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الموضوع: الدرس(9): الفلاتر

  1. الدرس(9): الفلاتر

    المرشح Filter : عبارة عن قطعة من الزجاج أو البلاستيك أو الجيلاتين دائرية الشكل أو مربعة توضع على العدسة و تكون ذات لون معين فتعمل على حجز ألوان معينة أو السماح بمرورها ، كما أنها يقوم تضفي تاثيرات جميلة على الصورة وتعالج بعض المشاكل الفنية سواء في الفيلم الأبيض والأسود أو الفيلم الملون.
    وليس هذا فحسب بل ان للفلاتر وظائف اخرى خارج العدسة وآالة التصوير اذ تستخدم في عمليات الطبع والتكبير احيانا ، او تستخدم بتثبيتها على الكشافات والفلاشات ولكنا سنتكتفي بالحديث عن استخدامها في التقاط الصورة فقط.

    ان زيارة واحدة لي محل للتصوير وطلبك الكتالوج الخاص بالفلاتر لاشك انك ستشاهد مجموعة من الفلاتر ذات التأثيرات المختلفة والالوان العديدة التي تحتاجها وفقا للصورة التي وضعتها في مخيلتك ، ومن المعروف أن الفلاتر الزجاجية الدائرية تكون ذات جودة عالية واغلى ثمنا ، أما الفلاتر المربعة المصنوعة من البلاستيك او الجيلاتين فهي أقل سعرا وجودة وتثبت على حامل خاص في العدسة.
    هناك العديد من المرشحات التي صنعت لاستخدام أغراض تصويرية مختلفة ومن أهمها:
    • Polarizer filter: وهو من أكثر الفلاتر استخداما ومن مميزاتها أنه يزيد من زرقة السماء خاصة في ظروف الاضاء ة العالية ، كما يمتص الانعكاسات المائية او المتكونة على زجاج المحلات .
    • Ultra Violet filter (UV): ومهمته امتصاص قدر كبير من الأشعة فوق البنفسجية التي تدخل العدسة اثناء التصوير أي أنه يقي عين المصور من هذه الأشعة المضرة وهو من الفلاتر المهمة لأي عدسة .





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  2. Filters
    1.Warm –up filter:
    A warm up filter is an orange colored filter which is used to give a scene a warm look, almost as if the sun is shining extra hard. It is perfect for overcast days when scenes look boring and uninviting.
    The warm-up is generally given the code no (81) and the filters range in strength from A to D. The best general purpose warm-up filter to buy is an (81B).
    Like most filters, a warm up filters absorbs some of the light going into the camera so u needs to keep an eye on the shutter speed. Luckily any exposure alteration will be handled by an SLR’s TTL metering
    2. Polariser filters:
    It’s a dark filter which, when fitted to the lens, boots color and improves contrast.
    With the filter attached to the camera, it has to be rotated to vary the polarizing effect. Look through the lens and while turning the filter notice how skies darken and reflection on windows disappear.
    To work at its best, the polarizer must be positioned at 45 degree to the light source. It works best on bright sunny days and is the perfect filter to take on holiday when blue skies are guaranteed.
    Used with a wide angle lens, a polarizer is perfect for making the most of color. Get up close to the telephone box and shot from a low angle looking up at blue sky. A perfect situation for the polarizer!
    Being a dark filter, a polarizer absorbs a lot of light so you’ll need to take care with exposures. When your camera says a scene is, say 1/250 sec at F/8 without filter, it will drop to 1/60 sec at F/8 with the polarizer attached! To avoid slower shutter speeds turning into camera shake you’d be advised to carry a tripod with you whenever you go out to use a polarizer!
    Polarizer & Circular Polarizer - Essential for outdoor photography; deepens intensity of blue skies; reduces or eliminates glare. Use circular polarizers for auto-focus cameras, as recommended by the camera manufacturer.
    Warm Polarizer - For color imaging, a combination of exclusive Tiffen 812 filter and polarizing filter; warms skintones & scenics.

    الصور المرفقة الصور المرفقة    
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  3. Grey Graduated Filter:
    It is a half colored filter which, when fitted to the lens, darkens one part of the scene. Especially suited to skies, the graduated filter can be used to darken them and retain detail in areas which would otherwise be bleached out throw overexposure. The grey graduated variety is the most versatile of graduated filters, and comes in varying strengths, from 1 (lightest) to (3) darkest).
    When using a graduated filter always take the metre reading before the filter is attached, this will maximize its effectiveness.

    ND filter:
    Neutral Density filters are often ignored by photographers, but they have several uses and offer the possibility to achieve otherwise unachievable results.
    ND filters appear grey and reduce the amount of light reaching the film , they have no effect on color balance. They have 4 main uses:
     To enable slow shutter speeds to be used, especially with fast films, to record movement in subjects such as waterfalls, clouds, cars, seas, etc.
     To decrease depth of field by allowing wider apertures to be used, which helps separate subjects from their background.
     To decrease the effective ISO of high speed film and allow it to used outdoors in blight situations.
    Soft-focus filter:
    Use it for moments when you want to add mode to a scene. This can be especially good for portraits, when you want to make the person appear romantic, but equally the soft-focus filter is also good for injecting atmosphere to landscapes and still lifes.
    Used carefully and not excessively, the soft focus of diffuser filter can be a useful ally.
    I f you want to get the most out of the soft –focus filter you need to be careful of the aperture you’re using.
    Basically, the wider the aperture you use, the greater the soft-focus effect will be. So, using an aperture of f/4 or 5.6 will give plenty of soft- focus whereas an aperture of f/16 will give hardly any effect at all.

    Ultra Violet(UV):
    Everyone needs a UV filter! It’s clear clear, which means that it can left fitted to your lens at all the times, so providing valuable protection from the precious lens front elements from being scratched or damaged.
    But on a creative level, the UV or Ultra Violet filter
    Cuts down on glare and flare in a scene, so is ideal for landscapes and other shots taken outdoors where the risk flare and haze is at its greatest.

    الصور المرفقة الصور المرفقة     
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    PHOTOGRAPHER غير متواجد حالياً

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