النتائج 1 إلى 13 من 13

الموضوع: رحلة إلى برنامج أوبرا .. بطلي هو الحبيب صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم

  1. #1
    عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2005

    رحلة إلى برنامج أوبرا .. بطلي هو الحبيب صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    بفضل الله

    رحلة إلى برنامج أوبرا .. بطلي هو الحبيب صلى الله عليه وسلم

    برنامج أوبرا المشهور عالميا اوبرا وينفرى لمن لا يعرفها هى أشهر شخصية تلفيزيونية فى أمريكا بل صنفت من أقوى عشر سيدات(لا أدري لماذا!) فى العالم تأثيرا على الشعوب بل مفيش أحد من أشباح هوليود بتكتمل (نجوميته المزعومة) إلا بعد ما تستضيفه اوبراقررت المذيعة الأمريكية عرض حلقة عن البطل الذى أثر فى حياتك وعلى كل شخص أن يبعث لها السيرة الذاتية للبطل الذى أثر فى حياته عليك انك تدخل على الرابط وتكتب من هو بطلك في رسالة لا تزيد عن 2000 حرف!
    وللتسهيل علي الجميع فهناك حوالي 9 صيغ مراجعه بفضل الله ويمكنكم اختيار أيا منها
    والآن نفس عميق كالعادة وهذا الشرح الوافي للمهمة:

    الرابط هو:

    ترجمة الكلام في الرابط من احد الأخوة
    قد يكون هناك شخص ما قام بعمل بطولى خارق للعادة أثر فى حياتك تأثيرا عميقا...
    قد يكون أخ لك أو زوج أو صديق أو قريب أو حتى جار
    أنقذك من ورطة وقعت فيها كحادث سير أو غرق مثلا وان كلفه ذلك القيام بعمل بطولى لا يصدق كان من الممكن ان يكلفه حياته
    أو لعل قلبه رق لحالك فى وقت ما فعرض عليك مساعدة مالية فى ازمة مرت بك كمرض طفلك أو تصدع منزلك
    أو لعل شهادته فى قضية انقذت بريئا
    أو أمانته جعلته يذهب بمبلغ مالى كبير أو مجوهرات وجدها فى طريقه الى الشرطة بدلا من أن يطمع فيها لنفسه
    لعلك تشعر بالامتنان لشخص ضحى أو خاطر من أجلك ولم تتتح لك فرصة شكره كما يستحق
    برنامج أوبرا وينفرى يبحث عن أبطال كهؤلاء ..أبطال تخطوا الصعاب وفعلوا مالايخطر ببال من اجل من يحبون
    ان كان لديك بطل خاص تود أن تشكره فنحن نتشوق لسماع قصته
    صورة توضيحية لملء الخانات:

    اختر أيا من الصيغ التالية

    الصيغة الأولى:

    صيغة 2000 حرفا بالضبط
    Dear Oprah,
    I hope this finds you well.
    I have heard about your request to write about my model in my life, and about the reasons for choosing this person to be my model.
    My model is the Prophet "Mohammad" Peace be upon him, the prophet of Muslim people. I have chosen him to be my hero for many reasons:
    This man came in an age in when people used to commit bad doings; such as worshipping stones that do not benefit or hurt them. They used to kill each other and conflicts were the common tool they used to regain their rights. At this time, people were not merciful with each other and were just looking for their own benefits at the expense of weak people. They did not respect women. The Woman was deprived of her rights. She was just like any thing with no value
    Then Prophet Mohammed came with the message of Islam to change all of this.
    He told them about the mercy of Allah (God) and that He (God) created them to worship him and not stones. He called them to respect women and give them their rights. He called them to respect each other and not to kill each other; he told them that love and peace are the basics of a happy life.
    Crimes then became forbidden. One of his sayings was" No one is called a perfect believer until he loves that his brother (in humanity) get what he loves to get for him self"
    لا يؤمن أحدكم حتى يحب لأخيه ما يحب لنفسه
    Dear Oprah,I have read about many great people who achieved great things in life, but I have never read about some one like him before.
    Many studies were made about his life. the studies proved that if we follow his beliefs and way of life, the world will advance 4 times than now.
    After reading his life story I said "Muslims are lucky to pursue his beliefs and values"
    Thus, I was very angry when the Danish newspapers published cartoons about him. I do not accept the idea of my model being drawn in caricatures and made fun of in such a humiliating way.
    I wish that western people will read his life story to know more about him
    Thank you,
    Best regards,

