النتائج 1 إلى 2 من 2

الموضوع: albaity ارجوا الدخول

  1. #1
    عضو سوبر نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2000

    ماهي التغييرات الازمة الى wwwthreads php في الملفين الرئيسيين بالنسبة لشركة f2s اكيد لك حساب عندهم اذا اكتبه على انه حسابك وانا اعرف وش الازم تغييره على ضوء ماتكتبه وشكراً

    أكاديمية عبدالله عيد التعليمية
    KSA غير متواجد حالياً

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2000

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // WWWThreads - PHP
    // Wired Community Software
    // Rick Baker (rbaker@wcsoft.net)
    // (c) Copyright 1999-2000
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // ------------------
    // Database Variables

    // What type of database are you running
    // current options
    // mysql, (postgres, sybase are available but untested)
    $config['dbtype'] = "mysql";

    // Server hosting the database
    $config['dbserver'] = "localhost";

    // Username that has permissions to the database
    $config['dbuser'] = "albaity";

    // Password for the database
    $config['dbpass'] = "albaityfree";

    // Name of the database
    $config['dbname'] = "albaity";

    // If you are using mysql do you want to use persistent connections?
    // Note that on some hosted servers you may not be allowed to do this
    // so contact your host before setting this to "on"
    // Options: "on" - Use persistent: "off" - Don't use persistent
    $config['persistent'] = "on";

    // ----------------------
    // Path and Url variables

    // Url to the main WWWThreads php install
    $config['phpurl'] = "http://albaity.datablocks.net/php/wwwthreads";

    // Relative Url containing the images
    $config['images'] = "http://albaity.datablocks.net/php/wwwthreads/images";

    // Path to your images directory, needed for calculating image sizes
    $config['imagepath'] = "/home/sites/albaity/web/php/wwwthreads/images";

    // Url to your stylesheets directory
    $config['styledir'] = "http://albaity.datablocks.net/php/wwwthreads/stylesheets";

    // Path to your WWWThreads php install
    $config['path'] = "/home/sites/albaity/web/php/wwwthreads";

    // Path to save session information
    // This is only used if $config['tracking'] = "sessions"
    // Needs to be a world writeable directory outside of your html tree
    $config['sessionpath'] = "/home/sites/albaity/web/php/wwwthreads/sessions";

    // Domain that wwwthreads is running under.
    $config['referer'] = "http://albaity.datablocks.net|http://albaity.datablocks.net";

    // --------------------------
    // Site specific / Navigation

    // Title of site
    $config['title'] = "منتدي البيتي";

    // Your Home page URL
    $config['homeurl'] = "http://albaity.datablocks.net";

    // Title of Homepage link
    $config['urltitle'] = "albaity.com";

    // Email address
    $config['emailaddy'] = "albaity@hotmail.com";

    // EMail Title
    $config['emailtitle'] = "اتصل بنا";

    // -----------------
    // Special Functions

    // Do you want to use sessions or cookies to track your users
    // values = "cookies" or "sessions";
    $config['tracking'] = "cookies";

    // This one variable is used to open or close your forums. Set this to
    // 1 if you want to work on your forums. If this is set to 1 then your
    // forums will only be accessible by the admin users. Make sure you are
    // logged in as an admin before you close the forums.
    $config['isclosed'] = 0;

    // Show the user list in the navigation menu?
    // 0 = No : 1 = Yes
    $config['userlist'] = 1;

    // What type of main page do you want to use.
    // 0 = all categories and forums - mainpage = wwwthreads.php
    // 1 = categories only - mainpage = categories.php
    $config['catsonly'] = 0;

    // Allow all users to place polls in posts? If this is off, then only
    // admin and moderators may use the polls feature
    $config['allowpolls'] = "on";

    // Do you want everyone to vote, or just registered users?
    // 1 = everyone : 0 = registered
    $config['whovote'] = 1;

    // How long after a post has been made, can it be edited by the poster?
    // This variable is in hours, so you can also use .5 for values of less
    // than an hour for example
    $config['edittime'] = "6";

    // Strip everything between < and > signs in email replies and subscriptions
    $config[stripcodes] = "off";

    // Check the user's age before creating an account to be compliant with the
    // COPPA law found at http://www.ftc.gov/opa/1999/9910/childfinal.htm
    // Values = "on" or "off"
    $config['checkage'] = "off";

    // Allow special characters in usernames
    // Values = "on" or "off"
    $config['specialc'] = "off";

    // Allow moderators to edit/delete regular users
    // Values = "on" or "off"
    $config['modedit'] = "on";

    // Allow users that are not logged in to choose an unregistered name
    // for their post instead of the default Anonymous
    $config[anonnames] = "on";

    // Default language. Options can be found in the languages directory
    $config['language'] = "english";

    // Censored replacement word. If you have anything in your filters/badwords
    // file then any words matched when adding a new post will be replaced with
    // this word. Set this to "" if you do not want to censor words.
    $config['censored'] = "[censored]";

    // Max length of subjects
    $config['subjectlength'] = "50";

    // Max length of signatures
    $config['Sig_length'] = "100";

    // When persistent cookies will expire (Number of seconds from current time)
    $config['cookieexp'] = "1036800";

    // If displayed times need to be adjusted, in hours (2,1,0,-1,-2)
    $config['adjusttime'] = "0";

    // Show the ip address of the posters
    // 0 - Show to nobody
    // 1 - Show to everyone
    // 2 - Show to moderators and admins
    // 3 - Show to admins only
    $config['showip'] = "1";

    // SHow the number of times a thread has been viewed
    $config['showviews'] = "1";

    // Show the total number of registered users on the main page
    $config['showreg'] = "1";

    // Allow subscriptions to boards. If you allow this then you have to
    // have subscriptions.php in the cron directory setup to run nightly
    $config['subscriptions'] = "1";

