النتائج 1 إلى 3 من 3

الموضوع: محركات البحث

  1. #1
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2001

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    اخواني انا ارغب بتركيب محرك بحث في موقعي ولاكني ارغب ايضن بان يكون مختلف شوي عن المحركات البحث ببساطه انا اريده يبحث عن الروابط URL التي داخل موقعي ويكون بعد بسيط التركيب والتغيير فيه كالون الخلفيه واضافة البنر داخله وتغيير الخط فيه ووضع جداول داخله يفرق بين الموقع والاخر مثل حق موقع المشاغب بس انا اريده يبحث عن موقع داخل موقعي .

    واذا كان فيه مبرمج يستطيع عمله انا مستعد باللي يبيه


    DaT غير متواجد حالياً

  2. #2
    خبير سيرفرات لينكس
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 1999

    ممممممم لا اريد سوى الدعاء هل تستطيع ؟؟؟؟؟
    لك مني محرك بحث رائع جدا لا بل وسريع ويمكنك التحكم بالصفحة كما تشاء:



    ## ##
    ## WebSearch ##
    ## by Darryl Burgdorf ##
    ## (e-mail burgdorf@awsd.com) ##
    ## ##
    ## version: 1.11 ##
    ## last modified: 2/19/98 ##
    ## copyright (c) 1998 ##
    ## ##
    ## latest version is available from ##
    ## http://awsd.com/scripts/ ##
    ## ##

    # Copyright 1998 Darryl C. Burgdorf. All Rights Reserved.
    # This program is being distributed as shareware. It may be used and
    # modified by anyone, so long as this copyright notice and the header
    # above remain intact, but any usage should be registered. (See the
    # bottom of this file for registration information.) By using this
    # program you agree to indemnify Darryl C. Burgdorf from any liability.
    # Selling the code for this program without prior written consent is
    # expressly forbidden. Obtain permission before redistributing this
    # program over the Internet or in any other medium. In all cases
    # copyright and header must remain intact.
    # 1.11 02/19/98 Fixed bug in "hits per page" maintenance
    # Made use of descriptions optional
    # Eliminated <SCRIPT> contents from searches
    # 1.10 02/12/98 FIRST SHAREWARE RELEASE
    # Allowed for searching of non-alphanumeric characters
    # Descriptions are now drawn from page text w/o METAs
    # Dumped "relevance" for keyword matches & filesize
    # Added optional "A NAME" tag splits to results listing
    # Added total kilobytes to main file list display
    # Made "hits per page" user (rather than admin) option
    # Added $bodyspec, $header_file and $footer_file
    # Improved appearance of "search results" page
    # Corrected year refs from 19XX to 1900+XX
    # Added comma delimiting to large numbers
    # Numerous other subtle but worthwhile changes!
    # 1.08 12/12/97 Made search/display of METAs optional
    # Eliminated "minimum length" for search terms# Added path/URL replace to title as well as address
    # Restored stripping of quote marks from search terms
    # 1.07 08/06/97 Squashed "display by date" bug
    # Fixed "Next X" if last set less than X
    # 1.06 08/02/97 Added use of META description tags in search output
    # Replaced UNIX-specific "ls" with calls to "find.pl"
    # Allowed distinction of "only HTML" and "all text" dirs
    # Allowed full recursion in directory searches
    # Added ability to simply list files in search
    # Added optional display by date rather than relevance
    # Corrected $avoid format to allow regexs
    # 1.05 05/25/97 Fixed bug in "Next/Previous Set" forms
    # 1.04 05/21/97 Added META tags to searched material
    # Revised search directory definition methodology
    # Added ability to search within multiple URLs
    # Set script to display only X matches per page
    # Added "as a phrase" option to boolean choices
    # Changed "value" count to "relevance" computation
    # Eliminated incomplete "choose directory" option
    # 1.03 04/03/97 Added ALT text to searched material
    # Added display of total number of files searched
    # Added $avoid to designate files not to be searched
    # Fixed bug in the way titles are obtained
    # Fixed bug introduced by "minor code shuffling"
    # 1.02 02/17/97 Fixed bug in Get_Date subroutine
    # 1.01 02/07/97 Minor code shuffling
    # 1.00 02/03/97 Initial "public" release