    الصيغة الثانية:
    صيغة 1566 حرف(قابلة للزيادة لمن يحب الإضافة)
    Hi Oprah
    I heard about your request in your nice show to write about our model in life, and I wanted to participate with you, and to tell you about my model and my reasons for choosing him
    My model is the messenger of GOD, the Muslim Prophet MOHAMED Peace and blessing be upon him
    I know this may surprise you because he died 1400 years ago. But I’ll tell you why I have chosen him. This man came in an ancient time when people disrespected women, did not care about good moralities, and rob children's money. During this time, the strong ones used to kill the week ones, people did not care about their relatives, and people were used to lying in every aspect of life.
    Then, Prophet Mohamed was sent to them. He came with a message full of love, full of forgiveness and respect for men and women as equals …
    He was excellent in planning, excellent in talking, excellent in leadership, excellent in saying his opinions and in making people, even those who don’t believe in him, respect his ideas. He established a new state from a small town with few people. Within 20 years, this state became the biggest nation in the East.
    In addition to this, he was a very kind man with children and was a great husband … I want you to read more about him, because I can’t tell you all about MOHAMED in one page…….
    Greetings and smiles
    U can know more about my hero through these links

    الصيغة الثالثة:
    صيغة 1990 حرف

    Hi Oprah
    My Model is Prophet Mohamed (PBUH), the prophet of Muslims. I chose him because I couldn’t and I won’t find anyone like him. So let me tell you a little about him. This man came at time when people did not care about their families and relatives. People were used to stealing; they deprived women of their rights and did not care about their society or their country's development. Forgiveness was a strange word to them and killing was their only way to solve their problems.
    So, this man has come to call caring about women and caring about the family bonds he called for development and for a better life. He called for renouncing the word KILLING and not to think that it is the only way to solve a problem. He called for a lot of other things that I could not find in anyone's life.. when I heard and read about this person, I just felt that I was not alive before this. So, I decided to consider much of my time to read more and more about him , I felt that the world around me is lacking something or (you) can say, is living in darkness without knowing him well.
    After studies have been made, i realized that if the world will follow this person’s way of life the development and progress population will almost be 4 times more in one year. Also, the world's problems will be solved in an easier way. But I found out that Muslims are in lucky because they follow his way. However, there are some Muslims who understand Islam in a wrong way so they ruin Islam's reputation around the world
    But if a person read about prophet Mohamed and know more about him and his life and how managed to change the bad ethics that prevailed at this time, definitely he will sacrifice his life to know more and more about him and to convey his message to the whole world. Thus, I was really sad to see these sarcastic cartoons of my model being drawn in some European newspapers because he is my hero and nobody accepts the idea of having his model humiliated in such way. Am I right Oprah??

    الصيغة الرابعة:
    Dear Oprah/ Sirs and Madams,
    Good Day!
    First of all I should thank you for your world wide program and for the opportuanty you gave me and many others to introduce our HERO.
    My beloved Hero!
    Truly, I don't know where to start describing him. May be his kindness with all around him;his gentle talks to kids, women and friends. his special care to widows and orphans. wise and patience to whom were against him.
    I am trying to do just like him in eating, walking, talking , smiling and even sleeping.
    I realize that he wanted us to be more successful, good mannered ,and doing all that forwards humanity to the best.
    So that, I am trying to please my parents and family, to work harder and harder ,and doing some charity just like small things he did.
    I love him more than parents or any human in this world & promise to live just like he wanted me to.
    I do really looking forward the day I meet Him.
    My Beloved Hero is MOHAMMAD (peace be upon him)
    Do not miss the chance to introduce him closer and closer.
    Please, invite (Yousef Hamza) to your program and talk about our muslim nations hero.
    The Hero of youth and old, men and women, the Mercy not for (1.4)milliar people , he
    is the mercy for all mankind.

