النتائج 1 إلى 6 من 6

الموضوع: هل يمكن نقل أعضاء ومواضيع vb إلى WWWThreads ?

  1. #1

    هل يمكن ذلك ؟ ؟ ؟

    لم الجميع موافق ؟
    الغاء الأمر غير متواجد حالياً

  2. #2

    > > < <

    لم الجميع موافق ؟
    الغاء الأمر غير متواجد حالياً

  3. #3
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2000

    السلام عليكم

    بحثت في منتدى wwwthreads عن هذا الأمر ولم أجد أي معلومة أخي الكريم.

    يمكن هنالك طريقة ولكن لم أستطع الحصول عليها...

    سوالف غير متواجد حالياً

  4. #4

    حقيقه كنت انتظر ردك :)

    اولاً شكراً لانك رددت على موضوعي أخي ..

    لدي حل طرأ في بالي وأردت أن آخذ رأيك به

    UBB --> WWWThreads

    يوجد ملف من شركة : gossamer-threads.com
    الملف هو عباره عن نقل مواضيع الـ UBB إلى الـ w3t

    هذا هو الكود .. هل من طريقة للتلاعب بالبريمج وجعله يحول من مواضيع والأعضاء من ال VB إلى الـ w3t ?

    BEGIN {
      unshift(@INC, "/myPath");
    use w3t;
    use w3tvars qw(%config);
    use w3ttheme qw(%theme);
    use strict;
    ## UBB --> WWWThreads Pro 5.1.4 Import script.
    ## Author: Alex Krohn (alex@gossamer-threads.com)
    ## Created: February 26, 1998
    ## Modified by: Matt Reinfeldt, May 16, 2000
    ## Modified by: Rick Baker, December 10, 2000
    ## Description: This script will import an existing UBB forum into an
    ##              empty wwwthreads database.
    ## Usage:
    ##      - copy this script into your main wwwthreads folder
    ##      - chmod 755 ubb_import.pl
    ##      - verify the path to perl is the same as in Line 1
    ##      - run the wwwthreads installation (configure your w3tvars.pm and
    ##          your w3ttheme.pm, create the database, and run ./createtable.pl)
    ##      - configure the $member_dir, $board_file, $board_path, and $mod_file
    ##          variables listed below
    ##      - save and exit to command line... run the script (./ubb_import.pl)
    ## Notes:
    ##	- If you have private forums you will need to go into the password
    ## 	  protected subdirectory and move all of the post files one directory
    ##  	  up.  Next you will need to gunzip all of the post files.  If this
    ##	  is not done, the posts in the private forums will not be
    ##	  imported.
    # Path to your UBB Files.
    my $member_dir = '/www/...../......./Members';
    my $board_file = '/www/..../....';
    my $board_path = '/www/.../...';
    my $mod_file   = '/www/.../...';
    # Connect to the database.
    print "Importing Members ...\n";
    &import_members ($member_dir);
    print "Done\n";
    print "Importing Categories ...\n";
    &import_cats ($board_path);
    print "Done\n";
    print "Creating Boards ... \n";
    my @boards = &create_boards ($board_file, $mod_file, $board_path);
    print "Done\n";
    print "Importing Messages ...\n";
    &import_messages ($board_path, @boards);
    print "Done\n";
    # All done..
    ## modified by: Matt Reinfeldt 5/17/2000
    sub import_members {
        my $dir = shift;
        opendir (MEM, "$dir") or die "Can't open $dir. Reason: $!";
        my ($file, $text, $query, $count, $user, $pass, $email, $url, $status2,
            $occupation, $location, $posts, $status, $interests, $signup,
            $showemail, $bio);
        while (defined ($file = readdir(MEM))) {
            next if ($file =~ /^\.\.?$/);
            next if ($file !~/^[0123456789]/);
            open (FILE, "<$dir/$file") or die "Can't open $file. Reason: $!";
            $text = join ("", <FILE>);
            ($user, $pass, $email, $url, $status2, $occupation, $location,
             $posts, $status, $interests, $signup, $showemail, $bio) =
                split (/\n/, $text, 12);
            close FILE;
            print "\nWARN: Skipping $file. No User or email.\n" and
