اهلا بكم اعزائي

بارك الله فيكم

انا اشتركة ودفعت المبلغ وجتني رساله على بريدي وفيها رقمي وكل شي

ويوم ادخل الى لوحة التحكم

تضهر لي رساله

You need to validate your account.

وللعلم تم التاكد من سحب المبلغ من بطاقتي

validate your account

يقولي حط ثلاث ارقام بس من وين اجيب هذه الارقام

For security reasons, 2Checkout.com is requiring new account validations. Please keep in mind that this does not hinder your ability to accept sales, but will need to be done prior to being paid for said sales.

Where can this code be found?
This 3 digit code can be found on your credit card statement. The time frame you get this statement varies on the billing cycle of your particular credit card. When you receive your credit card statement the three digit code can be found in the "Soft Descriptor" or "Transactions" portion of your statement. This three digit code will be after the "*" and the numbers following are our phone number. There may not be spaces separating the code and our phone number. It will look something like this:

هل من خبير مشترك معهم يفيدني

بارك الله فكم