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الموضوع: الان اطلب اى هاك او استيل من vBulletin.org

  1. #46

    • $db->insert_id();
      Input: None.
      Returns: int Row ID of the latest INSERT operation.
    • $db->escape_string(); and $db->escape_string_like();
      Input: String.
      Returns: string A string with appropriate characters escaped.

      These two functions must be used instead of the PHP built-in addslashes() and addslashes_like().
      Using the PHP built-in functions may cause problems on non-MySQL systems.
    • $db->show_errors(); and $db->hide_errors();
      Input: None.
      Returns: None.

      The first function enables sql error output (default), whereas the second function disables such output.
      Useful when you do not want the script to die on error (example: no die on product installation if a table already exists).

    Data Managers

    Data Managers (DMs) are an interface to various data objects used within vBulletin. They enforce necessary constraints and administrator-set options on the data to ensure that the data is valid.
    You can read more about Data Managers in vBulletin's online manual.
    Also, you can read specifically about the User DM in this KirbyDE's How-To, and about Thread DM here.

    Authentication Storage

    The authentication data is stored in the following way (thank to Kirby for this info):

    {cookiepfx}userid - plain(userid)
    {cookiepfx}password - md5(md5(md5('PlaintextPassword') . salt) . 'LicenseNo').

    TABLE user:
    password - md5(md5('PlaintextPassword') . salt)

    Note that for cookie, {cookiepfx} is your board's cookie prefix. It is configurable via admincp and is accessible via the COOKIE_PREFIX constant.

    Important Functions
    construct_page_nav($pagenumber, $perpage, $results, $address, $address2 = '');

    Returns the HTML for multi-page navigation.
    Two latest arguments are not used yet, therefore they are not documented.

    $pagenumber	int     Total number of items found
    $perpage        string  Base address for links eg: showthread.php?t=99{&page=4}
    $results        string  Ending portion of address for links
    • sults string Ending portion of address for links
    • eval(standard_error(fetch_error('error_phrase')));

      Outputs a standard error message with a phrase of your choice.
      fetch_error looks up the phrase you specify in the "Front-End Error Messages" phrase category.
      Error phrases must be prefixed with "error_".
    • print_standard_redirect($redir_phrase, $doquery = true, $forceredirect = false);

      Returns eval()-able code to initiate a standard redirect
      $vbulletin->url should contain the target url for the redirect.
    $redir_phrase	string   Name of redirect phrase
    $doquery        boolean  If true, it will fetch $redir_phrase from "Front-End Redirect Messages" phrase category. Must be prefixed with "redirect_".
                             If false, it will use the value of $redir_phrase as the phrase itself.
    $forceredirect  boolean  Should generally be set to true.
    • is_valid_email($email);

      Checks an email for validity and returns true or false.
    • can_moderate($forumid = 0, $do = '', $userid = -1, $usergroupids = '');

      Checks whether a user can moderate a certain forum.
    $forumid       int       Specific forum to check. If not set, will check whether the user is a moderator of any forum at all.
    $do            string    Specific mod action to check. If not set, will check whether the user is a moderator of the forum specified in $forumid.
    $userid        int       User ID to check. If not set, will use $vbulletin->userinfo.
    $usergroupids  string    List of group IDs, separate by commas, to which the user belongs. Should be generally left blank.
    • can_administer();

      Checks whether or not the visiting user has administrative permissions

      This function can optionally take any number of parameters, each of which
      should be a particular administrative permission you want to check. For example:
      can_administer('canadminsettings', 'canadminstyles', 'canadminlanguages')
      If any one of these permissions is met, the function will return true.
      If no parameters are specified, the function will simply check that the user is an administrator.
    • convert_bits_to_array(&$bitfield, $_FIELDNAMES);

      Converts a bitfield into an array of 1 / 0 values based on the array describing the resulting fields. Returns an array.
    &$bitfield      int      (ref) Bitfield
    $_FIELDNAMES    array     Array containing field definitions - array('canx' => 1, 'cany' => 2, 'canz' => 4) etc.
    function convert_array_to_bits(&$arry, $_FIELDNAMES, $unset = 0);

    Takes an array and returns the bitwise value.

