النتائج 1 إلى 4 من 4

الموضوع: شلون اخلي مركز التحميل ما يقلل حجم وجودة الصور اللي تنرفع عليه؟؟ اتمنى احد يساعدني

  1. شلون اخلي مركز التحميل ما يقلل حجم وجودة الصور اللي تنرفع عليه؟؟ اتمنى احد يساعدني

    السلام عليكم

    شباب قاعد الاحظ انه مركز التحميل مالي يقلل من حجم الصور المرفوعه وايضا يقلل من جودتها!!

    شسووي شباب؟؟ شلون اعدل اخليه مايأثر على الصور واحجامها؟؟

    ارجو المساعده

    وين اروح وشنو اسوي واي كود اعدل عليه؟

    سبحان الله وبحمده
    > "كتبي، لعلها تفيدك!" *جديد
    > "مدونتي، تصويري.." | LaZqA
    > Twitter

  2. #2
    عضو فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2003

    إذا النسخ عن طريق Copy، ماعندي فكرة صراحة..
    لكن إذا عن طريق imagejpeg or imagepng إلخ

    bool imagejpeg ( resource image [, string filename [, int quality]] )
    في الخانة الثالثة تحط الجودة ( من 0 إلى 100 )

  3. مافهمت عليك اخوي شوي ملخبط :S

    ممكن شوف هذا الكود كامل الموجود داخل ملف upload.php

    define ( 'UPLOAD_PHP', 1 );
    require_once ( 'includes/commons.inc.php' );
    $tpl_upload = new Template ( TPL_DIR . 'tpl_upload.php' );
    $tpl_img    = new Template ( TPL_DIR . 'tpl_img.php' );
    $tpl_error  = new Template ( TPL_DIR . 'tpl_error.php' );
    $zip_enabled = function_exists ( 'zip_open' );
    $tpl_upload->set ( 'zip_enabled', $zip_enabled );
    function validate_uploaded_file ( &$file, &$errors, &$uploaded )
    	global $lang_upload, $UPL, $user_root, $upload_to, $overwrite, $max_storage, $space_used, $max_file_size, $file_types, $images_only, $dest_path;
    	// exceeds php limit
    	if ( $file['error'] == 1 )
    		$errors [] = parse ( $lang_upload['upl_php_exceed'], array ( '{filename}' => $file['name'], '{max_file_size}' => ini_get ( 'upload_max_filesize' ) ) );
    		return false;
    	// Skip empty fields
    	if ( $file['error'] == 4 || ( $file['size'] == 0 && $file['tmp_name'] == '' ) )
    		return false;
    	// partial upload
    	if ( $file['error'] == 3 )
    		$errors [] = parse ( $lang_upload['upl_partial_upload'], '{filename}', $file['name'] );
    		return false;
    	// empty files
    	if ( $file['size'] == 0 )
    		$errors [] = parse ( $lang_upload['upl_empty_file'], '{filename}', $file['name'] );
    		return false;
    	// no PHP errors, check for user restrictions and other stuffs below.
    	// where file will go to
    	$dest_path = $user_root . $upload_to . '/' . $file['name'];
    	// file exists
    	if ( file_exists ( $dest_path ) )
    		// come up with a new name for the file
    		if ( $overwrite == 'rename' )
    			$fname = get_filename ( $file['name'] );
    			$fext  = get_extension ( $file['name'] );
    			$try   = $fname . '(1)' . ( $fext != '' ? '.' . $fext : '' );
    			// keep trying until file does not exists
    			for ( $i = 2; file_exists ( $user_root . $upload_to . '/' . $try ); $i++ )
    				$try = $fname . "($i)" . ( $fext != '' ? '.' . $fext : '' );
    			// set current name to new name
    			$dest_path = $user_root . $upload_to . '/' . $try;
    			$file['name'] = $try;
    		elseif ( $overwrite == 'skip' )
    			$errors [] = parse ( $lang_upload['upl_skipped'], '{filename}', $file['name'] );
    			// go on to next file
    			return false;
    	// no more space
    	if ( $max_storage > 0 && $space_used >= $max_storage )
