النتائج 1 إلى 3 من 3

الموضوع: السيرفر لا يرسل للياهو

  1. #1

    السيرفر لا يرسل للياهو

    السلام عليكم

    السيرفر لدي لا يرسل للياهو
    قمت بمراسلتهم وردوا علي بالتالي

    * Explain the details of one event with the delivery problems to Yahoo!
    Mail. Please provide the entire message, including the full text of the
    error message returned, and full header information.

    Within a Yahoo! Mail account, you can display this information by
    clicking the "Full Headers" link located within the message in the
    bottom right-hand corner.

    * The specific server_domain name and IP address of the email server(s)
    that have the delivery issue to Yahoo! Mail.

    IP Address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    Mail Server Domain Name: server_name.domain.com

    * Log messages from your mail server showing which IP you connected to
    and what responses you got from the remote server at the time you
    received the corresponding failures/timeouts for the event you are

    * The results from a plain text message, sent to Yahoo! Mail, without
    HTML, links, graphics or attachments, from the server having delivery
    issues. Is the email delivered to Yahoo! Inbox?

    We appreciate your assistance. This information will be helpful in
    determining the reason why you are having issues when delivering mail to
    Yahoo! Mail accounts.
    أرسلت لهم البيانات ما عدا الأولي قلت لهم ما وصلني رسالة خطأ

    Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Mail.

    Please note that if you are not the mail server administrator for the
    mail server(s) affected, we encourage you to contact the administrator
    so they can address the possible issues regarding mailings from the mail
    server. We also appreciate your report as your input helps us to
    identify ways to constantly maintain and improve our service. We
    apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.

    If you notice any further difficulties when delivering to Yahoo! Mail
    accounts, after waiting a reasonable amount of time, please let us know
    by replying directly to this email. However please note the following:

    If you are receiving the error code "421 Message from x.x.x.x
    temporarily deferred" or "451 Message temporarily deferred - 4.16.50" in
    your SMTP logs, this indicates that the message you attempted to send
    was not accepted by Yahoo! Mail servers. It is not a permanent error;
    your system will automatically re-try later. If, after attempting to
    deliver to Yahoo! and receive the 4.16.50 error repeatedly and conform
    to the best sending practices outlined in the following page, we
    encourage you to apply for prioritized sending at the link below.

    Recommended Best Practices:

    Yahoo! Mail ISP Issues Form

    Prioritized Delivery (Please note that this form can also be used by
    senders whose mailings are being directed to the Bulk Folder):

    Yahoo! Mail Bulk Sender Form

    If you are receiving a separate error than that above, please provide
    the text of any error messages you may have received. Also, providing
    the specific IP address of the mail server that experienced the delivery
    issue will help us to troubleshoot the issue more efficiently.

    For assistance with delivery issues to Yahoo! Mail, please visit:


    We appreciate your patience while we work to improve and maintain our
    ماذا أفعل بالضبط

    السيف أصدق أنباء من الكتب

  2. #2

    الرسائل الان تصل ولكن لمجلد السبام
    راسلتهم ليحلوا الأمر

    السيف أصدق أنباء من الكتب

  3. #3
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2008

    انتظر وقت معين ماحددوة هم

    If you notice any further difficulties when delivering to Yahoo! Mail
    accounts, after waiting a reasonable amount of time, please let us know
    by replying directly to this email. However please note the following:

    و لو استمرت معك المشكلة راسلهم مرة ثانية

ضوابط المشاركة

  • لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
  • لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
  • لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
  • لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك

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