    &arry           array     Array for input.
    $_FIELDNAMES    array     Array containing field definitions - array('canx' => 1, 'cany' => 2, 'canz' => 4) etc.
    $unset          int       Defines whether to unset the array data once it has been converted to bits
    fetch_template($templatename, $escape = 0, $gethtmlcomments = true);

    Returns a single template from the templatecache or the database.

    $templatename    string   Name of template to be fetched
    $escape          int      Escape quotes in template? 1: escape; -1: unescape; 0: do nothing
    $gethtmlcomments boolean  Wrap template in HTML comments showing the template name?
    Two most common uses are:

    eval('$mycustomvar .= "' . fetch_template('mycustomtemplate') . '";');
    eval('print_output("' . fetch_template('mycustomtemplate') . '");');
    vbsetcookie($name, $value = '', $permanent = true);

    Sets a cookie based on vBulletin environmental settings.

    $name           string    Cookie name
    $value          mixed     Value to store in the cookie
    $permanent      boolean   If true, do not set an expiry date for the cookie
    vb_number_format($number, $decimals = 0, $bytesize = false, $decimalsep = null, $thousandsep = null);

    Formats a number with user's own decimal and thousands chars and returns the formatted number.

    $number          mixed     Number to be formatted: integer / 8MB / 16 GB / 6.0 KB / 3M / 5K / ETC
    $decimals        integer   Number of decimal places to display
    $bytesize        boolean   Special case for byte-based numbers
    $decimalsep      string    Custom decimal separator (to override user's preference) 
    $thousandsep     string    Custom thousands separator (to override user's preference)
    vbmail($toemail, $subject, $message, $notsubscription = false, $from = '', $uheaders = '', $username = '');

    Starts the process of sending an email - either immediately or by adding it to the mail queue.

    $toemail          string     Destination email address
    $subject          string     Email message subject
    $message	  string     Email message body
    $notsubscription  boolean    If true, do not use the mail queue and send immediately
    $from             string     Optional name/email to use in 'From' header
    $uheaders         string     Additional headers
    $username         string     Username of person sending the email

    مؤسسة كنترول

  2. #47

    Custom Hooks

    I've not seen this mentioned anywhere yet - but you don't need to edit the hooks_vbulletin.xml file to add custom hooks, you can create your own files in the same manner as cpnav files.

    For instance, you could create a file called hooks_custom.xml file (as below) and just drop
    it in the xml folder.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    	<hooktype type="My Custom Hooks">
    They appear at the top of your hooks list in ACP.

    This way your custom hooks will not get overwritten each time you upgrade. You could also supply a hooks_<hackname>.xml with custom plugins if required.

    مؤسسة كنترول

  3. #48

    [How-To] Extend and use the Session Table Effectively

    [How-To] Extend and use the Session Table Effectively

    Have you ever wondered what would be the most efficient way to pass information between pages as a user moves through the forum? What about if you wanted to check for a certain condition in a few different places, but the check itself involved a few different operations and you were worried that this might add too much overhead on a busy forum?

    You can make use of vBulletin's session table to store this information. This will also have the added benefit of other people being easily able to make use of your session variables in their own modifications.

    The basics

    Let's make up a fictitious example. Imagine we want to create a session variable called "mozillian". This variable will be set according to whether the user has the text string "Mozilla" in their user agent. Sure, it would be simple to test the user agent variable ourselves, but we are trying out a simple example.

    Now because we don't want to have to do our test every time, we'll test it just once when the session is first created and then store the result in a variable.

    Let's go ahead and create an extra column in our session table. We'd use a query (or installation code) something like this:

    $vbulletin->db->query_write("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session ADD mozillian TINYINT(4) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL");
    You might be wondering why we didn't create that column as BOOLEAN and why we made it "NOT NULL". This will be explained later.

    Now that our column is ready we'll be able to access the result in our plugins as $vbulletin->session->vars['mozillian'], or $session[mozillian] in templates. First we'll take a look at how to get it there and some other issues.

    Using vBulletin's built-in session class and session functions

    At this point you may also want to check out the vBulletin 3.6 code documentation, specifically in the "Class(es)" section under "vB_Session". Under "Method Summary" you'll see methods that concern us - build_query_array(), save() and set(string $key, string $value). Of these three methods, we'll only be using one of them directly.

