السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته


ثم تسجل فيه عن طريق

ثم تقوم بالدخول بكلمة السر و الباسورد و تنزل السكريبت ..
تجد رابطه بالأسفل

### ###
### Cheats Database ###
### ###

Install instructions:-

1) Unzip all files to your server directory
2) Use your username from cheatsdatabase.com if you ave not got one then create one there
3) open backend.inc.php eneter your username and password where shown between the single quotes
4) Copy your template into template.php
5) The following variables can be used on template.php on the right is what you should put in the html and on the right is the result of adding this to your html.

Items with a * are essential.

[[TITLE]] - Place between your <title></title> tags in your html *
[[PLATFORMS]] - Place where you want the platforms to show in html
[[PCHEATS]] - Display the top ten most popular cheats
[[LCHEATS]] - Display the latest 10 cheats

[[STARTCONTENT]] - Must be placed where your content table starts *
[[CONTENTTITLE]] - Where the table title is shown
[[CONTENT]] - WHERE the content ends up. i.e cheats, games e.t.c *
[[ENDCONTENT]] - Must be placed where your content table ends *

6) Open config.php and replace "- Your site here" with your sites name
7) To customize how the cheats, gameslists, latest cheats, most popular cheats and platforms are displayed open backend.inc.php and scroll down until you reach
cdb_link_templates($cdb_link_id) under that will be displayed all the information you need to edit the way they are formatted.

مثال عليه و هو شغال

السكريبت لم يتم تجربته بعد و جاري تركيبه إن شاء الله الأن