في الأسابيع القادمة سوف تصدر المجلة الأصدار الجديد 5.4
وفيها كثير من المميزات . ويتوقع صدور 5.5 أو 6.0 في
كانون الثاني / يناير2002

ويمكنك الأطلاع على الموضوع كامل

Hi Nukers! I just wanted to let you know what you can expect for the next version of PHP-Nuke. First of all, the new version 5.4 of PHP-Nuke will include finally the administrators password encryption (via $system variable value in the config file). The users database table will have a few more fields, this because I'll integrate 100% the phpBB forum into the code as a module (and others forums will follow). The forums work will be based on the old integration KR made but with some convenient changes. But there is more...

Has been added a new module called Stories Archive to list all your web site's stories ordered by months/years. The graphic buttons on the homepage, those to link to Printer Friendly page and Send Story to a Friend will be removed and available only inside the story page.

Also, there will be a new Content Manager System so you will be able to publish static pages with easy.

Also, one new theme will be included, based on NukeNews, but with two columns for the articles in the home, and about this point I'll made the next poll to know the convenience to move the whole code in a two columns in the homepage model. The result is pretty cool, I think.

PHP-Nuke 5.4 will have new Blocks organization. First, in the administration page all blocks has been mixed, so no more system blocks and user defined in separated tables. I also added a little but cool function to fix weight conflicts in your blocks, and almost all system blocks has been separated from the main code and included as blocks files for your convenience. There are just four system fixed blocks for some practical reasons. Also added a few more blocks, included forum related, to increase your site's features.

Many minor bugs fixed also, as usual AND I'll start to develop a new application called PHP-Nuke WarHead

So, What is PHP-Nuke WarHead? This will be an application that runs on Windows and Linux to administer your site without using the Internet browser.

This application will be released as Freeware. The development tool used for this has a very restrictive proprietary license to be compatible with the GPL. I selected this tool for a few reasons, first I purchased it few years ago and I paid a lot of it and never used, this tools has an impressive power to do a lot of things and then I can compile the code in Linux and Windows without touching the source. I evaluated a few more options for PHP-Nuke WarHead but all the others can generate a Windows only executable, and my priority was to create a dual platform software for this.

PHP-Nuke WarHead will allow you to do a lot of things with the only restriction that you need to leave PHP-Nuke copyright info untouched in your web site source code, the software will check automaticaly this and will inform you about any trouble.

With PHP-Nuke WarHead you will be able to publish news, change polls, manage your submissions, schedule stories, etc.

In future releases this tools will be able to create themes using a graphical WYSIWYG tool, and manage many other stuff on your site... and "maybe" in the long future PHP-Nuke WarHead can become your defacto administration tool for your site. This depends on all your feedbacks after the initial release and tests.

PHP-Nuke WarHead will be a reality maybe in January 2002 and will be released with a new PHP-Nuke version (5.5 or maybe 6.0).

PHP-Nuke 5.4 is under development now and will be ready in a few weeks. For those of you that want to know how is going, see the following table:

- Forum Integration: 90% done
- Stories Archive: 100% done
- CSS cleanup: 50% done
- 5.x Reported Bugs fixed: 90% done
- Blocks reorganization: 100% done
- Double column theme: 100% done
- Content Manager: 25% done
- Authors table encryption: 50% done

Additionaly, I saw with some preocupation the recent news that the system KaZaa can close its doors due to a legal trouble with RIAA. Because this I'll start to code a very innovative module for PHP-Nuke to be included in the default installation. The module has no name yet but will enable your site to have a KaZaa clone system to share files between your users, also you can become affiliate with other sites to increase the files database. This is something I need to study on how to implement, but I'll come out with a module for this, as a protest. Of course you can activate or deactivate it for your site.

Well... it's all for now. As you can see, there is heavy work under way right now. I need to say that I'm more than happy to continue coding in PHP-Nuke and to increase its functionality.

Any constructive comments, ideas or suggestions are welcome in the comments of this article or by direct email to me.

Thank you for your support and attention.

Francisco Burzi