    		$errors [] = parse ( $lang_upload['upl_storage_full'], '{filename}', $file['name'] );
    		return false;
    	// bad file extension
    	if ( $UPL['SETTINGS']['filetypes'] != '' && in_array ( get_extension ( $file['name'] ), explode ( ',', $UPL['SETTINGS']['filetypes'] ) ) )
    		$errors [] = parse ( $lang_upload['upl_bad_extension'], '{filename}', $file['name'] );
    		return false;
    	// filename is invalid, cannot start with a dot
    	if ( !preg_match ( '#[a-z0-9]#i', $file['name'][0] ) )
    		$errors [] = parse ( $lang_upload['upl_bad_name_start'], '{filename}', $file['name'] );
    		return false;
    	// filename is invalid (no bad characters)
    	if ( preg_match ( $UPL['CONFIGS']['REGEX_INVALID_CHARS'], $file['name'] ) )
    		$errors [] = parse ( $lang_upload['upl_bad_chars'], '{filename}', $file['name'] );
    		return false;
    	// file is too big
    	if ( $max_file_size > 0 && $file['size'] >= $max_file_size )
    		$errors [] = parse ( $lang_upload['upl_max_size'], array ( '{filename}' => $file['name'], '{max_file_size}' => get_size ( $max_file_size, 'B', 0 ) ) );
    		return false;
    	// file type allowed?
    	if ( !$images_only && $file_types != '' && ( !in_array ( get_extension ( $file['name'] ), explode ( ',', $file_types ) ) ) )
    		$errors [] = parse ( $lang_upload['upl_ext_not_alllowed'], '{filename}', $file['name'] );
    		return false;
    	// is file an image?
    	if ( $images_only && !is_image ( $file['tmp_name'] ) )
    		$errors [] = parse ( $lang_upload['upl_not_image'], '{filename}', $file['name'] );
    		return false;
    	return true;
    function process_zip_file ( $file )
    	$zip = @zip_open ( $file );
    	if ( !$zip )
    		return false;
    		while ( $zip_entry = zip_read ( $zip ) )
    			if ( zip_entry_open ( $zip, $zip_entry, 'r' ) )
    				$tmp_name = tempnam ( "/tmp", "zip" );
    				$buf = zip_entry_read ( $zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize ( $zip_entry ) );
    				$fp = fopen ( $tmp_name, 'ab' );
    				if ( !$fp ) exit ( 'Could not create temporary file' );
    				fwrite ( $fp, $buf );
    				fclose ( $fp );
    				$_FILES[] = array
    					'name'		=> str_replace ( '/', '_', zip_entry_name ( $zip_entry ) ),
    					'size'		=> zip_entry_filesize ( $zip_entry ),
    					'tmp_name'	=> $tmp_name,
    					'type'		=> 'none',
    					'error'		=> 0
    				zip_entry_close ( $zip_entry );
    		zip_close ( $zip );
    // user paths
    $user_root = $UPL['SETTINGS']['userfiles_dir'] . $UPL['USER']['id'] . '/';
    $user_url  = $UPL['SETTINGS']['userfiles_url'] . $UPL['USER']['id'] . '/';
    if ( !is_dir ( $user_root ) )
    	$tpl_message->set ( 'message', parse ( $lang_upload['upl_folder_no_exists'], '{username}', $UPL['USER']['name'] ) );
    	$tpl_uploader->setr ( 'content', $tpl_message );
    	exit ( $tpl_uploader->display ( ) );
    // get user inputs
    $upload_to = gpc ( 'upload_to', 'G', '' );
    // user contents
    $user_contents 	= get_contents ( $user_root );
    $space_used 	= $user_contents['total_size'];
    // folders
    $user_folders 	=& $user_contents['dirs'];
    $count 		= count ( $user_folders );
    for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ )
    	$user_folders[$i]['selected'] 	= $user_folders[$i]['path'] == $upload_to;