    # WebSearch allows users to search for key words in documents located
    # on your Web site. It searches the actual documents, rather than a
    # master index file. On the "up" side, that means the results it
    # returns are always up-to-the minute. On the "down" side, of course,
    # it means that it takes a bit longer than some other scripts to return
    # those results. It's a tradeoff, but if you're working with relatively
    # small file sets, the difference probably won't be too pronounced.
    # The script scores the match URLs based upon the frequency with which
    # the requested key terms appear in the documents, and also lists the
    # date on which each file was last modified. It searches the basic text
    # of the documents, as well as ALT text and any information contained in
    # META "keywords" and "description" tags. It does *not* search HTML
    # tags or comments, so, for example, a search for "HTML" won't key on
    # every "A HREF" tag.

    # SETUP #

    # The script, of course, must be called from a search form on a Web
    # page. The form should look something like the forms below. The exact
    # structure of the form is not too important, of course, so long as the
    # correct fields and options exist. If you leave out the "boolean" and
    # "case" fields, the script will default to a case-insensitive boolean
    # "OR" ("any terms") search. If you leave out the "hits" field, the
    # script will default to showing 25 matches per output page.

    # <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.foo.com/cgi-bin/websearch.pl">
    # <P><CENTER>Terms for which to Search:
    # <BR><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="terms" SIZE=60>
    # <P>Find: <SELECT NAME="boolean">
    # <OPTION>any terms<OPTION>all terms<OPTION>as a phrase</SELECT>
    # Case: <SELECT NAME="case">
    # <OPTION>insensitive<OPTION>sensitive</SELECT>
    # Display: <SELECT NAME="hits">
    # </CENTER></FORM></P>

    # <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.foo.com/cgi-bin/websearch.pl">
    # <P><CENTER>Search For: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="terms" SIZE=40>
    # </CENTER></FORM></P>

    # If you run the script with *none* of the expected form input values
    # (in other words, if you run it from the command line or by calling
    # it directly through your browser), it will simply return to you a list
    # of the URLs of all the files it's currently set to search. This can
    # be handy to make sure (a) that you're searching all the files that you
    # intend to and (b) that you're *not* searching any files that you
    # *don't* intend to.

    # A variety of variables need to be defined. First, you should
    # define @dirs as shown below with a list of the full (absolute) paths
    # to the directories you wish the script to search. (The absolute path
    # of any directory can be found by issuing the UNIX "pwd" command while
    # "sitting" in that directory.)

    # By default, only HTML files in the specific directories you specify
    # will be searched. If you wish to search *all* text files in a given
    # directory, instead of just HTML files, append a "/+" to the directory
    # name. If you want to search files in the listed directory *and* in
    # all of its subdirectories, append a "/*" to the directory name. If
    # you want to search *all* text files in the directory *and* in all of
    # its subdirectories, append a "/*+" to the directory name.

    @dirs = ('/usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs/*');

    # If there are particular files you *don't* want included in the
    # search, define them in the $avoid variable below. You need only
    # include enough of the file names to distinguish them from other files.
    # For example, if you want to exclude all ".txt" files from the search,
    # you can simply include "\.txt" as part of $avoid. (The backslash is
    # used to tell the script to regard the period as a literal character
    # rather than a "wildcard.")

    $avoid = '(\.backup|\.cgi|\.pl|\.txt)';

    # Define the variable $cgiurl as the URL of the WebSearch script itself.

    $cgiurl = 'http://www.syrianobles.com/cgi-bin/websearch.pl';

    # Define the variables $basepath and $baseurl with the absolute path
    # and corresponding URL for a "base" directory under which the various
    # directories to be searched all lie. These variables are used to
    # convert the UNIX paths to URLs for the results page.