    Before we go on, let's take a quick look at how vBulletin handles sessions from the beginning of a page load to the end.

    Near the beginning of each page load vBulletin checks to see if a session exists for the current user, and if not it creates one. If an existing session is found, all of the columns in the session table are loaded automatically into the $vbulletin->session-vars array. This makes life very easy for us, since we don't have to do anything to read these values once they are written to the session table.

    As the page loads other details may need to be changed in the session table, for example the user's location within the forum or the number of unread messages. When these changes occur the set(string $key, string $value) method is used to change the variables, but they are not saved immediately to the database. As each key is updated with a new value vBulletin tracks which variables need to be changed. Just before the page finishes loading (and output is flushed to the browser) the save() method is called and any changes (and only those changes) are written to the session table, ready to be read again when the next page loads.

    How should we apply these functions?

    Our logic is very simple - first we need to check to see if our variable has been set - if not, this is the beginning of a session and we need to execute whatever code we need to determine how our session variable should be set. For our above example it means we would be starting a plugin at the global_start hook which would begin something like this:

    if ($vbulletin->session->vars['mozillian'] == 0)
        // Set to 1 if user agent contains "Mozilla", or -1 if it doesn't
        $mozilla = strpos(USER_AGENT, 'Mozilla') ? 1 : -1;
    If you were wondering why we didn't use a boolean earlier when we added a new column to the session table, you are probably wondering why we are using -1, 0 and 1 for our values, rather than a simple true/false value. We'll come to this in a minute.

    So our code is only ever going to execute once, and that's when the session is first created. Once our session variable "mozillan" is set, we don't need to run our code again (important point to save some resources on a busy system). Now we need to write our variable to the session table. However, because our column is "non-standard" the methods within the session class will not accept our changes until we push the column name into a special array like this:

        $vbulletin->session->db_fields = array_merge($vbulletin->session->db_fields, array('mozillian' => TYPE_INT));
    (note that another method within the session class called build_query_array() cleans variables according to whether they are TYPE_INT or TYPE_STR - everything else it treats like TYPE_STR, just something to bear in mind if you pass something different into this array or subsequent set() (coming up).

    Now that we've made sure our new variable will be included in the update, it's time to set it:

        $vbulletin->session->set('mozillian', $mozilla);
    This writes the value (-1 or 1) that we tested earlier. That's pretty much all we need - our entire plugin now looks like this:

    if ($vbulletin->session->vars['mozillian'] == 0)
        // Set to 1 if user agent contains "Mozilla", or -1 if it doesn't
        $mozilla = strpos(USER_AGENT, 'Mozilla') ? 1 : -1;
        $vbulletin->session->db_fields = array_merge($vbulletin->session->db_fields, array('mozillian' => TYPE_INT));
        $vbulletin->session->set('mozillian', $mozilla);
    So just to summarise what's happened so far: The first time our user visits the forum our variable returns 0 (the default value) and our plugin runs. We set it either to -1 or 1 and the value is written to the session table. When the next page loads, our value will be retrieved again from the session table (along with everything else). Because the value is no longer 0, our plugin will not execute again. Other pages are now free to make use of our variable without incurring any additional overhead.

    Caveat one - not using save()

    Note that we didn't use the $vbulletin->session->save() method. Why not? My own tests have shown that if you do, you sometimes get the results overwritten with the other save() operation that vBulletin performs. There's nothing in the documentation to warn about this, I discovered it only after a lot of digging around and head-scratching. See this thread for an example of a problem I had. Therefore we simply use the set() method to put our variables into the list of changes to be written later to the session table. When the page ends, all the changed variables will be written to the session table automatically and we didn't need to use any additional queries! Remember - if you do use save() manually, you risk not having your data written correctly to the session table - just don't do it.

    Caveat two - writing zero or a null value with set()

    You'll see from our example that we basically use three states - the user is a mozilian, they are not a mozillian, or we don't yet know. Now you've probably been wondering why we haven't simply used a boolean true/false here, and rely on the value being NULL or simply not set (testing with the isset() function for example) when we don't know. This seems like a reasonable idea, except for one small problem - during the set() method we encounter this code:

    if ($this->vars["$key"] != $value)
    This basically tries to say that if our value is identical to what we already had, then there is nothing to change and our change gets rejected and not added to the update list. This seems logical until we consider a case where our default value is NULL and we try to write 0 (as an integer or boolean) using save(). Essentially this equates to:

    if (NULL != 0)
    Of course we all know that NULL and 0 are two very different concepts and are not equal, therefore this statement should read true. Unfortunately it is false. This means if you start with a null value and try to write 0, it simply won't work and you'll be wondering why your value doesn't get written to the session table.