                next if (!$user or !$email);
            $user =~ s/_/ /g;
            $user  = $w3t::dbh->quote($user);
            $pass  = $w3t::dbh->quote($pass);
            $email = $w3t::dbh->quote($email);
            $url   = $w3t::dbh->quote($url);
            $bio   = $w3t::dbh->quote($bio);
            ## Alex didn't have these set, so I'll go ahead and do it...
            my $EReplies_q = $w3t::dbh->quote("Off");
            my $PFormat    = $w3t::dbh->quote($theme{'post_format'});
            my $Color_q    = $w3t::dbh->quote($theme{'textcol'});
            my $Groups;
            ## let's set the correct groups...
            if ($status eq "Administrator") {
              $Groups = "-1-3-";
            if ($status eq "Moderator") {
              $Groups = "-2-3-";
            if ($status eq "User") {
              $Groups = "-3-";
            my $Groups_q = $w3t::dbh->quote($Groups);
            ## need to grab the correct title for the number of posts
            ## make sure you are running this script from your main wwwthreads
            ## directory  (where w3t.pm wwwthreads.pl reside)
            ## ... it will not work otherwise!!!
            # ---------------------
            # Set the default title
            open(TITLES,"$config{'path'}/filters/usertitles") or die "Can't open $config{'path'}/filters/usertitles";
            my @titles = <TITLES>;
            close (TITLES);
            my ($post,$utitle) = split(/\t/,$titles[0]);
            chomp $utitle;
            my $Currtitle = $utitle;
            my $UserTitle_q = $w3t::dbh -> quote($utitle); 
            my $NewTitle = $Currtitle;
            open (TITLES,"filters/usertitles");
            my @titles = <TITLES>;
            close (TITLES);
            for (my $i=0; $i<=$#titles; $i++) {
                my ($req_posts,$title) = split(/\t/,$titles[$i]);
                chop ($title);
                if ($posts >= $req_posts) {
                    $NewTitle = $title;
            if ($NewTitle ne $Currtitle) {
                $UserTitle_q = $w3t::dbh->quote($NewTitle);
            ## need to convert the signup date....
            my $date = $w3t::dbh->quote(&convert_time($signup));
            ## set the correct type for user status
            ($status eq 'Administrator') ? ($status = "'Administrator'") :
                ($status = "'User'");
            ## don't forget to change the admincolor!
            if ( $status eq "'Administrator'" ) {
                $Color_q = $w3t::dbh->quote($theme{'admincolor'});
            ## run sql code
            $query = qq!
                INSERT INTO w3t_Users (U_Username, U_Password, U_Email,
                   U_TotalPosts, U_Laston, U_Status, U_Sort, U_Display,
                   U_View, U_PostsPer, U_EReplies, U_Post_Format, U_Registered,
                   U_RegEmail, U_Groups, U_Title, U_Color, U_Bio, U_Homepage)
                VALUES ($user, $pass, $email, $posts, 0,  $status,
                   '$theme{'sort'}', '$theme{'postlist'}', '$theme{'threaded'}',
                   '$theme{'postsperpage'}', $EReplies_q, $PFormat, $date,
                   $email, $Groups_q, $UserTitle_q, $Color_q, $url, $bio)
            $w3t::dbh->do ($query) ||
                die "Can't insert user. Query: $query. Reason: DBI::errstr";
            ($count % 10)  or (print "$count ");
            ($count % 100) or (print "\n");
        closedir MEM;
    sub import_cats {
      my $path = shift;
      open (FILE,"$path/categories.file");
      while (<FILE>) {
        my ($Blah,$CatName,$Number) = split(/\|\|\|/,$_,3);
        my $CatName = $w3t::dbh -> quote($CatName);
        my $query = qq!
          INSERT INTO w3t_Category (Cat_Title,Cat_Number,Cat_Description)