  2. #2
    عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2005

    الصيغة الخامسة
    صيغة 2000 حرف بالضبط
    Hi oprah!
    My hero is Muhammad(pbuh)
    One in every 5 persons on this earth firmly believes that the Prophet Muhammad is the last Messenger of God. He was a Muslim and there are more than 1.3 billion such Muslims today.
    Not only individuals but entire countries take pride in declaring their allegiance to him. There are 54 such Muslim states today, ranging from those as large as Indonesia and Bangladesh, with populations of 200 and 125 million respectively, to those as tiny as the Maldives or Brunei with populations of 230,000 and 260,000. Even in non-Muslim countries, large Muslim populations constitute significant minorities; as much as 120 million in India and 20 million in China. Indeed, within the last half century, Islam, the religion brought by the Prophet Muhammad, has become the second largest religion in most European countries, as also in America and Canada.
    Black and white, red and yellow, followers of the Prophet Muhammad come from all human races. Whether in Asia or Europe, Africa or America, in every nook and cranny of this globe, you are sure to find Muslims. They live in the most advanced, sprawling megalopolis as well as in the most primitive nomadic tent, village, hamlet, and even in the bush.
    Indeed, never in history has a man influenced mankind, even beyond his death, so deeply and so pervasively as he has. He brings light and peace to countless hearts and lives. They love him more dearly than their own selves. In him they find their greatest source of inspiration and guidance. He is the ultimate norm and the perfect example for them. Faith in him is their mainstay and he is their chief source of support and comfort in all personal vicissitudes and tribulations. To him they also look to lead them through social and political turmoil. He has always inspired them to greater and greater heights of spiritual and moral upliftment and civilizational achievements. And still does.

    الصيغة السادسة
    Hi oprah

    My hero is my dear prohphet Muhammad(pbuh)
    The Prophet Muhammad was an extremely successful social reformer as well as spiritual and political leader, who championed the rights of the weak and oppressed. The Qur'anic verses referring to women had the effect of vastly improving the status and rights of women at the time they were revealed. Muslim women were granted the right to own, inherit and dispose of their own property as they saw fit; reject forced marriages; keep their own names and identities after marriage; initiate divorce; and obtain an education - back in the 7th century. In contrast to the dismal situation affecting many women in developing countries today, early Muslim women were noted for their learning and accomplishments. The Prophet declared, 'To seek knowledge is an obligation on every Muslim, male and female,' and his own wife Aisha was responsible for transmitting thousands of his sayings to later generations. Aisha was also renowned for her knowledge of poetry, medicine, and Islamic law, as well as her personal qualities of character and intelligence. When she led a battle after the Prophet's death, no one objected on the grounds that she was a woman. Many Muslim women in the medieval period enjoyed positions of respect as scholars and religious authorities. Therefore, Muslims seeking to improve the position of women in society have usually focused their efforts on getting men (and women) to practice Islam, rather than trying to 'reform' it, as happened with other religions. The main obstacles to Muslim women achieving the rights guaranteed to them, then and now, have been persistent un-Islamic cultural traditions (usually dating to the period before people accepted Islam in a given locality), inadequate religious education, and the bad side of human nature.
    That's My hero!
    &u can kindly know more about him