    For this reason I've chosen to make the default value 0, and the "true / false" states 1 and -1 respectively. You may want to verify your results by looking into your session table and/or writing out log entries to make sure that everything is working the way you expect it to.

    Caveat three - using string values and null with set()

    Imagine that instead of a numerical value we were dealing with a string. Let's say that we record some other detail in our "mozillian" column like the operating system the browser is running on. If we can't find it, we'll write a string like '' which will cause the variable to be set, then we can use isset() to test whether we need to run it. Imagine the previous example, but something like this instead:

    if (!isset($vbulletin->session->vars['mozillian'])
        if ($some_condtion)
            $mozilla = 'PC';
            // Didn't find what we were looking for, but we don't want to do this again.
            $mozilla = '';
        $vbulletin->session->db_fields = array_merge($vbulletin->session->db_fields, array('mozillian' => TYPE_INT));
        $vbulletin->session->set('mozillian', $mozilla);
    Of course, this seems reasonable - if we write the value as '', the variable itself will still be set, and therefore next time the page is loaded the variable will be set, so our code won't execute twice. Wrong. Our variable will remain set while this page loads, but once NULL is written to the database (which is what '' really is) then it won't be loaded when the next page loads - your variable will then not be set, and the example listed above will not work. I've tried writing the null byte - chr(0) which didn't work either. I worked around this by writing ' ' (space character) and then using trim() on any variables that I read back before using them. In other words, after the above routine I would place this code after the conditional (so that it always ran on each page):

    $vbulletin->session->vars['mozillian'] = trim($vbulletin->session->vars['mozillian']);
    This would mean that the variable would effectively be set back to null (if it were a space) and you could test it as such in any program code in another plugin.


    There are two mods which use these techniques and it was while I was writing and testing these mods that I discovered many of these issues. I thought that by writing this tutorial I might be able to help others save a lot of the time that I wasted learning from my mistakes. The GLA (Geographic Location Awareness) mod demonstrates setting a variable (or three variables to be precise) as strings, and the Remove Spiders from Who's Online mod demonstrates setting an integer (which acts like a boolean). If you study these mods it may help you to understand the practical application of this tutorial.

    مؤسسة كنترول

  4. #49

    vB Drafts - vBulletin.org Forum
    و بارك الله فيك

  5. #50

    اخوى لا يوجد بهذا الموضوع مرفقات
    اذا اردت الموضوع اجبهولك

    مؤسسة كنترول

  6. #51
    عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2009

    والله يا اخ ادهم لا اعرف كيف أشكرك على ما قدمته

    فعلا ساعدتني كثيرا

    الله يوفقك

    Xen VPS and WHMCS Xen Management Addon modules

  7. #52

    والله يا اخ ادهم لا اعرف كيف أشكرك على ما قدمته

    فعلا ساعدتني كثيرا

    الله يوفقك
    الشكر لله وحده اخوى الغالى
    فى خدمتك وفى خدمه جميع اعضاء سوالف الكرام
    بالتوفيق للجميع

    مؤسسة كنترول

  8. #53

    ونتوالى فى مكتبة الهاكات

    Facebook Connect - Allow your users to login with their Facebook account (for 3.8) - vBulletin.org Forum

    [AJAX] Post Thank You Hack - vBulletin.org Forum

    للتحميل من المرفقات

    الملفات المرفقة الملفات المرفقة
    مؤسسة كنترول

  9. #54

    السلام عليكم
    ناطرين استايل الشركة الخاص بهم
    بصراحه استايل عجييييييييب ويعطي الشخص الحرية بختيار اللون
    تحياتي لكم

  10. #55

    السلام عليكم
    ناطرين استايل الشركة الخاص بهم
    بصراحه استايل عجييييييييب ويعطي الشخص الحرية بختيار اللون
    تحياتي لكم
    وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاتة
    ان شاء الله اخوى عن قريب سيتم وضع الاستيل بين يدي الجميع
    بالتوفيق اخوى الغالى

    مؤسسة كنترول

  11. #56

    اخوى لا يوجد بهذا الموضوع مرفقات
    اذا اردت الموضوع اجبهولك
    يا ليت يالغالي

  12. #57


    تفضل ياغالى

    Modification currently on hold for some major bugfixing.

    vB Drafts adds a feature to temporarily save posts, threads and private messages that have not been submitted, allowing members to return to their unpublished submissions later on and continue writing where they left off.