    // Allow private messages. User's will still receive the welcome message
    // and private messages will still be used for admin purposes, but general
    // users will not be able to send private messages.
    $config['private'] = "1";

    // Allow the [image] markup tag.
    $config['allowimages'] = "1";

    // Allow File Attachemnts. If you provide a path to a directory below
    // then File Attachments will be allowed. If you leave it blank, then they
    // will not. Make sure this directory is writeable by everyone
    $config['files'] = "/home/sites/albaity/web/php/wwwthreads";

    // We also need the url to the files directory
    $config['fileurl'] = "http://albaity.datablocks.net/php/wwwthreads";

    // Do you want to only allow certain file types, or exclude certain file
    // types? Only uncomment one of the following. Seperate your filetypes with
    // a ,
    // $config[excludefiles] = ".php,.asp,.js,.vbs,.sht,.htm";
    $config[allowfiles] = ".zip,.txt,.gif,.jpg,.jpeg,.bmp";

    // Maximum filesize allowed
    $config['filesize'] = "100000";

    // Your time zone - PST, EST, etc
    $config['timezone'] = "PST";

    // Allow users to specify their password at the time of creating the userid
    $config['userpass'] = "on";

    // Allow multiple usernames form the same email address
    // On- allow multiple usernames from same email. off - disallow
    $config['multiuser'] = "off";

    // Default to having a preview post screen?
    $config['preview'] = "on";

    // Dateslip. If this is on, when replies are made to a thread, this thread
    // will be moved up to the top of the post list when sorting by descending
    // date. If this is off, then threads will stay in their original spot.
    $config['dateslip'] = "on";

    // These are the extra fields for users to fill out in their profiles.
    // If you leave these blank they will not be users. If you give them a
    // title then they will show up on the user's profile page.
    $config['extra1'] = "ICQ";
    $config['extra2'] = "";
    $config['extra3'] = "";
    $config['extra4'] = "";
    $config['extra5'] = "";

    // Use the ICQ status indicator. Depending on the size of your user database
    // you might be required to turn this off. Please read the ICQ license
    // agreemtn at http://www.icq.com/legal/indicator.html
    $config['ICQ_Status'] = "on";



    <? /* Main functions and classes */
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // WWWThreads - PHP
    // Wired Community Software
    // Rick Baker (rbaker@wcsoft.net)
    // (c) Copyright 1999-2000
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    $thispath = "/home/sites/albaity/web/php/wwwthreads";


    // -------------------------------------
    // Strip out all of those pesky slashes
    if ( (is_array($GLOBALS)==1) && (get_magic_quotes_gpc()==1) ){
    while( list($key,$value) = each($GLOBALS)) {
    if (is_string($value) == 1) {
    $GLOBALS[$key] = stripslashes($value);

    // ---------------------------
    // Turn off the magic quoting

    // ---------------------------------------------------
    // If we are using sessions, we start the session here
    if ($config[tracking] == "sessions") {

    if (!$w3t_language) {
    $w3t_language = $config[language];

    $dbh = new sql;
    $dbh -> connect();

    // ########################################################################
    // Define class for sending html
    // ########################################################################
    class html {

    // ######################################################################
    // Grab the title and send the header
    // ######################################################################
    function send_header($inputTitle="",$Cat="",$refresh="",$Username="",$Password="",$bypass="",$user="") {

    global $theme, $config, $lang, $dbh, $thispath, $w3t_myname, $w3t_mypass;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // If we don't have a status then they we need to try and authenticate
    if (!$user['U_Status']) {

    $user[U_Username] = $w3t_myname;
    $user[U_Password] = $w3t_mypass;

    $userob = new user;
    $user = $userob -> authenticate($user[U_Username],$user[U_Password],'U_Username, U_Password');


    // -----------------------------
    // Grab any personal preferences
    $FrontPage = $user["U_FrontPage"];
    $Privates = $user["U_Privates"];
    $StyleSheet= $user["U_StyleSheet"];
    $Status = $user["U_Status"];
    $language = $user["U_Language"];
    if (!$language) { $language = $config['language']; }
    echo "<HTML><HEAD>";

    if ($refresh) {
    echo "$refresh";

    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // If they don't have a stylesheet pref we use the default
    if (!$StyleSheet) {
    $StyleSheet = $theme['stylesheet'];

    // ----------------------------------------------------
    // For certain languages we need to specify an encoding
    if ($language == "polish") {
    echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-2\">";
    elseif ($language == "russian") {
    print "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1251\">";
    elseif ($language == "chinese") {
    print "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=gb2313\">";
    elseif ($language == "big5") {
    print "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=big5\">";

    // -----------------------
    // include the style sheet
    echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"$config[styledir]/$StyleSheet.css\" type=\"text/css\">";

    // ---------------------------------------------------
    // If we need to include some javascript we do it here
    if ($user["java"]) {
    $javafile = $config['path'] ."/includes/" .$user['java'] .".js";

    if ($inputTitle == $config[title]) {
    require ("languages/$lang[THIS_FILE]/online.php");
    $What = getenv ("SCRIPT_NAME");
    $script[0] = "";
    preg_match ("/(.*)\/(.*).php/",$What,$script);
    $What = $script[2];
    if (ereg("faq_",$What)) {
    $What = "faq_english";
    $inputTitle = $lang[$What];
    if (!$inputTitle) { $inputTitle = $lang[all_admin]; }

    echo "<TITLE>$inputTitle - $lang[POWERED_BY] WWWThreads PHP</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>";

    // ----------------------------
    // require the header.php file
    echo "<SPAN CLASS=\"onbody\">";
    include "$thispath/includes/header.php";
    echo "</SPAN>";