    $basepath = '/usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs';
    $baseurl = 'http://syrianobles.com';

    # If you wish to be able to specify several other possible URLs -- if,
    # for example, some of the files you wish to search fall under a
    # different virtual domain or have to be referenced "through" a shopping
    # cart or other CGI program -- uncomment the lines below and define
    # %otherurls with the desired path/URL pairs. Note that the script will
    # check this variable for matches to convert paths to URLs *before* it
    # checks the $basepath and $baseurl variables.

    # Please also note that this variable, like the $basepath and $baseurl
    # variables above, is *only* used for purposes of converting paths to
    # URLs. It does *not* determine what files or directories are searched.
    # All directories to be searched *must* be included in the @dirs
    # variable!

    #%otherurls = (
    # '/usr/home/syrian/',
    # 'http://www.syrianobles.com/',
    # );

    # WebSearch will, by default, display search results in order by the
    # number of keyword matches on the page. If, instead, you'd like the
    # results displayed in order by date, with the most recently-modified
    # files listed first, then set the $DisplayByDate variable to any
    # value greater than 0!

    $DisplayByDate = 0;

    # WebSearch will also, by default, search META tag information and
    # display the contents of any META "description" tags as a description
    # of the page. If you don't want this done -- if for example, all your
    # pages contain the *same* META information -- then set $NoMETAs to 1.

    $NoMETAs = 1;

    # If for some reason you don't want *any* descriptions shown for
    # the pages in the results list, set $UseDescs to 0.

    $UseDescs = 1;

    # If you have files with lots of internal location tags (<A NAME="x">
    # tags), and want each "piece" of the files to show up separately in the
    # results listing, you can set $SplitNames to 1. If you set it to 0,
    # such internal tags will be ignored, and all documents will be viewed
    # by the script as single entities.

    $SplitNames = 0;

    # The $bodyspec variable should be defined as illustrated with any
    # attributes (BACKGROUND, BGCOLOR, TEXT, etc.) which you want to have
    # assigned to the <BODY> tag on pages created by the script. The
    # $header_file and $footer_file variables should be defined with the
    # full paths to text files (optional) containing HTML code to be placed
    # at the top and/or bottom of the pages. This allows you to include
    # certain "standard" information on all of them.

    $bodyspec = "BACKGROUND=\"http://www.syrianobles.com/img/bg.gif\" BGCOLOR=\"#FF99CC\"";
    $header_file = "/usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs/header.txt";
    $footer_file = "/usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs/footer.txt";



    $version = "1.11";

    require "find.pl";

    @day = (Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat);
    @month = (Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec);

    read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
    @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);
    foreach $pair (@pairs){
    ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
    $name =~ tr/+/ /;
    $name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
    $value =~ tr/+/ /;
    $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
    if ($FORM{$name}) {
    $FORM{$name} = "$FORM{$name}, $value";
    else {
    $FORM{$name} = $value;

    if (!$FORM{'boolean'} && !$FORM{'case'}
    && !$FORM{'hits'} && !$FORM{'terms'}) {
    $ListOnly = 1;

    unless ($FORM{'boolean'}) { $FORM{'boolean'} = "any terms"; }
    unless ($FORM{'case'}) { $FORM{'case'} = "insensitive"; }
    unless ($FORM{'hits'}) { $FORM{'hits'} = 25; }
    unless ($FORM{'terms'}) { $NoTerms = 1; }