    الصيغة السابعة
    صيغة 1992 حرف
    My Hero oprah is simply!Muhammad(pbuh)
    Never has a man set for himself,voluntarily or involuntarily,a more sublime aim,since this aim was superhuman; to subvert superstitions which had been imposed between man and his Creator,to render God unto man and man unto God; to restore the rational and sacred idea of divinity amidst the chaos of the material and disfigured gods of idolatry, then existing.Never has a man undertaken a work so far beyond human power with so feeble means,"The idea of the unity of God,proclaimed amidst the exhaustion of the fabulous theogonies,was in itself such a miracle that upon it's utterance from his lips it destroyed all the ancient temples of idols and set on fire one-third of the world. His life,his meditations,his heroic reveling against the superstitions of his country,and his boldness in defying the furies of idolatry,his firmness in enduring them for fifteen years in Mecca,his acceptance of the role of public scorn and almost of being a victim of his fellow countrymen:all these and finally,his flight,his incessant preaching,his wars against odds,his faith in his success and his superhuman security in misfortune,his forbearance in victory,his ambition,which was entirely devoted to one idea and in no manner striving for an empire;his endless prayers,his mystic conversations with God,his death and his triumph after death;all these attest not to an imposture but to a firm conviction which gave him the power to restore a dogma.This dogma was twofold the unity of God and the immateriality of God:the former telling what God is,the latter telling what God is not;the one overthrowing false gods with the sword, the other starting an idea with words."Philosopher, Orator, Apostle, Legislator,Conqueror of Ideas,Restorer of Rational beliefs.The founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire that is Muhammad.As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask,is there any man greater than him?

  3. #3
    عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2005

    الصيغة الثامنة
    صيغة 1973 حرف
    Hero is a word that isn't up to his standard
    Prophet Mohammed is our guide, oprah. He is the man whose love is deep in our hearts.As Muslims, we find loving him a way to earn Allah’s love. He thought of our worries a lot. He named us his brothers/sisters. He cried for our sake. He feared that we might be from those who enter Hell which made him plead Allah for letting us –his nation and whoever believed in him after his death- be the majority of those who enter Heaven.
    “Maybe he or she was there when you crashed your car and pulled you to safety?”
    It’s greater than this, oprah. He –may peace be upon him- drew us with our lives to the shore of safety, to the light, happiness and Islam. He did that after disgraceful deeds that were against our righteous instinct collided.
    You might be surprised if I told you that he did what you mentioned. He did collect money for me when my sick baby needed it. He saved those who sank, helped those who are in need and helped all those who needed help when he recommended believers to be like one body and told us that s/he who helps people and is the most beneficial for them is the best among them. He didn’t clean up my place when it was messy, but he recommended me to stay clean and show Allah’s blessings in our cloths and houses without allowing that to lead us to being arrogant and letting go modesty.
    He made loyalty take an important role in our religion and in a believer’s heart to stop him from keeping what is not his right to keep no matter how valuable it is.
    Last, I wanted you to notice that who is considered to be a guide or a hero doesn’t take the blame for the loss of those who are lost or mislead in their lives. In fact, that is because they didn’t fully comprehend the goal that hero or that guide believes in.
    You’ll be amazed a lot more and admire him –may peace he upon him- much more if you get to read more about his life and way of living.
    Thanks for giving us the chance, oprah

    الصيغة التاسعة:
    صيغة 1886 حرف قابلة لإضافات

    Hello Oprah
    I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity to talk about my beloved hero.
    He was kindhearted and soft-spoken, never harsh or cool in his behavior. Neither he neither humiliated anyone nor did him self like to be treated with disrespect. He never showed anger about anything of the world or what it stands for. Never in his life he laid his hands on anyone save in a fight for the sake of God, nor did he ever strike anybody with his hand, neither a servant nor' a woman.
    He was the most generous, large hearted, truthful, clement, lenient and amiable. He was very polite and good-mannered. His wife and many of his companions reported that he was good-tempered, good-mannered and very polite to all. He was always happy and smiling and his face always had a bright and cheerful look. He used to say, "The best among you are those who have the best character."
    He was also very kind and affectionate towards women. Women were very badly treated in those times. He gave them honor and dignity equal to men in the community. He used to say: take care that glass (women) may not break!
    Furthermore, He was very kind to all creatures including animals. He forbade people to keep animals in their working equipment for a long time and said, "Don't make the backs of animals your chairs." Animal fights were also made unlawful.
    I can keep talking about my hero who lives in my heart and the hearts of millions of people around the world. My hero is Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him)!
    I hope that through your show many around the world will get to know who this person really was.
    Note: To know more about him, you may visit these sites