    // -----------------------------------------------------
    // If the forum is closed the we only let admins proceed
    if ($config['isclosed'] && $user['U_Status'] != "Administrator") {
    $this -> open_table();
    echo "
    <TR CLASS=\"lighttable\">
    include "$thispath/includes/closedforums.php";
    $this -> close_table();

    echo "<tr><td align=\"center\" class=\"menubar\">";

    // ----------------------------------------------------
    // If they have private messages we give the PM flasher
    if ($Privates) {
    echo "
    <a href=\"$config[phpurl]/login.php?Cat=$Cat\">
    <img src= \"$config[images]/newpm.gif\" border=0 alt=\"$lang[WEL_PRIV2] $Privates $lang[WEL_PRIV3]\">

    $spacer = " | ";

    // ----------------------------
    // Set up the faq file to go to
    $language = "faq_" .$language;

    // ----------------------
    // What is our main page?
    $mainpage = "wwwthreads";
    if ($config['catsonly']) {
    $mainpage = "categories";
    if (!$FrontPage) {
    $FrontPage = $mainpage;

    // ---------------------------------------------------
    // If they aren't logged in they get the standard menu
    $phpurl = $config['phpurl'];
    if ( !$user['U_Username'] || $bypass == 1 ) {
    echo "
    <a href=\"$phpurl/$FrontPage.php?Cat=$Cat\">$lang[FORUM_IND]</a>
    <a href=\"$phpurl/search.php?Cat=$Cat\">$lang[TEXT_SEARCH]</a>
    <a href=\"$phpurl/newuser.php?Cat=$Cat\">$lang[NEW_USER]</a>
    <a href=\"$phpurl/login.php?Cat=$Cat\">$lang[BUTT_LOGIN]</a>
    <a href=\"$phpurl/online.php?Cat=$Cat\">$lang[WHO_ON]</a>
    <a href=\"$phpurl/$language.php?Cat=$Cat\">$lang[FAQ_TEXT]</a>

    // Since we still want to see non logged in users on the online screen
    // we need to track this by IP
    $IP = getenv ("REMOTE_ADDR");
    $What = getenv ("SCRIPT_NAME");
    $script[0] = "";
    preg_match ("/(.*)\/(.*).php/",$What,$script);
    $What = $script[2];
    $Last = time();
    $Username = "-ANON-$IP";
    $What = addslashes($What);
    $Username = addslashes($Username);

    $query = "
    REPLACE INTO w3t_Online
    VALUES ('$Username','$Last','$What')
    $dbh -> do_query($query);


    // Otherwise they are logged in so they get the special menu
    else {

    // ------------------------------
    // Update the who's online screen
    $Username = addslashes($user['U_Username']);
    $What = getenv ("SCRIPT_NAME");
    $script[0] = "";
    preg_match ("/(.*)\/(.*).php/",$What,$script);
    $What = $script[2];
    $Last = time();
    $What = addslashes($What);
    $Username = addslashes($Username);

    $query = "
    REPLACE INTO w3t_Online
    VALUES ('$Username','$Last','$What')
    $dbh -> do_query($query);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    // We need to check for a temporary cookie and if we don't find
    // one then this is their first visit for that browser session
    // so we get rid of the TempRead values in their profile
    if ( !$w3t_visit ) {
    $date = time();
    $query = "
    UPDATE w3t_Users
    SET U_Laston = $date,
    U_TempRead = ''
    WHERE U_Username = '$Username'
    AND U_Laston < ($date - 14300)
    $dbh -> do_query($query);

    $phpurl = $config['phpurl'];

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // If they are an admin or moderator they get a link to the admin sec
    if ( ($user['U_Status'] == "Administrator") || ($user['U_Status'] == "Moderator") ) {
    echo "
    <a href = \"$phpurl/admin/login.php?Cat=$Cat\">$lang[ADMIN_MENU]</a>

    echo "
    <a href = \"$phpurl/$FrontPage.php?Cat=$Cat\">$lang[FORUM_IND]</a>
    <a href = \"$phpurl/search.php?Cat=$Cat\">$lang[TEXT_SEARCH]</a>
    <a href = \"$phpurl/editprofile.php?Cat=$Cat\">$lang[EDIT_PROF]</a>

    if ($config['private']) {
    echo "
    <a href = \"$phpurl/sendprivate.php?Cat=$Cat\">$lang[PRIV_MENU]</a>

    echo "
    <a href = \"$phpurl/login.php?Cat=$Cat\">$lang[CPRIV_MENU]</a>
    <a href = \"$phpurl/online.php?Cat=$Cat\">$lang[WHO_ON]</a>
    <a href = \"$phpurl/$language.php?Cat=$Cat\">$lang[FAQ_TEXT]</a>
    <a href = \"$phpurl/logout.php?Cat=$Cat\">$lang[LOGOUT_TEXT]</a>

    // -----------------------------
    // Are we showing the user list?
    if ($config['userlist']) {
    echo "
    <a href=\"$phpurl/showmembers.php?Cat=$Cat&page=1\">$lang[USER_LIST]</a>

    echo "<p>";

    // #######################################################################
    // Not right - something went wrong - UHOH!
    // #######################################################################
    function not_right($error="",$Cat="",$header="") {

    global $lang,$theme;

    if (!$header) {
    $this -> send_header("$lang[NO_PROCEED]",$Cat,0,0,0,0);
    $this -> table_header($lang[NO_PROCEED]);
    echo "
    <TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=\"$theme[tablewidth]\" ALIGN=\"$theme[tablealign]\">
    <TR class=\"cleartable\"><TD>
    <SPAN CLASS=\"onbody\">
    $this -> send_footer();

    // #######################################################################
    // Check_refer
    // #######################################################################
    function check_refer($Cat="") {

    global $config,$lang;

    $valid = 0;
    $referers = split("\|",$config[referer]);
    for ($i=0; $i <= (sizeof($referers)-1); $i++) {
    if (eregi($referers[$i],getenv('HTTP_REFERER'))) {
    if (!$valid) {
    $this -> not_right("$lang[NOT_VALID]",$Cat);