          VALUES ($CatName,'$Number','')
        $w3t::dbh -> do($query) or die "Can't do $query.  Reason: $DBI::errstr.";
      close (FILE);
    ## modified by: Matt Reinfeldt 5/17/2000
    sub create_boards {
    my ($file, $mod_file, $boardpath) = @_;
    my ($category, $title, $description, $status, $html, $ubbcode,
        $limitedwrite, $forumpw, $forumnum, $titlegraphic, $forumheader,
        $ubbimage, $notify);
    my ($keyword, $moderator, $query, @boards);
    my %mods = &load_moderators ($mod_file);
    my $time = time();
    my ($write_perm, $read_perm);
    open (BOARDS, "$file") || die "Can't open boards file '$file'. Reason: $!";
    while (<BOARDS>) {
        ($category, $title, $description, $status, $html, $ubbcode,
         $limitedwrite, $forumpw, $forumnum, $titlegraphic, $forumheader,
         $ubbimage, $notify) = split /\|/;
        $title       = $w3t::dbh->quote($title);
        $description = $w3t::dbh->quote($description);
        $keyword     = $w3t::dbh->quote("Forum$forumnum");
        my @moderators = split(/\|\|\^\|\|/,$mods{"Forum$forumnum"});
        for (my $i=0; $i <=$#moderators; $i++) {
          $moderator = $moderators[$i];
          $moderator =~ s/\\\././igs;
          my $moderator_q = $w3t::dbh->quote($moderator);
          my $query = qq~
            UPDATE w3t_Users
            SET    U_Status = 'Moderator'
            WHERE  U_Username = $moderator_q 
            AND    U_Status <> 'Administrator'
          $w3t::dbh->do($query) or die "Can't do $query";
          my $query = qq~
            INSERT INTO w3t_Moderators
          $w3t::dbh->do($query) or die "Can't do $query";
        $moderator   = $w3t::dbh->quote($mods{"Forum$forumnum"});
        ($html eq 'is not') ? ($html = "'Off'") : ($html = "'On'");
        ($ubbcode eq 'is not') ? ($ubbcode = "'Off'") : ($ubbcode = "'On'");
        $read_perm  = $w3t::dbh->quote("-1-2-3-4-");
        if ($limitedwrite eq "private") {
           $write_perm = $w3t::dbh->quote("-1-2-");
           $read_perm  = $w3t::dbh->quote("-1-2-");
        } else {
           $write_perm = $w3t::dbh->quote("-1-2-3-");
        # Make sure we have something.
        ($title) or (print "No title for line:\n\t$_\nSkipping ...\n" and next);
        # Grab the category name
        my $query = qq!
          SELECT Cat_Title 
          FROM   w3t_Category
          WHERE  Cat_Number = $category
        my $sth = $w3t::dbh->prepare($query);
        $sth -> execute();
        my ($catname) = $sth -> fetchrow_array;
        $catname = $w3t::dbh->quote($catname);
        # Insert the board into w3t_Boards table.
        $query = qq!
            INSERT INTO w3t_Boards (Bo_Title, Bo_Description, Bo_Keyword,
                Bo_Moderated, Bo_Total, Bo_Last, Bo_HTML, Bo_Write_Perm,
                Bo_Read_Perm, Bo_Created, Bo_Markup,Bo_Cat,Bo_CatName)
            VALUES ($title, $description, $keyword, 'no', 0, 0, $html,
                $write_perm, $read_perm, $time, $ubbcode,$category,$catname)
        $w3t::dbh->do($query) ||
            die "Can't create board: $query. Reason: $DBI::errstr";
        print "Board: $title Created\n";
        push (@boards, "Forum$forumnum");
    close BOARDS;
    return @boards;
    ## modified by: Matt Reinfeldt 5/17/2000
    sub import_messages {
    my ($board_path, @boards) = @_;
    my $bcount = 0;
    my ($closed, $notes, $replies, $username, $subject, $status, $number,
        $username, $date, $time, $email, $message);
    my ($post, $stats, $father, $sth, $query, $id, $lastpost);
    foreach my $board (@boards) {
        my $maintime = 0;
        $board =~s/'//igs;
        print "\nImporting messages from $board ... \n";