    	$user_folders[$i]['path'] 	= path_encode ( $user_folders[$i]['path'] );
    $tpl_upload->setr ( 'user_folders', $user_folders );
    // user restrictions, all sizes are in Bytes
    $max_storage 	= $UPL['USER']['fl_max_storage']  * 1024 * 1024;
    $file_types 	= $UPL['USER']['fl_allowed_filetypes'];
    $images_only    = $UPL['USER']['fl_images_only'];
    $max_file_size 	= $UPL['USER']['fl_max_filesize'] * 1024;
    $restr = array
    	'max_file_size' => $max_file_size > 0 ? get_size ( $max_file_size, 'B', 0 ) : $lang_misc['unlimited'],
    	'file_types' 	=> str_replace ( ',', ', ', $file_types ),
    	'images_only' 	=> $images_only,
    $tpl_upload->setr ( 'restrictions', $restr );
    // User exceeded storage limit?
    if ( ( $max_storage > 0 ) && $space_used >= $max_storage )
    	$tpl_message->set ( 'message', $lang_upload['upl_storage_limit'] );
    	$tpl_uploader->setr ( 'content', $tpl_message );
    	exit ( $tpl_uploader->display ( ) );
    // Now it's ok to upload. Wut doing?
    if ( $action == 'checkfile' )
    	// check if a file exists in the "upload_to" folder
    	$file 	= gpc ( 'file', 'G', '' );
    	$folder = path_decode ( gpc ( 'folder', 'G', '' ) );
    	$file 	= basename ( str_replace ( '\\', '/', $file ) );
    	$path 	= $user_root . '/' . $folder . '/' . $file;
    	if ( is_file ( $path ) )
    		print parse ( $lang_upload['upl_file_exists_warn'], array ( '{file}' => htmlentities ( $file ), '{folder}' => ( $folder == '' ? $lang_misc['main_folder'] : basename ( $folder ) ) ) );
    elseif ( $action == 'upload' )
    	// options
    	$overwrite 			= gpc ( 'overwrite_option', 'P', 'skip' );
    	$post_action 		= gpc ( 'post_action', 'P', '' );
    	$upload_to 			= path_decode ( gpc ( 'upload_to', 'P' ) );
    	$create_thumbs  	= gpc ( 'create_thumbnails', 'P', 0 );
    	$create_img_tags	= gpc ( 'create_img_tags', 'P', 0 );
    	$extract_zip_files 	= gpc ( 'extract_zip_files', 'P', 0 );
    	// security check
    	if ( strstr ( "/$upload_to/", '../' ) )
    		exit ( SECURITY_ERROR );
    	$errors   = array ( );
    	$uploaded = array ( );
    	// Process zip files
    	if ( $zip_enabled && $extract_zip_files )
    		while ( list ( $name , $file ) = each ( $_FILES ) )
    			if ( is_zip ( $file['tmp_name'] ) )
    				process_zip_file ( $file['tmp_name'] );
    				unset ( $_FILES[$name] );
    		reset ( $_FILES );
    	while ( list ( $name, $file ) = each ( $_FILES ) )
    		if ( !validate_uploaded_file ( $file, $errors, $uploaded ) )
    			if ( is_file ( $file['tmp_name'] ) )
    				unlink ( $file['tmp_name'] );
    		if ( is_file ( $dest_path ) ) unlink ( $dest_path );
    		if ( !rename ( $file['tmp_name'], $dest_path ) )
    			$errors [] = parse ( $lang_upload['upl_cant_move'], '{file}', $file['name'] );
    			// clear cache
    			clear_contents_cache ( $user_root );
    			// chmod the file
    			@change_mode ( $dest_path, $UPL['CONFIGS']['CHMOD_TO'] );
    			// watermark the file if it's an image
    			if ( ( $UPL['SETTINGS']['wm'] == 'always' || ( $UPL['SETTINGS']['wm'] == 'user' && $UPL['USER']['fl_watermark'] ) ) && is_image ( $dest_path, true ) )
    				img_wmark ( $dest_path, $UPL['SETTINGS']['wm_path'], $UPL['CONFIGS']['WATERMARK_TOP'], $UPL['CONFIGS']['WATERMARK_LEFT'] );