    // #######################################################################
    // Markup a string
    // #######################################################################
    function do_markup($Body="") {

    global $lang,$config;
    // ------------------------
    // Encode bolds and italics
    $Body =eregi_replace("\[b\]","<b>",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("\[i\]","<i>",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("\[\/i\]","</i>",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("\[\/b\]","</b>",$Body);

    // -----------------------
    // Convert the color codes
    $Body =eregi_replace("\[$lang[COLOR_RED]\]","<font color=red>",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("\[\/$lang[COLOR_RED]\]","</font color=red>",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("\[$lang[COLOR_GREEN]\]","<font color=green>",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("\[\/$lang[COLOR_GREEN]\]","</font color=green>",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("\[$lang[COLOR_BLUE]\]","<font color=blue>",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("\[\/$lang[COLOR_BLUE]\]","</font color=blue>",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("\[$lang[COLOR_ORANGE]\]","<font color=orange>",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("\[\/$lang[COLOR_ORANGE]\]","</font color=orange>",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("\[$lang[COLOR_PURPLE]\]","<font color=purple>",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("\[\/$lang[COLOR_PURPLE]\]","</font color=purple>",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("\[$lang[COLOR_WHITE]\]","<font color=white>",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("\[\/$lang[COLOR_WHITE]\]","</font color=white>",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("\[$lang[COLOR_BLACK]\]","<font color=black>",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("\[\/$lang[COLOR_BLACK]\]","</font color=black>",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("\[$lang[COLOR_YELLOW]\]","<font color=yellow>",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("\[\/$lang[COLOR_YELLOW]\]","</font color=yellow>",$Body);

    // Convert the smileys
    $Body = eregi_replace("\[$lang[ICON_SMILE]\]","<img src=\"$config[images]/icons/smile.gif\">",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("\[$lang[ICON_FROWN]\]","<img src=\"$config[images]/icons/frown.gif\">",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("\[$lang[ICON_BLUSH]\]","<img src=\"$config[images]/icons/blush.gif\">",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("\[$lang[ICON_COOL]\]","<img src=\"$config[images]/icons/cool.gif\">",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("\[$lang[ICON_CRAZY]\]","<img src=\"$config[images]/icons/crazy.gif\">",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("\[$lang[ICON_LAUGH]\]","<img src=\"$config[images]/icons/laugh.gif\">",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("\[$lang[ICON_MAD]\]","<img src=\"$config[images]/icons/mad.gif\">",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("\[$lang[ICON_SHOCKED]\]","<img src=\"$config[images]/icons/shocked.gif\">",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("\[$lang[ICON_TONGUE]\]","<img src=\"$config[images]/icons/tongue.gif\">",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("\[$lang[ICON_WINK]\]","<img src=\"$config[images]/icons/wink.gif\">",$Body);

    // -------------
    // Quote markup
    $Body = eregi_replace("\[$lang[TEXT_QUOTE]\]","<blockquote><font class=\"small\">$lang[IN_REPLY]:</font><hr><p>",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("\[/$lang[TEXT_QUOTE]\]","<p><hr></blockquote>",$Body);

    // HTML markup
    // ---------------------------
    $Body = eregi_replace("\[pre\]","<pre>",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("\[/pre\]","</pre>",$Body);

    // ---------------------------
    // Convert url markup -> html
    $Body = preg_replace("/\[url\]http:\/\/([^\[]*?)\[\/url\]/","<a target=\"_blank\" href=http://\\1>http://\\1</a>",$Body);
    $Body = preg_replace("/\[url\]https:\/\/([^\[]*?)\[\/url\]/","<a target=\"_blank\" href=https://\\1>https://\\1</a>",$Body);
    $Body = preg_replace("/\[url\]([^\[]*?)\[\/url\]/","<a target=\"_blank\" href=http://\\1>\\1</a>",$Body);
    $Body = preg_replace("/\[url=http:\/\/(.*?)\]([^\[]*?)\[\/url\]/","<a target=\"_blank\" href=http://\\1>\\2</a>",$Body);
    $Body = preg_replace("/\[url=https:\/\/(.*?)\]([^\[]*?)\[\/url\]/","<a target=\"_blank\" href=https://\\1>\\2</a>",$Body);
    $Body = preg_replace("/\[url=(.*?)\]([^\[]*?)\[\/url\]/","<a target=\"_blank\" href=http://\\1>\\2</a>",$Body);

    // ----------------------------
    // Convert email markup -> html
    $Body = eregi_replace("\[$lang[TEXT_EMAIL]\]([^\[]*)\[/$lang[TEXT_EMAIL]\]","<a href=\"mailto:\\1\">\\1</a>",$Body);

    // ---------------------
    // Convert image markup
    if ($config[allowimages]) {
    $Body = eregi_replace("\[$lang[TEXT_IMAGE]\]http([^\[]*)(.gif|.jpg)\[/$lang[TEXT_IMAGE]\]","<img src=\"http\\1\\2\">",$Body);

    return $Body;


    // #######################################################################
    // Remove Markup from a string
    // #######################################################################
    function undo_markup($Body="") {

    global $lang,$config;
    // ------------------------
    // Encode bolds and italics
    $Body =eregi_replace("<b>","",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("<i>","",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("</i>","
    $Body =eregi_replace("</b>","