        opendir (BOARDIR, "$board_path/$board") ||
            die "Can't open board dir: $board_path/$board. Reason: $!";
        $bcount = 0;
        while (defined ($post = readdir (BOARDIR))) {
            $board =~s/'//igs;
            next unless ($post =~ /^[0123456789]/);
            open (POST, "$board_path/$board/$post") ||
                die "Can't open post: $board_path/$board/$post. Reason: $!";
            $stats  = <POST>;
            ($closed, $notes, $replies, $username, $subject) =
                split /\|\|/, $stats;
            $father = <POST>;
            ($status, $number, $username, $date, $time, $email, $message) =
                split /\|\|/, $father;
            if (!$subject) {
                print "WARN: Couldn't parse subject: $post\n";
            $board    = $w3t::dbh->quote($board);
            $username = $w3t::dbh->quote($username);
            $message  = $w3t::dbh->quote($message);
            $subject  = $w3t::dbh->quote($subject);
            $time     = &convert_time ($date, $time);
            ($status == 'Z') ? ($status = 1) : ($status = 0);
            if ($time > $maintime) { $maintime = $time; }
            ($time > $lastpost) and ($lastpost = $time);
            $query  = qq!
              SELECT U_Title,U_Color
              FROM   w3t_Users
              WHERE  U_Username=$username
            my $sth = $w3t::dbh->prepare($query);
            $sth -> execute();
            my ($title,$color) = $sth -> fetchrow_array;
            $title = $w3t::dbh -> quote($title);
            $color = $w3t::dbh -> quote($color);
            my $MainUsername = $username;
            $query  = qq!
                INSERT INTO w3t_Posts (B_Board, B_Parent, B_Main, B_Posted,
                    B_Last_Post, B_Username, B_IP, B_Subject, B_Body, B_Mail,
                    B_Kept, B_Status, B_Replies, B_UTitle, B_Color)
                VALUES ($board, 0, 0, $time, $time, $username, NULL, $subject,
                    $message, NULL, 'Off', $status, 0, $title,$color)
            $sth = $w3t::dbh->prepare($query) ||
                die "Can't post: $query. Reason: $DBI::errstr";
            $sth->execute() ||
                die "Can't execute: $query. Reason: $DBI::errstr";
            $id = $sth->{'mysql_insertid'};
            $query  = qq!
                UPDATE w3t_Posts SET B_Main = $id
                WHERE  B_Number = $id
            $w3t::dbh->do($query) ||
                die "Can't update: $query. Reason: $DBI::errstr";
            $query = qq!
               UPDATE w3t_Boards
               SET    Bo_Total = Bo_Total + 1,
                      Bo_Threads = Bo_Threads + 1,
                      Bo_Last    = $time
               WHERE  Bo_Keyword = $board
            $w3t::dbh -> do($query) or die "Can't do $query.  Reason: $DBI::errstr.";
            ($bcount % 10)  or (print "$bcount ");
            ($bcount % 100) or (print "\n");
            # Add all the replies.
            $subject =~ s/^'(.+)/'Re: $1/;
            while (defined ($post = <POST>)) {
                ($status, $number, $username, $date, $time, $email, $message) =
                    split /\|\|/, $post;
                $message or next;
                $time     = &convert_time ($date, $time);
                $username = $w3t::dbh->quote($username);
                $message  = $w3t::dbh->quote($message);
                ($status == 'Z') ? ($status = 1) : ($status = 0);
                $query  = qq!
                  SELECT U_Title,U_Color
                  FROM   w3t_Users
                  WHERE  U_Username=$username
                my $sth = $w3t::dbh->prepare($query);
                $sth -> execute();