    Drafts can be periodically saved automatically or saved manually, with either option restricted to certain usergroups. Drafts can also be restricted to just posts, threads quick replies or private messages, or to specified fora and/or usergroups.

    The system allows for as many drafts as you could need. Each member gets 1 post draft per thread, 1 thread draft per forum, 1 PM draft per private message and 1 for a new PM.

    vB Drafts use AJAX, so saving a draft is as good as invisible. Either one click for manual saving or just a subtle, brief notification when a draft is saved automatically. For automated saving, the admin has full control over how often saves are performed.

    Restoring a draft is even more invisible. Simply return to where you were writing and the draft will be there waiting for you.

    vB Drafts for 3.8 is a mostly unchanged update of the older version with a few minor bugfixes and improvements, plus new support for private message quick replies.

    Installation instructions
    1. Extract the contents of the download file to your computer.
    2. Upload the file in the product folder via the Product Manager at AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product].
    3. Upload the contents of the uploads folder to the equivalent location in your forum on your server. The directory structure within the download file is the same as your forum. So includes/cron/drafts.php goes in your forum's cron directory, etc.
    4. Perform the file edit described below if you want Quick Reply drafts.
    5. The options for vB Drafts are in the main vBulletin Options menu.
    6. Done!

    Upgrade instructions
    1. Uninstall the vB Drafts product file ensuring that the option to delete saved drafts is set to Yes in the vB Drafts menu. All saved drafts must be deleted for the upgrade.
    2. Follow the instructions for a new installation.

    Uninstallation instructions
    1. Uninstall the vB Drafts product file ensuring that the option to delete saved drafts is set to Yes in the vB Drafts menu. All saved drafts must be deleted for the upgrade.
    2. Delete /clientscript/drafts.js.
    3. Delete includes/cron/drafts.php.
    4. Done!

    File edits
    For file edits, you will need to edit the original files that vBulletin was shipped with. Make your changes in an appropriate editor (anything that does not use formatting like MS Word will do) and then upload the files to your server, overwriting the existing files.

    The file edit is only necessary if you intend to use autosaving with Quick Reply.

    In file clientscript/vbulletin_quick_reply.js:
    كود PHP:
    كود PHP:
    // vB Drafts 
            // Old 
        // vB_Editor[QR_EditorID].write_editor_contents("") 
        // vB Drafts 
    This file edit is only necessary if Quick Reply requires a click.

    كود PHP:
    كود PHP:
     // vB Drafts 
        // Old: 
        // vB_Editor[QR_EditorID].enable_editor(""); 

        // New: 
    if (typeof(asId) == 'undefined'
    // Agonising, painful, horrific way to replace the QR message + draft with just draft 
    if (vB_Editor[QR_EditorID].wysiwyg_mode
    asSplit vbphrase['click_quick_reply_icon'].split('<br /><br />'); 
    asSplit vbphrase['click_quick_reply_icon'].split('\n\n'); 
    asSplit[0] = ''
    vbphrase['click_quick_reply_icon'] = asSplit.join(''); 
    // vB Drafts 
    Template edits
    You should not have to make any template edits, the modification will do it for you. But if you find that the draft button or other aspects of the modification are not showing up correctly, it means you'll have to perform some or all of the template edits manually. They are described below.