    $FORM{'terms'} =~ s/\s+/ /g;
    $FORM{'terms'} =~ s/^\s//;
    $FORM{'terms'} =~ s/\s$//;
    $FORM{'terms'} =~ s/([^\w\s])/\\$1/g;
    if ($FORM{'boolean'} eq "as a phrase") {
    push (@terms,$FORM{'terms'});
    else {
    @terms = split(/\s+/,$FORM{'terms'});


    foreach $file (@dirs) {
    undef (@AllFiles,$AllText);
    if ($file =~ s/\+$//) {
    $AllText = 1;
    if ($file =~ s/\*$//) {
    $AllDirs = 1;
    &find ($file);
    else {
    @AllFiles = readdir(DIR);
    $file =~ s/\/$//;
    foreach $subfile (@AllFiles) {
    unless ($subfile =~ /^$file/) {
    $subfile = $file."/".$subfile;
    if ((-T "$subfile")
    && ($AllText || ($subfile =~ /\.(s|p)*htm(l)*$/))
    && (!$avoid || ($subfile !~ /$avoid/))) {
    $kbytesize{$subfile} = int((((stat($subfile))[7])/1024)+.5);
    $kbytestotal += $kbytesize{$subfile};
    push (@files,"$subfile");

    if ($ListOnly) {
    @FILES = sort (@files);
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    &Header("File List");
    print "<PRE>\n\n";
    print "The following files are included in the search:\n\n";
    foreach $FILE (@FILES) {
    if (%otherurls) {
    foreach $path (keys %otherurls) {
    $FILE =~ s/$path/$otherurls{$path}/i;
    $FILE =~ s/$basepath/$baseurl/i;
    print "$FILE\n";
    $filecount ++;
    print "\nTotal: ",&commas($filecount)," files\n";
    print " ",&commas($kbytestotal)," kb\n\n";
    print "</PRE>\n";

    unless ($NoTerms) {
    foreach $FILE (@files) {
    open (FILE,"$FILE");
    @LINES = <FILE>;
    close (FILE);
    $filecount ++;
    $mtime = (stat($FILE))[9];
    $mtime{$FILE} = $mtime;
    $update{$FILE} = &Get_Date;
    $string = join(' ',@LINES);
    $string =~ s/\n/ /g;
    $string =~ s/<SCRIPT>.*<\/SCRIPT>/ /gi;
    if ($string =~ /<TITLE>([^>]+)<\/TITLE>/i) {
    $title{$FILE} = "$1";
    elsif ($string =~ /SUBJECT>(.+)POSTER>(.+)EMAIL>/i) {
    $title{$FILE} = "$1";
    $poster{$FILE} = "$2";
    else {
    $title{$FILE} = "$FILE";
    if ($SplitNames) {
    @names = split (/<\s*A\s*NAME\s*=\s*"*/i,$string);
    else {
    @names[0] = $string;
    $namescount = @names;
    foreach $key (0..$namescount-1) {
    unless ($key==0) {
    $filename = $names[$key];
    $filename =~ s/^([^">]*).*/#$1/;
