النتائج 1 إلى 3 من 3

الموضوع: إرسال بريد

  1. الطلب صعب شوي لكن فيكم الخير والبركه
    الموضوع ومافيه أبغي أحد يشرحلي أمر الإرسال في لغه CGI
    وبس يعني شرح سريع سريع


    Nasa Baby

    مازن مليباري غير متواجد حالياً

  2. #2
    عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2000

    أخي اليك ملف mail-lib.pl الذي يأتي مع برنامج UBB وهو يتضمن روتين يتناول الموضوع الذي سألت عنه وبه شرح مفصل .. وبه كثير من المتغيرات الذي يجب ان تراعي عند استخدامه مع برنامج آخر


    <div align="left">
    <table dir= ltr border="0" width="66%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td width="50%"><font face="Arial" size="2">############################################################



    # This script was written by Gunther Birznieks.&nbsp;

    # Date Created: 2-22-96

    # Date Last Modified: 5-5-96


    # You may copy this under the terms of the GNU General Public

    # License or the Artistic License which is distributed with

    # copies of Perl v5.x for UNIX.


    # Purpose: Provides a set of library routines to send email

    # over the internet.&nbsp;


    # Main Procedures:

    # real_send_mail - flexible way to send email

    # send_mail - easier to use version of send_mail


    # Special Notes: Script is UNIX Specific and ties into the&nbsp;

    # Sendmail Program which is usually located in /usr/lib or

    # /usr/bin.


    # Also, remember to escape @ signs with a backslash (\@)&nbsp;

    # for compatibility with PERL 5.


    # Change the $mail_program variable to change location of your

    # sendmail program



    # $mail_program is the mail program used to send mail

    # with the full path.&nbsp;


    # The -t flag tells sendmail to

    # look for To:, From:, Subject: header lines in the

    # mail message to determine the addresses to send to.


    # The -n flag tells sendmail not to use the alias list

    # for the UNIX server. We do not want outsiders using

    # the alias list of the webserver in most cases.


    $mail_program = "$SendMailLocation -t";



    # subroutine: real_send_mail&nbsp;

    # Usage:

    # &amp;send_mail("me@myhouse.com","myhouse.com","you@yourhouse.com",

    # "yourhouse.com", "Mysubject", "My message");


    # Parameters:

    # $fromuser = Full Email address of sender

    # $fromsmtp = Full Internet Address of sender's SMTP Server

    # $touser = Full Email address of receiver

    # $tosmtp = Full Internet Address of receiver's SMTP Server

    # $subject = Subject of message

    # $messagebody = Body of message including newlines.


    # Output:

    # None


    sub real_send_mail {

    local($fromuser, $fromsmtp, $touser, $tosmtp,&nbsp;

    $subject, $messagebody) = @_;

    # First we need to start the mail program and open

    # a PIPE to the program so that anything&nbsp;

    # we print to the filehandle, goes to the running

    # program.

    open (MAIL, "|$mail_program") &#0124; &#0124;&nbsp;

    &amp;web_error("Could Not Open Mail Program");


    # Print the mail message to the Mail Program

    # using the HERE Document method


    print MAIL &lt;&lt;__END_OF_MAIL__;

    To: $touser

    From: $fromuser

    Subject: $subject



    close (MAIL);

    } #end of real_send_mail



    # subroutine: send_mail&nbsp;

    # Usage:

    # &amp;send_mail("me@myhouse.com","you@yourhouse.com",

    # "Mysubject", "My message");


    # Parameters:

    # $fromuser = Full Email address of sender

    # $touser = Full Email address of receiver

    # $subject = Subject of message

    # $messagebody = Body of message including newlines.


    # Output:

    # None



    sub send_mail {

    local($from, $to, $subject, $messagebody) = @_;

    local($fromuser, $fromsmtp, $touser, $tosmtp);

    # This routine takes the simpler parameters of&nbsp;

    # send_mail and breaks them up into the parameters

    # to be sent to real_send_mail.


    $fromuser = $from;

    $touser = $to;


    # Split is used to break the address up into

    # user and hostname pairs. The hostname is the

    # 2nd element of the split array, so we reference

    # it with a 1 (since arrays start at 0).


    $fromsmtp = (split(/\@/,$from))[1];

    $tosmtp = (split(/\@/,$to))[1];

    # Actually call the sendmail routine with the

    # newly generated parameters


    &amp;real_send_mail($fromuser, $fromsmtp, $touser,&nbsp;

    $tosmtp, $subject, $messagebody);

    } # End of send_mail



    # subroutine: web_error

    # Usage:

    # &amp;web_error("File xxx could not be opened");


    # Parameters:

    # $error = Description of Web Error


    # Output:

    # None



    sub web_error {

    local ($error) = @_;

    $error = "Error Occured: $error";

    print "$error&lt;p>\n";

    # Die exits the program prematurely and prints an error to

    # stderr

    die $error;

    } # end of web_error


    <td width="50%"></td>



    بامحرز غير متواجد حالياً

  3. شكراً جزيلاً أخي الكريم و ماقصرت انا راح أشوف هذا الكود إنشاء الله
    واضح إنه دسم

    Nasa Baby

    مازن مليباري غير متواجد حالياً

ضوابط المشاركة

  • لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
  • لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
  • لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
  • لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك

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