    انشرها لكل من تعرف

  4. #4
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2003

    جزاك الله ألف خير
    موضوع رائع و فكرة جيدة

    لو تشاركوا كل العرب في هالموضوع ممكن يكون له تأثير في الغرب

  5. #5
    عضو سوبر نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2005

    بيكون له تاثير اذا كانت كل رساله توصل يكون بها راي مختلف
    مب توصل مليون رساله وكلها نسخه عن بعضها
    في هالحاله بتثير الشك بدال ماتاثر عليهم

  6. #6
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2003


    صادق لو كل واحد يعبر من نفسه ولو اربع جمل أظن أفضل من انها تجي مليون رسالة مكررة
    لكن الموضوع خيّر

  7. صحيح من الافضل ان يكون لكل شخص رأيه الخاص وبطريقته بهذي الطريقة سوف يضحكون ويستهزئون بنا بأنا امعان ونتبع رأي واحد وهذا ليس من تعاليم الدين

    شكراً على الموضوع وسوف نتكب ما نقدر عليه ومن عقولنا

    جزاك الله خير

    أنشئ البوم لصورك وشاركها في موقعك صور TNT

    expertsniper - Fast سابقاً

  8. #8
    عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2004

    تم ارسال الصيغه الثالثه

    وبارك الله فيك وجزاك الله خير جعله الله في ميزان حسناتك

    لاتقل مستحيل قبل ان تجرب

  9. #9
    عضو سوبر نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2003

    مشكور أخوى
    وتم الأرسال بصيغة مختلفة
    وجزاك الله كل خير

    قريباً - دمج كافة مواقعنا فى موقع واحد ضخم باذن الله - أنتظرونا
    لا اله الا الله - سيدنا محمد رسول الله

  10. #10
    عضو فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2004

    حبيبي ، اوكيه بس اوبرا وش تبي تقول عن الرسول (صلى لله عليه وسلم)

    لا لا نريد اوبرا ولا غيرها تتكلم عن الحبيب صلى لله علية وسلم .

    تكلمت عن المراة السعودية بكل وقاحة ونجاسة وحقد ، فماذا تتوقع ان تقول عن الرسول صلى لله علية وسلم ،

    مفروض تطلعون على سيرة اوبرا اولا ً ثم بعد ذالك تقررون ، تاريخ سيئ لها هذه المغتصبة


    بريد + ماسنجر

    admin( @ )tec4serv.com


  11. #11
    خبير JavaScript
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2002

    انها تقول شخص عرفته بلحمه ودمه ولم تتح لك الفرصة لشكره يعني أبطال عاديين
    ان رسولنا الكريم محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم أكبر من هذه الشخصية التي تنتظرها أبرا
    ثم ان الرسول ان أردت أن تشكره فيمكننا ذالك بإتباع كتابه وسنته والصلاة والسلام عليه
    ان رسولنا الكريم أكبر من كلمة بطل بكثير انه خير البرية
    وكما قال الأخ 3rbhost ماذا تنتظر من إمرأة تستهزء وتتكلم بكل وقاحة عن المرأة السعودية لتقوله عن الحبيب

  12. #12
    عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2004

    انا مع الاخوة جزئيا
    بأننا لا ننتظر الكثير من اوبرا

    لأنها بكل بساطة مثلها مثل اي اعلامي سواء كان غربي او عربي ... مجرد دمية يتحكم بها اليهود

    هم لن يسمحوا بأي شكل من الاشكال بمدح المسلمين عبر اذاعاتهم و فضائياتهم

    الموضوع مثل ان نسمح ببناء كنسية بمكة ... طبعا لن يحدث هذا مادام دم في عروقنا

    هكذا الحال معهم , مادام هناك دم في عروقهم لن يرضوا ان يعرض الاسلام الا بالقذف و الشتم .
    سواء بشكل مباشر او غير مباشر .

  13. #13
    عضو فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2005

    تم بأمر الله

    سبحان الله وبحمده ... سبحان الله العظيم.
    إقرأ .. لتتعلم
    [AJAX] سكربت إتصل بنا (ديف كونتاكت) النسخة 2.3.2
    للتواصل ..

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