    $names[$key] =~ s/^[^">]*"*\s*>(.*)/$1/;
    $filename = "$FILE"."$filename";
    else {
    $filename = $FILE;
    $kbytesize{$filename} = $kbytesize{$FILE};
    $update{$filename} = $update{$FILE};
    $title{$filename} = $title{$FILE};
    $poster{$filename} = $poster{$FILE};
    $val{$filename} = 0;
    $string = $names[$key];
    unless (!($UseDescs) || ($NoMETAs > 0)) {
    if ($string =~ /<[^>]*META[^>]+NAME\s*=[ "]*description[ "]+CONTENT\s*=\s*"(([^>"])*)"[^>]*>/i) {
    $description{$filename} = "$1";
    $title{$filename} =~ s/\s+/ /g;
    $title{$filename} =~ s/^\s*//;
    $title{$filename} =~ s/\s*$//;
    if ($poster{$filename}) {
    $poster{$filename} =~ s/\s+/ /g;
    $poster{$filename} =~ s/^\s*//;
    $poster{$filename} =~ s/\s*$//;
    $string =~ s/<[^>]*\s+ALT\s*=\s*"(([^>"])*)"[^>]*>/$1/ig;
    unless ($NoMETAs > 0) {
    $string =~ s/<[^>]*META[^>]+NAME\s*=[ "]*(description|keywords)[ "]+CONTENT\s*=\s*"(([^>"])*)"[^>]*>/$2/ig;
    unless (!($UseDescs) || ($description{$filename})) {
    $description = $string;
    if ($description =~ /<BODY/) {
    $description =~ s/.*<BODY[^>]*>(.*)/$1/i;
    elsif ($description =~ /LINKURL>/) {
    $description =~ s/.*LINKURL>[^ ]*(.*)/$1/i;
    $description =~ s/<([^>])*>//g;
    $description =~ s/\s+/ /g;
    $description =~ s/^\s*//;
    $description =~ s/\s*$//;
    $description{$filename} = substr($description,0,250);
    $string =~ s/<([^>])*>//g;
    $string =~ s/\s+/ /g;
    $string =~ s/^\s*//;
    $string =~ s/\s*$//;
    if ($FORM{'boolean'} eq 'all terms') {
    foreach $term (@terms) {
    if ($FORM{'case'} eq 'insensitive') {
    $test = ($string =~ s/$term//ig);
    if ($test < 1) {
    $val{$filename} = 0;
    else {
    $val{$filename} = $val{$filename}+$test;
    elsif ($FORM{'case'} eq 'sensitive') {
    $test = ($string =~ s/$term//g);
    if ($test < 1) {
    $val{$filename} = 0;
    else {
    $val{$filename} = $val{$filename}+$test;
    else {
    foreach $term (@terms) {
    if ($FORM{'case'} eq 'insensitive') {
    $test = ($string =~ s/$term//ig);
    elsif ($FORM{'case'} eq 'sensitive') {
    $test = ($string =~ s/$term//g);
    $val{$filename} = $val{$filename}+$test;
    if ($val{$filename} > 0) {
    $truval{$filename} = ($val{$filename});