    // -----------------------
    // Convert the color codes
    $Body =eregi_replace("<font color=red>","[$lang[COLOR_RED]]",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("</font color=red>","[/$lang[COLOR_RED]]",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("<font color=green>","[$lang[COLOR_GREEN]]",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("</font color=green>","[/$lang[COLOR_GREEN]]",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("<font color=blue>","[$lang[COLOR_BLUE]]",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("</font color=blue>","[/$lang[COLOR_BLUE]]",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("<font color=orange>","[$lang[COLOR_ORANGE]]",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("</font color=orange>","[/$lang[COLOR_ORANGE]]",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("<font color=purple>","[$lang[COLOR_PURPLE]]",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("</font color=purple>","[/$lang[COLOR_PURPLE]]",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("<font color=white>","[$lang[COLOR_WHITE]]",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("</font color=white>","[/$lang[COLOR_WHITE]]",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("<font color=black>","[$lang[COLOR_BLACK]]",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("</font color=black>","[/$lang[COLOR_BLACK]]",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("<font color=yellow>","[$lang[COLOR_YELLOW]]",$Body);
    $Body =eregi_replace("</font color=yellow>","[/$lang[COLOR_YELLOW]]",$Body);

    // Convert the smileys
    $Body = eregi_replace("<img src=\"$config[images]/icons/smile.gif\">","[$lang[ICON_SMILE]]",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("<img src=\"$config[images]/icons/frown.gif\">","[$lang[ICON_FROWN]]",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("<img src=\"$config[images]/icons/blush.gif\">","[$lang[ICON_BLUSH]]",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("<img src=\"$config[images]/icons/cool.gif\">","[$lang[ICON_COOL]]",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("<img src=\"$config[images]/icons/crazy.gif\">","[$lang[ICON_CRAZY]]",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("<img src=\"$config[images]/icons/laugh.gif\">","[$lang[ICON_LAUGH]]",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("<img src=\"$config[images]/icons/mad.gif\">","[$lang[ICON_MAD]]",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("<img src=\"$config[images]/icons/shocked.gif\">","[$lang[ICON_SHOCKED]]",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("<img src=\"$config[images]/icons/tongue.gif\">","[$lang[ICON_TONGUE]]",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("<img src=\"$config[images]/icons/wink.gif\">","[$lang[ICON_WINK]]",$Body);

    // -------------
    // Quote markup
    $Body = eregi_replace("<blockquote><font class=\"small\">$lang[IN_REPLY]:</font><hr><p>","[$lang[TEXT_QUOTE]]",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("<p><hr></blockquote>","[/$lang[TEXT_QUOTE]]",$Body);

    // HTML markup
    // ---------------------------
    $Body = eregi_replace("<pre>","[pre]",$Body);
    $Body = eregi_replace("</pre>","[/pre]",$Body);

    // ---------------------------
    // Convert url markup -> html
    $Body = preg_replace("/<a href=\"http:\/\/(.*?)\" target=\"_new\">(.*?)<\/a>/i","\\2",$Body);
    $Body = preg_replace("/<a target=\"_blank\" href=(.*?)>(.*?)<\/a>/i","\\2",$Body);

    // ----------------------------
    // Convert email markup -> html
    $Body = eregi_replace("<a href=\"mailto[^\[]*)\">","[$lang[TEXT_EMAIL]]\\1[/$lang[TEXT_EMAIL]]",$Body);

    // ---------------------
    // Convert image markup
    if ($config[allowimages]) {
    // $Body = eregi_replace("<img src=\"([^\[]*)\">","\[$lang[TEXT_IMAGE]\]\\1\[/$lang[TEXT_IMAGE]\]",$Body);

    return $Body;


    // #######################################################################
    // Send a table header
    // #######################################################################
    function table_header($header="") {

    global $theme;
    $this -> open_table();
    echo "<tr><td class=\"tdheader\">$header";
    $this -> close_table();


    // #######################################################################
    // Open a table
    // #######################################################################
    function open_table() {
    global $theme;

    echo "
    <TABLE WIDTH=\"$theme[tablewidth]\" ALIGN=\"$theme[tablealign]\" CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0>
    <TD class=\"tableborders\">
    <TABLE CELLPADDING=\"$theme[cellpadding]\" CELLSPACING=\"$theme[cellspacing]\" WIDTH=100% BORDER=0>

    // #######################################################################
    // Close the table
    // #######################################################################
    function close_table() {
    echo "

    // #######################################################################
    // Send the footer
    // #######################################################################
    function send_footer() {

    global $config, $theme, $thispath;

    $html = new html;
    echo "<p>";
    $html -> open_table();
    echo "
    <TR class=\"darktable\">
    <TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
    <TD align=left>

    <A HREF=\"$config[homeurl]\">$config[urltitle]</A> |
    <A HREF=\"mailto:$config[emailaddy]\">$config[emailtitle]</a>
    </TD><TD align=right>
    <A HREF=\"http://www.wwwthreads.com\" target=\"_blank\"><FONT class=\"small\">Powered BY WWWThreads 5.1.6<i>php</i></FONT></A>
    $html -> close_table();

    include "$thispath/includes/footer.php";
    echo "


    // #######################################################################
    // get_date
    // #######################################################################
    function get_date() {

    global $config;
    $currtime = time();
    $currtime = $currtime+($config[adjusttime]*3600);
    return $currtime;

    // #######################################################################
    // Convert the time
    // #######################################################################
    function convert_time($time="",$offset="") {

    global $theme;
    $time = $time+($offset *3600);

    if ($theme['timeformat'] == "short1") {
    $time = date("m/d/y h:i A", $time);
    if ($theme['timeformat'] == "short2") {
    $time = date("d/m/y h:i A", $time);
    if ($theme['timeformat'] == "short3") {
    $time = date("y/m/d h:i A", $time);
    if ($theme['timeformat'] == "short4") {
    $time = date("Y/m/d H:i", $time);

    return $time;


    // #######################################################################
    // Switch_colors - This will switch colors between the 2 table colors
    // #######################################################################
    function switch_colors($color="") {

    if ($color == "lighttable") {
    $color = "darktable";
    else {
    $color = "lighttable";
    return ($color);