                my ($title,$color) = $sth -> fetchrow_array;
                $title = $w3t::dbh -> quote($title);
                $color = $w3t::dbh -> quote($color);
                $query  = qq!
                    INSERT INTO w3t_Posts(B_Board, B_Parent, B_Main, B_Posted,
                        B_Last_Post, B_Username, B_IP, B_Subject, B_Body,
                        B_Mail, B_Kept, B_Status,B_ParentUser,B_Color,B_UTitle)
                    VALUES ($board, $id, $id, $time, $time, $username, NULL,
                        $subject, $message, NULL, 'Off', $status,$MainUsername,$color,$title)
                $sth = $w3t::dbh->prepare($query) ||
                    die "Can't post followup: $query. Reason: $DBI::errstr";
                $sth->execute() ||
                    die "Can't execute: $query. Reason: $DBI::errstr";
                ($time > $lastpost) and ($lastpost = $time);
                if ($time > $maintime) { $maintime = $time; }
                $query = qq!
                   UPDATE w3t_Boards
                   SET    Bo_Total = Bo_Total + 1,
                          Bo_Last    = $time
                   WHERE  Bo_Keyword = $board
                $w3t::dbh -> do($query) or die "Can't do $query.  Reason: $DBI::errstr.";
                ($bcount % 10)  or (print "$bcount ");
                ($bcount % 100) or (print "\n");
                $query = qq!
                  UPDATE w3t_Posts
                  SET    B_Last_Post = $time
                  WHERE  B_Main = $id
                $w3t::dbh -> do($query) or die "Can't do $query.  Reason: $DBI::errstr.";
            close POST;
        closedir BOARDIR;
        if ($board !~/^'/) { $board = $w3t::dbh->quote($board); }
        $query = qq!
            UPDATE w3t_Boards
            SET    Bo_Last = $maintime
            WHERE  Bo_Keyword = $board
        $w3t::dbh->do($query) ||
            die "Can't update board: $query. Reason: $!";
    sub convert_time {
    # ------------------------------------------------
        use Time::Local;
        my ($date, $time) = @_;
        if (!$date) { return time; }
        my ($mon, $day, $year)  = split /-/, $date;
        my ($hour, $min, $ampm) = $time =~ /(\d+):(\d+)\s*(.+)/;
        ($ampm eq "PM") and ($hour = $hour + 12); ($hour == 24) and ($hour = 0);
        my $time;
        eval { $time = timelocal (0, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year); };
        if ($@) {
            die "In: '$date' - '$time'.\nParse: (0, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year)\nErr: $@\n"; }
        return $time;
    sub load_moderators {
    # ------------------------------------------------
        my $mod_file = shift;
        my %mods     = ();
        open (MOD, "<$mod_file") ||
         die "Can't open moderator file '$mod_file'. Reason: $!";
        while (<MOD>) {
            /\$(Forum\d+)Moderator\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"/ and ($mods{$1} = $2);
        close MOD;
        return %mods;

    الغاء الأمر غير متواجد حالياً

  5. #5

    هل من حل أخي سوالف ؟ ؟

    لم الجميع موافق ؟
    الغاء الأمر غير متواجد حالياً

  6. #6
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2000

    مافي برنامج يحول مواضيع vb الى ubb?

    u1901 غير متواجد حالياً

ضوابط المشاركة

  • لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
  • لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
  • لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
  • لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك

أضف موقعك هنا| اخبار السيارات | حراج | شقق للايجار في الكويت | بيوت للبيع في الكويت | شركة كشف تسربات المياه | شركة عزل اسطح بالرياض | عزل فوم بالرياض| عزل اسطح بالرياض | كشف تسربات المياة بالرياض | شركة عزل اسطح بالرياض