وجدت صفحة على الانترنت يضع فيها عدد من اكواد الجافا سكريبت لازاله الاعلانات المزعجه قد تفيد البعض ممن يضع صور او شرح او ملفات وازعجته الاعلانات
تنبية البعض يحذر من استخدام هذه الاكواد لانه لو اكتشف انك تستخدمها سيتم ازاله موقعك (زين انه مجاني بس)
حاولت ارتبها وان شاء الله تظهر في المنتدى بشكل جيد
Put this between the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags on your first page to remove the annoying popup.
We have three ways of doing this, the first one before the hash line makes your real url visible to visitors, the second lets you control the popup window, the third closes the window after a set amount of time.
كود PHP:
<!-- ############# Num 1 ############# -->
<!-- BannerKilla , FATAL-TERROR -->
if (window.top != window.self) { window.top.location=window.self }
<!-- ############# Num 2 ############# -->
<!-- BannerKilla , FATAL-TERROR -->
subwin = window.open("http://YourHost.com/YourAccount/PopupPage","subwindow","height=100,width=486");
<!-- ############# Num 2 ############# -->
<!-- BannerKilla , FATAL-TERROR -->
<script language="JavaScript">
setup += 'scrollbars=no,resizable=no'
pop = window.open ("","subwindow",setup)
<!-- This is the title to change for on the new window you open -->
pop.document.write('C4r0|yn W0r|d');
pop.document.write('<script language="javascript">');
<!-- This is the line to change for how long the window is open -->
<!-- Its milliseconds , so 5000 is 5 seconds, 1000 is 1 second. -->
<!-- This changes the colour of the main background. -->
pop.document.write('<body bgcolor=#FFFF80>');
<!-- This is the actual content of the window you are opening -->
pop.document.write('<center><h3>Dont forget to visit</h3></center>');
pop.document.write('<center><h3><a href="http://fatalterror.tripod.com" target="_blank">FATAL-TERROR</a></h3></center>');
pop.document.write('<center><h6>For all your BannerKillers :)</h6></center>');
50 Megs.com
Put this between the <HEAD> and <TITLE> tags on all your pages.
كود PHP:
<!-- BannerKilla , FATAL-TERROR -->
<!-- <BODY> -->
Make sure that the eval line all goes on one line, and place this above the <HTML> tag. Also, make sure your advert type is set to Popop.
كود PHP:
<!-- BannerKilla , FATAL-TERROR -->
<script language="Javascript">
Surround their banner code with the tags provided.Frame.
كود PHP:
<!-- BannerKilla , FATAL-TERROR -->
<noscript>Their Banner Code Here</noscript>
Removes the popups, even the realtracker one. Read the instructions carefully.
كود PHP:
This is more of a how to than a code.
In the "What is your real web site address?" textbox when your editing your account...
Replace the YOURSITE with the link to your site and add this...
YOURSITE"><script language="JavaScript"><!--function open() { // override the window.open() method}//--></script><A HREF="YOURSITE
Hey presto, your popups are gone !
If you still want the site to record your hits, add this on your page ...
Replace YOURSITE with your cjb.net site name....
<script language="JavaScript" src="http://tpl1.realtracker.com/netpoll/ifreev3ia.asp?user=YOURSITE&pn=90023&to=-360&username=YOURSITE.cjb.net&userurl=http://YOURSITE.cjb.net%2F">
And to see your stats, simply create a link to the following...
Replace YOURSITE with your cjb.net site name....
Fortune City
Put the first half above the <HTML> tag, and the second part above the </BODY> tag on all your pages to get rid of that anoyin Floating Frame.
كود PHP:
<!-- BannerKilla , FATAL-TERROR -->
<!-- Put This Above The <HTML> Tag-->
<div style="position:relative;top:-110;z-index:0;background:;">
<!--And Put this above the < /BODY> tag-->
Free Yellow
Put this before your </body> tag.
كود PHP:
<!-- BannerKilla , FATAL-TERROR -->
Geocities (Yahoo!)
Put this after the </html> tag on all your pages to remove the annoying Floating Frame.
كود PHP:
<!-- BannerKilla , FATAL-TERROR -->
put this code before the <html>
كود PHP:
<!----COPY N PASTE---->
Surround their bannercode with the tags provided.
كود PHP:
<!-- BannerKilla , FATAL-TERROR -->
<noscript>Their Bannner Code Goes Here</noscript>
Put this in the <head> tag on all your pages to remove the big ass banner.
كود PHP:
<!-- BannerKilla , FATAL-TERROR -->
function open () {return true;}
if (top.location != document.location) top.location = document.location;
Put this before the <html> tag on all your pages.
كود PHP:
popup = window.open("","tcnav")
Add this between the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags on your page, and make sure this is also there "<!-- %%NOBANNER%% -->" minus the quotes.
كود PHP:
<!-- BannerKilla , FATAL-TERROR -->
<script language='Javascript'>
OpenWin = window.open('about:blank','6B8B4567');
// -->
Put this after the </head> tag and above the <body> tag.
كود PHP:
<!-- BannerKilla , FATAL-TERROR -->
<noscript><noscript><noscript><noscript> <body> </noscript></noscript></noscript></noscript>
Put this code before the <html> tag.
كود PHP:
popup = window.open("/frame/index.cfm","216226215132")
Virtual Avenue
Put this code after the </html> tag.
كود PHP:
<!-- BannerKilla , FATAL-TERROR -->
Xoom / NBCI
Put this code between the <head> and </head> tags.
كود PHP:
<!-- BannerKilla , FATAL-TERROR -->
<script language="JavaScript">
if (window != window.top)
top.location.href = location.href;
// -->
الحمد لله انتهيت من نقل جميع الاكواد هنا بالمنتدى حتى يستفاد منها
هذي هي الصفحة