    // #######################################################################
    // jump box- prints out a jump box to jump to other forums
    // #######################################################################
    function jump_box($Cat="",$groupquery="",$Board="") {

    global $dbh, $config, $lang;

    if ($Cat) {
    $pattern = ",";
    $replace = " OR Bo_Cat = ";
    $thiscat = ereg_replace($pattern,$replace,$Cat);
    $thiscat = "AND (Bo_Cat = " . $thiscat .")";
    $groupquery = ereg_replace("AND","WHERE",$groupquery);

    $query = "
    SELECT Bo_Number,Bo_Title,Bo_Keyword,Bo_Cat,Bo_CatName,Bo_Sorter
    FROM w3t_Boards
    ORDER BY Bo_Cat,Bo_Sorter
    $sth = $dbh -> do_query($query);
    echo "
    <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=\"$config[phpurl]/jumper.php\">
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=Cat value=\"$Cat\">
    <SPAN CLASS=\"onbody\">$lang[JUMP_TO] </span>
    <SELECT NAME=\"board\" class=\"formboxes\">

    while ($rows = $dbh -> fetch_array($sth) ) {
    if ($initialcat != "$rows[4]") {
    echo "<option value =\"-CATJUMP-$rows[3]\">*$rows[4]* -----";
    $initialcat = $rows[4];
    $firstpass = 1;
    $selected = "";
    if ($rows[2] == $Board) {
    $selected = "SELECTED";
    echo "<option value=\"$rows[2]\" $selected>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$rows[1]";
    $dbh -> finish_sth($sth);
    echo "
    <INPUT TYPE=submit name=Jump value=\"$lang[JUMP_TEXT]\" class=\"buttons\">


    // #######################################################################
    // Start_page - Logs the user on
    // #######################################################################
    function start_page($Username="",$Password="",$Cat="",$Bypass="",$info="") {

    global $theme,$config,$dbh, $lang, $w3t_language, $w3t_myname, $w3t_mypass;

    // -----------------------------------------------------
    // Connect to db and get total posts and last logon, etc
    $Username_q = addslashes($Username);
    $query = "
    SELECT U_Username, U_Totalposts, U_Laston, U_Password, U_Sort, U_Display, U_View, U_PostsPer, U_EReplies, U_TextCols, U_TextRows, U_Status, U_StyleSheet, U_Language, U_TempPass, U_TimeOffset, U_Privates, U_FrontPage, U_Groups
    FROM w3t_Users
    WHERE U_Username = '$Username_q'
    $sth = $dbh -> do_query($query);
    $user = $dbh -> fetch_array($sth);
    list($CheckUser,$posts,$laston,$pass,$sort,$display,$view,$postsper,$ereplies,$textcols,$textrows,$s tatus,$stylesheet,$language,$temppass,$offset,$privates,$frontpage,$groups) = $user;
    $dbh -> finish_sth($sth);

    if (!$CheckUser) {
    $this -> not_right("$lang[NO_AUTH]",$Cat);

    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    // We allow them to login if they are using the correct password
    // of if they are using the temporary password
    if ( ($Password != $pass) && (crypt($Password,$pass) != $pass) ) {
    $bad = "yes";
    if ($temppass) {
    if (crypt($Password,$temppass) == $temppass) {
    $bad = "no";

    if ($bad == "yes") {
    $this -> send_header("$lang[BAD_PASS]",$Cat,"<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"REFRESH\" CONTENT=\"5;url=$config[phpurl]/logout.php?Cat=$Cat\">",0,0,0);
    $this -> table_header("$lang[BAD_PASS]");
    echo "
    <TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=\"$theme[tablewidth]\" align=\"$theme[tablealign]\"><TR><TD>
    $this -> send_footer();

    // --------------------------------------
    // Set a cookie or register a session var
    if ($config[tracking] == "sessions") {
    $w3t_myname = $Username;
    $w3t_mypass = $pass;
    $w3t_language = $language;
    else {

    // -----------------------
    // Update last log on time
    $date = $this -> get_date();
    $query = "
    UPDATE w3t_Users
    SET U_Laston = $date
    WHERE U_Username = '$Username_q'
    $dbh -> do_query($query);

    // ------------------------
    // Now give them their page
    $this -> send_header ("$lang[INTRO_SUB], $Username",$Cat,0,$Username,$pass,0,$user);
    $this -> table_header ("$lang[INTRO_SUB], $Username");

    // ------------------------------------------
    // Get rid of their IP from the online table
    $ip = "-ANON-" . getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
    $ip_q = addslashes($ip);
    $query = "
    DELETE FROM w3t_Online
    WHERE O_Username = '$ip_q'
    $dbh -> do_query($query);

    $lastlogon = $this -> convert_time($laston,$offset);
    $this -> open_table();
    echo "
    <TR CLASS=\"darktable\"><TD>
    <TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
    <a href=\"$config[phpurl]/editprofile.php?Cat=$Cat\"><img src=\"$config[images]/editprofile.gif\" alt=\"$lang[EDIT_PROF]\" border=0></a>
    if ($config[private]) {
    echo "
    <a href=\"$config[phpurl]/sendprivate.php?Cat=$Cat\"><img src=\"$config[images]/sendprivate.gif\" alt=\"$lang[PRIV_HEAD]\" border=0></a>
    echo "
    <a href=\"$config[phpurl]/logout.php?Cat=$Cat\"><img src=\"$config[images]/logout.gif\" alt=\"$lang[LOGOUT_TEXT]\" border=0></a>
    $lang[LAST_LOGON]: <i>$lastlogon</i><br>
    $lang[YOUR_TOTAL]: <i>$posts</i><br><br>