    foreach $term (@terms) {
    $term =~ s/\\\\/BaCkSlAsH/g;
    $term =~ s/\\//g;
    $term =~ s/BaCkSlAsH/\\/g;
    $term =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
    $term =~ s/"/&quot;/g;
    $term =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
    $term =~ s/</&lt;/g;

    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    &Header("Search Results");

    print "<H1 ALIGN=CENTER>Search Results</H1>\n";
    print "<P ALIGN=CENTER>Keywords ($FORM{'boolean'}, ";
    print "case $FORM{'case'}): <STRONG>";
    if ($NoTerms) {
    print "No Search Terms Provided!";
    else {
    foreach $term (@terms) {
    print "$term ";
    print "</STRONG></P>\n";
    print "<P ALIGN=CENTER><SMALL>";
    print "(<STRONG>",&commas($filecount),"</STRONG> files searched; ";
    print "<STRONG>",&commas($matchcount),"</STRONG> match";
    if ($matchcount == 1) {
    print " found)";
    else {
    print "es found)";
    print "</SMALL>\n";

    unless ($FORM{'first'}) { $FORM{'first'} = 1; }
    unless ($FORM{'last'}) { $FORM{'last'} = $FORM{'hits'}; }

    if ($matchcount == 0) {
    print "<P ALIGN=CENTER>No documents match your search criteria!";
    print "<BR>You might want to revise them and try again.</P>\n";
    else {
    print "<P ALIGN=CENTER><STRONG>Matches $FORM{'first'} ";
    if ($matchcount < $FORM{'last'}) {
    print "- $matchcount</STRONG></P>\n";
    else {
    print "- $FORM{'last'}</STRONG></P>\n";
    $Count = 0;
    print "<P><UL>\n";
    if ($DisplayByDate > 0) {
    foreach $key (sort ByDate keys %truval) {
    else {
    foreach $key (sort ByValue keys %truval) {
    print "</UL></P>\n";
    if (($FORM{'first'} > 1) || ($FORM{'last'} < $matchcount)) {
    print "<P><CENTER><TABLE><TR>\n";
    if ($FORM{'first'} > 1) {
    print "<TD><FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=\"$cgiurl\">\n";
    print "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"terms\" VALUE=\"";
    foreach $term (@terms) {
    print "$term ";
    print "\">\n";
    print "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"boolean\" ";
    print "VALUE=\"$FORM{'boolean'}\">\n";
    print "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"case\" ";
    print "VALUE=\"$FORM{'case'}\">\n";
    print "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"hits\" ";
    print "VALUE=\"$FORM{'hits'}\">\n";
    print "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"first\" ";
    print "VALUE=\"",($FORM{'first'}-$FORM{'hits'}),"\">\n";
    print "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"last\" ";
    print "VALUE=\"",($FORM{'last'}-$FORM{'hits'}),"\">\n";
    print "<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT ";
    print "VALUE=\"Last $FORM{'hits'} Matches\">\n";
    print "</FORM></TD>\n";
    if ($FORM{'last'} < $matchcount) {
    print "<TD><FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=\"$cgiurl\">\n";
    print "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"terms\" VALUE=\"";
    foreach $term (@terms) {
    print "$term ";
    print "\">\n";
    print "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"boolean\" ";
    print "VALUE=\"$FORM{'boolean'}\">\n";
    print "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"case\" ";
    print "VALUE=\"$FORM{'case'}\">\n";
    print "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"hits\" ";
    print "VALUE=\"$FORM{'hits'}\">\n";
    print "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"first\" ";
    print "VALUE=\"",($FORM{'first'}+$FORM{'hits'}),"\">\n";
    print "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"last\" ";
    print "VALUE=\"",($FORM{'last'}+$FORM{'hits'}),"\">\n";
    print "<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=\"";
    $nextset = $matchcount-$FORM{'last'};
    if ($nextset == 1) {
    print "Next Match";
    elsif ($nextset < $FORM{'hits'}) {
    print "Next $nextset Matches";
    else {
    print "Next $FORM{'hits'} Matches";
    print "\">\n</FORM></TD>\n";
    if (($FORM{'first'} > 1) || ($FORM{'last'} < $matchcount)) {
    print "</TR></TABLE></CENTER></P>\n";


    sub commas {
    1 while s/(.*\d)(\d\d\d)/$1,$2/;

    sub Get_Date {
    ($mday,$mon,$yr) = (localtime($mtime))[3,4,5];
    $yr += 1900;
    $date = "$mday $month[$mon] $yr";
    return $date;

    sub PrintEntry {
    next if ($Count < $FORM{'first'});
    last if ($Count > $FORM{'last'});
    $fileurl = $key;
    if (%otherurls) {
    foreach $path (keys %otherurls) {
    $fileurl =~ s/$path/$otherurls{$path}/i;
    $title{$key} =~ s/$path/$otherurls{$path}/i;
    $fileurl =~ s/$basepath/$baseurl/i;
    $title{$key} =~ s/$basepath/$baseurl/i;
    print "<LI><STRONG><A HREF=\"$fileurl\">";
    print "$title{$key}</A></STRONG>";
    if ($poster{$key}) {
    print " (posted by $poster{$key})";
    print "<BR><SMALL>Keyword Matches: ";
    print "<STRONG>$truval{$key}</STRONG>; ";
    print "Size: <STRONG>$kbytesize{$key} kb</STRONG>; ";
    print "Last Updated: ";
    print "<STRONG>$update{$key}</STRONG></SMALL>\n";
    if ($description{$key}) {
    print "<BR><EM>$description{$key}</EM>\n";
    print "<P>\n";

    sub ByDate {
    $aval = $mtime{$a};
    $bval = $mtime{$b};
    $bval <=> $aval;

    sub ByValue {
    $aval = $truval{$a};
    $bval = $truval{$b};
    $bval <=> $aval;

    sub wanted {
    (push (@AllFiles, $name)) && -f $_;

