation Increase - Effective Jan 1 2005, the following bandwidth calculation method will be in affect:
    Bandwidth allocations for affected servers will be doubled. (ie...100GB = 200GB and 1000GB = 2000GB).
    The calculation method will now be via the 50/50 method. (ie...2000GB = 1000GB IN and 1000GB OUT)
    Previously, an IN + OUT calculation method was used.
    Effectively, the new method removes inbound bandwidth from the primary usage,
    which is usually 1/6th of overall traffic, thus enabling 10-20% higher outbound usage with this increase.

    3) Virtual/Shared Server Upgrades - BurstNETT will be upgrading all Virtual Hosting servers.
    Upgrades will be done with more powerful hardware, and RAID configurations for higher reliability and performance.
    Existing clients will be migrated to most current hosting plans/packages at their existing price point.

    4) Future Network Upgrades - BurstNETT will continue to upgrade and add redundancy to the network.

    5) VPS/VDS Rollout - BurstNET will be rolling out a Virtual Dedicated Server product line.
    This will enable a mid-tier product priced above Virtual Hosting, but below low-end Dedicated Servers packages.

    BurstNETT fully understands that many of our clientele have tight budgets, or reselling services for very little profit.
    Being in the budget hosting business, BurstNET works on very small margins ourselves, as many of our clients do.
    However, we feel that the ensuing benefits from this increase FAR outweigh the minimal increase itself.
    Protection from DDOS alone should allow for additional visitors, sales, clients retained, and services resold,
    generating you value far beyond the extra few dollars a month from the rate increase.
    With this increase, BurstNETT will continue to be able to provide you with great service--but an even better value.

    BurstNETT continues to offer managed services, at the same or better prices than unmanaged services from competitors.
    This is the first time in 13 years of business that BurstNETT has needed to majorly increase prices on services.
    It should be noted however, that the trend in the industry at this time is increasing prices,
    with several of our primary competitors doing so themselves over the past few months.

    45-Day notice is being given, rather than standard 30-Day notice,
    to allow non-endusers ample time to pass the rate increase along to their clientele as well...

    If you have any questions at all, or need clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Dept.

    Warm Regards,
    S. Matthew Arcus

    BurstNETT - an INC500T Company

    BurstNETT - The Speed the Internet TravelsT

    To place an order, or for more info, contact;
    BurstNET Technologies, Inc.T - BurstNETT
    Toll Free 24/7/365 Support: 1-877-BURSTNET
    Phone (570) 343-2200 - Fax (570) 343-9533
    PO Box #591 Scranton, PA 18501-0591 USA
    http://www.burst.net & http://www.nocster.net
    sales [AT] burst.net

    Copyright 1996-2004 ©
    BurstNET Technologies, Inc.T
    All Rights Reserved.

    سيكـــيوريتي واي لخدمات وأمن الانترنت

    SecurityWay غير متواجد حالياً

  4. #4
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2002

    اشكرك اخوي عدنان وهذا من طيب اصلك
    واشكرك اخوي محمد و ندعوا الله بالتوفيق للجميع

    ونعم وصلنا هذا الاعلان وهم ذكروا 7%-10% وحسب ما فهمت من الرساله ان 7% للسيرفرات الحاليه ولكن تحدثت مع Benji على الماسنجر وقالي الاسعار راح تكون حسب ما هو موضح في موقعهم

    تحياتي واحترامي للجميع

    www.5sHost.com غير متواجد حالياً

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