    // ------------------------
    // Set up the proper groups
    $Grouparray = split("-",$groups);
    $gsize = sizeof($Grouparray);
    $groupquery = "AND (";
    $g = 0;
    for ($i=0; $i<=$gsize;$i++) {
    if (!ereg("^[0-9]",$Grouparray[$i])) { continue; };
    if ($g > 1) {
    $groupquery .= " OR ";
    $groupquery .= "Bo_Read_Perm LIKE '%-$Grouparray[$i]-%'";
    $groupquery .= ")";

    // -----------------
    // Give the jump box
    echo "</td><td valign=bottom align=right>";
    $this -> jump_box($Cat,$groupquery);
    echo "</td></tr></table>";

    $this -> close_table();

    // ------------------------
    // Get any private messages
    $query = "
    SELECT M_Status, M_Subject, M_Sender, M_Sent, M_Number
    FROM w3t_Messages
    WHERE M_Username = '$Username_q'
    AND M_Status <> 'X'
    $sth = $dbh -> do_query($query);

    echo "<p>";
    $this -> table_header("$lang[RECEIVED_PM]");
    echo "

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">

    <!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
    <!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com -->

    <!-- Begin
    function checkAll(field) {
    for (var j = 0; j <= 100; j++) {
    box = eval(field + j);
    if (box) {
    if (box.checked == false) box.checked = true;

    function uncheckAll(field) {
    for (var j = 0; j <= 100; j++) {
    box = eval(field + j);
    if (box) {
    if (box.checked == true) box.checked = false;

    function switchAll(field) {
    for (var j = 0; j <= 100; j++) {
    box = eval(field + j);
    if (box) {
    box.checked = !box.checked;
    // End -->

    $this -> open_table();
    echo "
    <TR><TD CLASS=\"tdheader\" width=5%>&nbsp;</td>
    <TD CLASS=\"tdheader\" width=\"45%\">$lang[SUBJECT_TEXT]</td>
    <TD CLASS=\"tdheader\" width=\"20%\">$lang[TEXT_FROM]</td>
    <TD CLASS=\"tdheader\" width=\"25%\">$lang[TEXT_REC]</td>
    <TD CLASS=\"tdheader\" width=\"5%\">$lang[TEXT_DELETE]</td></tr>
    <FORM method=post action=\"$config[phpurl]/delete.php\">
    <INPUT TYPE=hidden name=Cat value=\"$Cat\">

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // We need to keep track of the number of new private messages just in
    // case this number ever gets dorked up (yes, that's a technical term)
    $totalnew = 0;
    $i = 0;
    while ($rows = $dbh -> fetch_array($sth) ) {
    list($read,$subject,$sender,$when,$number) = $rows;
    $senton = $this -> convert_time($when,$offset);
    if ($read == "$lang[TEXT_NEW]") {
    echo "<tr class=\"lighttable\"><td>$lang[TEXT_NEW]</td>";
    elseif ($read == "$lang[TEXT_REPLIED]") {
    echo "<tr class=\"lighttable\"><td>$lang[TEXT_REPLIED]</td>";
    elseif ($read == "C") {
    echo "<tr class=\"lighttable\"><td>$lang[TEXT_NEW]</td>";
    else {
    echo "<tr class=\"lighttable\"><td>&nbsp;</td>";

    $encsender = rawurlencode($sender);

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    // If this is a new post (N or C) then we need to add this to the value
    // so delete.php knows that this was a new message.
    // Also increment the total number of new private messages by 1
    $formvalue = $number;
    if ( ($read == "N") || ($read == "C") ) {
    $formvalue = $number . "-NEW";

    echo "
    <td><a href=\"$config[phpurl]/viewmessage.php?Cat=$Cat&message=$number&status=$read\">$subject</a></td>
    <td><a href=\"$config[phpurl]/showprofile.php?Cat=$Cat&User=$encsender&what=login\">$sender</a></td>
    <td><input type=checkbox name=\"$i\" value=\"$formvalue\" class=\"formboxes\"></td>
    $dbh -> finish_sth($sth);

    echo "<tr class=\"darktable\"><td colspan=5 align=right>";
    echo "<input type=hidden name=total value = $i>";
    if ($i) {
    echo "
    <input type=submit name=option value=\"$lang[DELETE_CHECK]\" class=\"buttons\">
    $this -> close_table();
    echo "</form><br>";

    // --------------------------------------
    // Get any private messages (CC Messages)
    $query = "
    SELECT M_Status, M_Subject, M_Sender, M_Sent, M_Number
    FROM w3t_Messages
    WHERE M_Username = '$Username_q'
    AND M_Status = 'X'
    $sth = $dbh -> do_query($query);

    echo "<p>";
    $this -> table_header("$lang[SENT_PM]");
    $this -> open_table();
    echo "
    <TR><TD CLASS=\"tdheader\" width=5%>&nbsp;</td>
    <TD CLASS=\"tdheader\" width=\"45%\">$lang[SUBJECT_TEXT]</td>
    <TD CLASS=\"tdheader\" width=\"20%\">$lang[SENT_TO]</td>
    <TD CLASS=\"tdheader\" width=\"25%\">$lang[SENT]</td>
    <TD CLASS=\"tdheader\" width=\"5%\">$lang[TEXT_DELETE]</td></tr>
    <FORM method=post action=\"$config[phpurl]/delete.php\">
    <INPUT TYPE=hidden name=Cat value=\"$Cat\">

    $i = 0;
    while ($rows = $dbh -> fetch_array($sth) ) {
    list($read,$subject,$sender,$when,$number) = $rows;
    $senton = $this -> convert_time($when,$offset);
    $encsender = rawurlencode($sender);

    if ($read == "$lang[TEXT_NEW]") {
    echo "<tr class=\"lighttable\"><td>$lang[TEXT_NEW]</td>";
    elseif ($read == "$lang[TEXT_REPLIED]") {
    echo "<tr class=\"lighttable\"><td>$lang[TEXT_REPLIED]</td>";
    elseif ($read == "C") {
    echo "<tr class=\"lighttable\"><td>$lang[TEXT_NEW]</td>";
    else {
    echo "<tr class=\"lighttable\"><td>&nbsp;</td>";