    			// create thumbnails?
    			if ( $create_thumbs && is_image ( $dest_path, true ) )
    				$image_inf = getimagesize ( $dest_path );
    				$image_ratio = $image_inf[1] / $image_inf[0];
    				$new_width = $UPL['CONFIGS']['THUMBNAIL_WIDTH'];
    				$new_height= ceil ( $new_width * $image_ratio );
    				$thumb_name = get_filename ( $dest_path ) . '_thumb.' . get_extension ( $dest_path );
    				$thumb_created = true;
    				$thumb_url = $UPL['SETTINGS']['userfiles_url'] . $UPL['USER']['id'] . '/' . ( $upload_to != '' ? $upload_to . '/' : '' ) . rawurlencode ( basename ( $thumb_name ) );
    				if ( img_resize ( $dest_path, $thumb_name, $new_width, $new_height, $UPL['CONFIGS']['THUMBNAIL_BORDER'] ) )
    					$space_used += filesize ( $thumb_name );
    				$thumb_created = false;
    				$thumb_url = '';
    			// upload successul
    			$space_used += $file['size'];
    			//log upload
    			if ( $UPL['SETTINGS']['log'] >= 1 )
    				$log_file = LOGS_DIR . date ( 'M_d_Y' ) . '.log';
    				$fp = fopen ( $log_file, 'a+' );
    				if ( $fp )
    					fwrite ( $fp, sprintf ( "%s(%s) uploaded %s at %s\r\n", $UPL['USER']['name'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $file['name'], date ( 'h:mA' ) ) );
    					fclose ( $fp );
    			// list of uploaded files
    			$uploaded [] = array ( 'name' => $file['name'], 'url' => $UPL['SETTINGS']['userfiles_url'] . $UPL['USER']['id'] . '/' . ( $upload_to != '' ? $upload_to . '/' : '' ) . rawurlencode ( $file['name'] ), 'size' => get_size ( $file['size'] ), 'has_thumb' => $thumb_created, 'thumb_url' => $thumb_url );
    	} // end uploaded files loop
    	// any errors to show?
    	if ( count ( $errors ) )
    		$tpl_message->set ( 'message', implode ( $errors, '<br />' ) );
    		$tpl_message->set ( 'back_url', 'upload.php' );
    		$tpl_uploader->setr ( 'content', $tpl_message );
    		$tpl_uploader->display ( );
    	elseif ( count ( $uploaded ) )
    		// img tags?
    		if ( $create_img_tags )
    			// show img tags
    			$tpl_img->setr ( 'images', $uploaded );
    			$tpl_img->set ( 'back_url', 'myfiles.php?sb=date&so=dsc' . ( $upload_to == '' ? '' : '&folder=' . path_encode ( $upload_to ) ) );
    			$tpl_uploader->set ( 'page_title', '[IMG] Tags' );
    			$tpl_uploader->setr ( 'content', $tpl_img );
    			$tpl_uploader->display ( );
    			// go back to myfiles
    			header ( 'Location: myfiles.php?sb=date&so=dsc' . ( $upload_to == '' ? '' : '&folder=' . path_encode ( $upload_to ) ) );
    		header ( 'Location: upload.php?upload_to=' . path_encode ( $upload_to ) );
    	// display upload form
    	$tpl_upload->set ( 'cancel_url', 'myfiles.php' . ( $upload_to != '' ? '?folder=' . path_encode ( $upload_to ) : '' ) );
    	$tpl_upload->set ( 'upload_to', rawurlencode ( $upload_to ) );
    	$tpl_uploader->set ( 'page_title', 'File upload' );
    	$tpl_uploader->set ( 'content', $tpl_upload );
    	$tpl_uploader->display ( );

    اي معلومات زياده اقدر افيدكم فيها قولولي وشكرا

    سبحان الله وبحمده
    > "كتبي، لعلها تفيدك!" *جديد
    > "مدونتي، تصويري.." | LaZqA
    > Twitter

  4. ماكو مساعده؟؟

    سبحان الله وبحمده
    > "كتبي، لعلها تفيدك!" *جديد
    > "مدونتي، تصويري.." | LaZqA
    > Twitter

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