    sub PrintForm {
    print "<H2 ALIGN=CENTER>New Search</H2>\n";
    print "<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=\"$cgiurl\">\n";
    print "<P><CENTER>Terms for which to Search:\n";
    print "<BR><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=\"terms\" SIZE=60 VALUE=\"";
    foreach $term (@terms) {
    print "$term ";
    print "\">\n<P>Find: <SELECT NAME=\"boolean\"> ";
    if ($FORM{'boolean'} eq 'any terms') {
    print "<OPTION SELECTED>any terms<OPTION>all terms";
    print "<OPTION>as a phrase</SELECT> ";
    elsif ($FORM{'boolean'} eq 'all terms') {
    print "<OPTION>any terms<OPTION SELECTED>all terms";
    print "<OPTION>as a phrase</SELECT> ";
    else {
    print "<OPTION>any terms<OPTION>all terms";
    print "<OPTION SELECTED>as a phrase</SELECT> ";
    print "Case: <SELECT NAME=\"case\"> ";
    if ($FORM{'case'} eq 'insensitive') {
    print "<OPTION SELECTED>insensitive";
    print "<OPTION>sensitive</SELECT> ";
    else {
    print "<OPTION>insensitive";
    print "<OPTION SELECTED>sensitive</SELECT> ";
    print "Display: <SELECT NAME=\"hits\"> ";
    print "<OPTION";
    if ($FORM{'hits'} == 10) {
    print " SELECTED";
    print ">10<OPTION";
    if ($FORM{'hits'} == 25) {
    print " SELECTED";
    print ">25<OPTION";
    if ($FORM{'hits'} == 50) {
    print " SELECTED";
    print ">50<OPTION";
    if ($FORM{'hits'} == 100) {
    print " SELECTED";
    print ">100</SELECT>\n";
    print "<P><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=\"Search\">";
    print "</CENTER></FORM></P>\n";
    print "Maintained with <STRONG>";
    print "<A HREF=\"http://www.syrianobles.com/\">";
    print "Syrianobles</A></STRONG>.</SMALL></P>\n";
    print "</TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER></P>\n";

    sub Header {
    ($title) = @_;
    print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>$title</TITLE></HEAD>\n";
    print "<BODY $bodyspec>\n";
    if ($header_file) {
    open (HEADER,"$header_file");
    @header = <HEADER>;
    close (HEADER);
    foreach $line (@header) {
    if ($line =~ /<!--InsertAdvert\s*(.*)-->/i) {
    else {
    print "$line";

    sub Footer {
    if ($footer_file) {
    open (FOOTER,"$footer_file");
    @footer = <FOOTER>;
    close (FOOTER);
    foreach $line (@footer) {
    if ($line =~ /<!--InsertAdvert\s*(.*)-->/i) {
    else {
    print "$line";
    print "</BODY></HTML>\n";

    sub insertadvert {
    require "/u2/www/users/dburgdor/scripts/ads/ads_display.pl";
    $adverts_dir = "/u2/www/users/dburgdor/scripts/ads/ads";
    $display_cgi = "http://awsd.com/scripts/ads/ads.pl";
    $advertzone = $_[0];
    $ADVUseBackup = 1;
    $ADVUseLocking = 1;
    $NonSSI = 0;
    $ADVNoPrint = 1;

    # WebSearch is distributed as shareware. While you are free to modify
    # and use it as you see fit, any usage should be registered. The
    # registration fee is just $25 (US). Payment should be sent via check
    # or money order to Darryl C. Burgdorf, Affordable Web Space Design,
    # 3524 Pacific Street, Omaha NE 68105.
    # (If you happen to live in a country other than the United States, you
    # can write a check in your local currency for the equivalent of $32.50.
    # That will cover the $25 registration fee and the $7.50 service fee
    # which my bank charges. Please do not write me a check in US funds
    # drawn on a non-US bank; the service charge for those can be anywhere
    # from $10 to $25!)
    # Thank you for your support!

    beshoo غير متواجد حالياً

  3. #3
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2001

    الله يجزاك الف خير ويكثر من امثالك
    الف شكر يا اخي العزيز ..

    DaT غير متواجد حالياً

ضوابط المشاركة

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  • لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك

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