    $formvalue = $number;
    echo "
    <td><a href=\"$config[phpurl]/viewmessage.php?Cat=$Cat&message=$number&status=$read\">$subject</a></td>
    <td><a href=\"$config[phpurl]/showprofile.php?Cat=$Cat&User=$encsender&what=login\">$sender</a></td>
    <td><input type=checkbox name=\"$i\" value=\"$formvalue\" class=\"formboxes\"></td>
    $dbh -> finish_sth($sth);

    echo "<tr class=\"darktable\"><td colspan=5 align=right>";
    echo "<input type=hidden name=total value = $i>";
    if ($i) {
    echo "
    <input type=submit name=option value=\"$lang[DELETE_CHECK]\" class=\"buttons\">
    $this -> close_table();
    echo "</form><br><br>";

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    // If the total number of new privates in their profile doesn't match
    // the total we just counted, then we update it
    if ($privates != $totalnew) {
    $query = "
    UPDATE w3t_Users
    SET U_Privates = $totalnew
    WHERE U_Username = '$Username_q'
    $dbh -> do_query($query);

    $this -> send_footer();


    // #######################################################################
    // Send_messages
    // #######################################################################
    function send_message($Sender="",$To="",$Subject="",$Mess="") {

    global $lang,$dbh, $config;
    $Sender_q = addslashes($Sender);
    $To_q = addslashes($To);
    $Subject_q = addslashes($Subject);
    $Mess_q = addslashes($Mess);
    $date = $this -> get_date();
    $Status_q = $lang[TEXT_NEW];

    // FInd out if we are sending to a group of users
    $admin_q = "Administrator";
    $mod_q = "Moderator";
    $user_q = "User";

    if ($To == "ADMIN_GROUP") {
    $selector = "WHERE U_Status = '$admin_q'";
    elseif ($To == "MODERATOR_GROUP") {
    $selector = "WHERE U_Status = '$mod_q'";
    elseif ($To == "A_M_GROUP") {
    $selector = "WHERE U_Status = '$admin_q' OR U_Status = '$mod_q'";
    elseif ($To == "ALL_USERS") {
    $selector = "";
    else {
    $selector = "WHERE U_Username = '$To_q'";

    // ------------------------------------
    // Grab everyone we are sending this to
    $query = "
    SELECT DISTINCT U_Username, U_Status
    FROM w3t_Users
    $sth = $dbh -> do_query($query);
    while (list($To,$Status) = $dbh -> fetch_array($sth)) {

    // Increment the recipients total number of unread pms
    $To_q = addslashes($To);
    $query = "
    UPDATE w3t_Users
    SET U_Privates = U_Privates + 1
    WHERE U_Username = '$To_q'
    $dbh -> do_query($query);

    if ($config[dbtype] == "mysql") {
    $query = "
    INSERT INTO w3t_Messages(M_Username,M_Status,M_Subject,M_Sender,M_Message,M_Sent)
    VALUES ('$To_q','$Status_q','$Subject_q','$Sender_q','$Mess_q','$date')
    $dbh -> do_query($query);
    else {
    $seq = "nextval('M_seq')";
    $query = "
    INSERT INTO w3t_Messages(M_Username,M_Status,M_Subject,M_Sender,M_Message,M_Sent)
    VALUES ('$seq','$To_q','$Status_q','$Subject_q','$Sender_q','$Mess_q','$date')
    $dbh -> do_query($query);
    $dbh -> finish_sth($sth);


    // ########################################################################
    // Define a class for the user object
    // ########################################################################
    class user {

    // ######################################################################
    // Authenticate the user
    // ######################################################################
    function authenticate($Username="", $Password="", $Query="") {

    global $dbh, $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS;

    if (!$Username) {
    $Username = $w3t_myname;
    if (!$Password) {
    $Password = $w3t_mypass;
    if (!$Query) {
    $Query = "*";
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    // We are automatically adding StyleSheet, Status, Privates and
    // FrontPage to each SQL call because this information is needed by
    // every script that makes a call to authenticate
    else {
    $Query .= ", U_StyleSheet, U_Status, U_Privates, U_FrontPage";
    $Username = addslashes($Username);
    $Password = addslashes($Password);
    $query = $dbh -> do_query("SELECT $Query FROM w3t_Users WHERE U_Username = '$Username' AND U_Password = '$Password'");
    $this->user = $dbh -> fetch_array($query);
    $dbh -> finish_sth($query);
    return $this->user;


    // #######################################################################
    // Check_ban
    // #######################################################################
    function check_ban($Username="",$Cat="") {

    global $lang,$dbh;
    $Hostname = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
    $Username_q = addslashes($Username);
    $Hostname_q = addslashes($Hostname);

    $query = "
    SELECT B_Hostname,B_Username,B_Reason
    FROM w3t_Banned
    WHERE B_Username='$Username_q' OR B_Hostname = '$Hostname_q'
    $sth = $dbh -> do_query($query);
    list ($Checkuser,$Checkhost,$Reason) = $dbh -> fetch_array($sth);
    $dbh -> finish_sth($sth);
    if ( ($Checkuser) || ($Checkhost) ) {
    $html = new html;
    $html -> not_right("$lang[YOU_BANNED]: $Reason", $Cat);



    u1901 غير متواجد حالياً

ضوابط المشاركة

  • لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
  • لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
  • لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
  • لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك

أضف موقعك هنا|شقق للايجار في الكويت | بيوت للبيع في الكويت | شركة كشف تسربات المياه | شركة عزل اسطح بالرياض | عزل فوم بالرياض| عزل اسطح بالرياض | كشف تسربات المياة بالرياض | شركة عزل اسطح بالرياض