السلام عليكم ,,,

طرحت قبل كم يوم موضوع (( المتجر الجديد المطور vbBux / vbPlaza للنسخة 354 .. بميزات رهيبة ما يقارب 128 ميزة !! ))

ووعدتكم بالتعريب بس للاسف ظروفي هذه الفترة لم تسمح لي بذلك ... لاني حاليا متواجد باستراليا لظروف الدراسة واستعد للعودة الشهر القادم باذن الله فكثير عندي ضغوط هذه الفترة لذلك اعذروني لاني تاخرت عليكم ..

بس الأخوان ما قصروا حطوا بعض التعريبات والعملية سهلة ما صعبة جربوا ...

على العموم من يوميين نزلت نسخة أحدث للمتجر من الشركة .. نزلتها لكم ولكن للحين ما عربت شيء منها لانه ما عندي وقت واعذروني .. بس جبيت ابشركم بالنسخة الجديدة وأحطها لكم ..

طبعا تم تطوير بعض الاشياء واضافة ميزات جديدة لم تكن موجودة من قبل مثل ((( تلوين عنوان الموضوع , تظليله , اضافة خط تحته , اضافة اشعاع لعنوان الموضوع ...... الخ ))

وهذه هي الإضافات في النسخة الجديدة للمتجر ..
v1.5.5 has been released
--- Bugfix: Mod CP doesnt give a parse error anymore for the Arcade Options.
--- Bugfix: Typo fixed inside plugins/vbplaza_forumdata_start.php
--- Bugfix: Admin CP -> Find User did not display the Can Receive Points & Can Access vbPlaza properly. The settings saved properly, but if you re-edited the user, the changes may or may not be displayed.
--- Bugfix: Exploit when they create a post thats 10000 characters and then edit it back down to the normal post size thats much less. It removes the original points it gave them and then gives them the points for their new shortened post. So in essence, if they want to keep the larger amount of points, they have to leave the post long now, so you can spot it and ban them for abuse
--- Bugfix: Download Attachment confirmation page now displays how many points you have on hand as well as in the bank properly.
--- Bugfix: Sometimes Gifts/Ribbons wouldnt show up in the postbit properly.
--- vbPlaza Setting: Enable Mod CP Options, will allow you to disable the Mod CP options from your forum Moderators.
--- vbPlaza Setting: ibProArcade Jackpot Increases X Percentage of Cost to Play, will allow the jackpot to be increased each time someone plays a game by X Percentage of the Cost per Game.
--- vbPlaza Setting: Arcade Pass Owners Can Win Jackpots, will allow your Arcade Pass Owners the possibility to win jackpots, but still play for free.
--- ibProArcade Jackpot system supported, for static and raised jackpot types. There is still a global setting in vbBux Options to set the amount of vbBux a user will win for winning any game. If you want to disable that setting and only use the ibProArcade Jackpot system, please put a 0 for the setting in vbBux Settings.
--- Arcade Pass system has changed for the better. It will now allow you to copy the Option and create different arcade passes that expire in X days that you specify properly.
--- vbPlaza Setting: vbPlaza Options Display Style, will show your Options in the style specified.
--- vbPlaza Setting: Display Options Per Row in vbPlaza, will display X options per row in vbPlaza.
--- vbPlaza Setting: Enable vbPlaza Override For Username HTML Markup, will allow you to enable/disable vbPlaza's Username HTML Markup when a user has purchased options to affect their username.
--- A lot of the templates have been cleaned up. You may need to revert any vbPlaza templates you have customized for everything to work properly again.
--- The Bank has its own template now and looks a lot better.
--- New Give Gifts Setting: Can Use Radio Buttons to display the gifts to choose from instead of the Drop Down Box. Admin CP -> vbPlaza -> Manage Options -> Give Gifts -> At the bottom.
--- Admin Feature: Search Gifts & Search Ribbons now displays a delete option to delete the gift next to each gift that was found for easy access.
--- Lottery Winners Page now shows the currently active lotteries, with the current jackpot, ending time & number of tickets purchased for each active lottery.
--- vbPlaza Option: Bold Thread Title, with this option you can bold the thread title of your choosing when its viewed on the forums list.
--- vbPlaza Option: Italic Thread Title, with this option you can italicize the thread title of your choosing when its viewed on the forums list.
--- vbPlaza Option: Underline Thread Title, with this option you can underline the thread title of your choosing when its viewed on the forums list.
--- vbPlaza Option: Colored Thread Title, with this option you can make the thread title of your choosing be displayed in the color of your choosing on the forums list.
--- vbPlaza Option: Glow Thread Title Color, with this option you can make the thread title of your choosing glow in the color of your choosing on the forums list.
--- vbPlaza Option: Shadow Thread Title Color, with this option you can make the thread title of your choosing shadow in the color of your choosing on the forums list.
--- vbPlaza Option: Thread Title Font Type, with this option you can make the thread title of your choosing be displayed in the font type of your choosing on the forums list.
--- User History Page now has an Expire Now option to expire options immediately. (This is useful to test if an item is expiring properly.)
--- Admin CP User Profile Edit: Can now turn options on/off for Display Flags, Other Flags & Immunity.
--- Admin Feature: Admin CP -> vbPlaza -> Search Users. This will allow you to search for users with Display Flags, Other Flags or Immunity quickly.
--- Admin Feature: Admin CP -> vbPlaza Maintenance -> Clear All Immunity. This will allow you to reset all of your user's immunity flags to disabled.
--- Donations are now taxable. All you have to do is set the Tax for the Donation in Admin CP -> vbPlaza -> Manage Options -> Donate -> Tax. If you do not want Donations taxed, then leave the tax percentage at 0.

رابط التحميل للنسخة الجديدة إضغط هنا

وهذا نص موضوعي السابق ...
(( المتجر الجديد المطور vbBux / vbPlaza للنسخة 354 .. بميزات رهيبة ما يقارب 128 ميزة !! ))

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة omanlover.org
السلام عليكم

eBux / eStore v1.1.3 Points + Store System

اللي عنده تصريح ينزله من موقع الشركة

واللي ما عنده ينزله من هذا الرابط المباشر

وان شاء الله التعريب قريبا .. . باقي بعض الاشياء في لوحة التحكم ويكون الهاك عندكم باذن الله ..
ولرؤية مثال على الهاك


ومثل ما خبرتكم به ما يقارب 128 ميزة ...

بصراحة رهيب جدا !!

بعض الامثلة للهاك ... مجموعة صور ..

قائمة سريعة ..

بعض أقسام المتجر

أغنى الأعضاء من حيث النقاط

مثال على أحد أقسام المتجر وهو ما يخص الاسم المستعار من تغيير وتلوين وتظلييل وجعله مشع ... الخ ؟

مثال على التبرع لأحد الأعضاء

يظهر في كل قسم .. كم نقطة سوف تضاف للرد .. للموضوع .. لكل مشاهدة للموضوع

وأكرر إعتذاري وان شاء الله الاخوان ما يقصروا بالتعريب ..
للعلم آخر تحديث للمتجر هو بتاريخ 12 - 4 - 2006 يعني قبل يوميين ...

ألقاكم على الف خير