    كود PHP:
    id="qr_submit" onclick="clickedelm = this.value" /> 
    كود PHP:
    id="qr_submit" onclick="clickedelm = this.value" /> <input onclick="draftsave();" type="button" class="button" name="draft" value="$vbphrase[draft_save_as_draft]accesskey="d" tabindex="1" /> 
    كود PHP:
    id="qr_preview" onclick="clickedelm = this.value" /> 
    كود PHP:
    id="qr_preview" onclick="clickedelm = this.value" /> <div id="draft_saving" style="display:none;margin-top:$stylevar[cellpadding]px;"><img id="draft_saving_img" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/progress.gif" class="inlineimg" border="0" alt="" /> <strong>$vbphrase[draft_saving_draft_please_wait]</strong></div
    In newreply
    كود PHP:
    value="$vbphrase[submit_reply]accesskey="s" tabindex="1" /> 
    كود PHP:
    value="$vbphrase[submit_reply]accesskey="s" tabindex="1" /> <input onclick="draftsave();" type="button" class="button" name="draft" value="$vbphrase[draft_save_as_draft]accesskey="d" tabindex="1" /> 
    كود PHP:
    value="$vbphrase[preview_post]accesskey="r" tabindex="1" /> 
    كود PHP:
    value="$vbphrase[preview_post]accesskey="r" tabindex="1" /> <div id="draft_saving" style="display:none;margin-top:$stylevar[cellpadding]px;"><img id="draft_saving_img" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/progress.gif" class="inlineimg" border="0" alt="" /> <strong>$vbphrase[draft_saving_draft_please_wait]</strong></div
    In newthread
    كود PHP:
    value="$vbphrase[submit_new_thread]accesskey="s" tabindex="1" /> 
    كود PHP:
    value="$vbphrase[submit_new_thread]accesskey="s" tabindex="1" /> <input onclick="draftsave();" type="button" class="button" name="draft" value="$vbphrase[draft_save_as_draft]accesskey="d" tabindex="1" /> 
    كود PHP:
    value="$vbphrase[preview_post]accesskey="r" tabindex="1" /> 
    كود PHP:
    value="$vbphrase[preview_post]accesskey="r" tabindex="1" /> <div id="draft_saving" style="display:none;margin-top:$stylevar[cellpadding]px;"><img id="draft_saving_img" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/progress.gif" class="inlineimg" border="0" alt="" /> <strong>$vbphrase[draft_saving_draft_please_wait]</strong></div
    In pm_newpm
    كود PHP:
    value="$vbphrase[submit_message]accesskey="s" tabindex="1" /> 
    كود PHP:
    value="$vbphrase[submit_message]accesskey="s" tabindex="1" /> <input onclick="draftsave();" type="button" class="button" name="draft" value="$vbphrase[draft_save_as_draft]accesskey="d" tabindex="1" /> 
    كود PHP:
    value="$vbphrase[preview_message]accesskey="r" name="preview" tabindex="1" /> 
    كود PHP:
    value="$vbphrase[preview_message]accesskey="r" name="preview" tabindex="1" /> <div id="draft_saving" style="display:none;margin-top:$stylevar[cellpadding]px;"><img id="draft_saving_img" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/progress.gif" class="inlineimg" border="0" alt="" /> <strong>$vbphrase[draft_saving_draft_please_wait]</strong></div

    In pm_showpm
    كود PHP:
    id="qr_submit" class="button" accesskey="s" tabindex="1" /> 

    كود PHP:
    id="qr_submit" class="button" accesskey="s" tabindex="1" /> <input onclick="draftsave();" type="button" class="button" name="draft" value="$vbphrase[draft_save_as_draft]accesskey="d" tabindex="1" /> 
    كود PHP:
    name="preview" class="button" accesskey="x" tabindex="1"  /> 
    كود PHP:
    name="preview" class="button" accesskey="x" tabindex="1"  /> <div id="draft_saving" style="display:none;margin-top:$stylevar[cellpadding]px;"><img id="draft_saving_img" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/progress.gif" class="inlineimg" border="0" alt="" /> <strong>$vbphrase[draft_saving_draft_please_wait]</strong></div

    الصور المرفقة الصور المرفقة  
    مؤسسة كنترول

  13. #58

    حضريا استيل vBulletin.org المطلوب من الجميع بالمرفقات للنسخ 3.7.2
    وجارى الترقية للنسخ الاحدث

    الملفات المرفقة الملفات المرفقة
    مؤسسة كنترول

  14. #59

    الاخ الكريم
    في الموضوع
    vB Drafts - vBulletin.org Forum
    هنالك مرفقات لم اتمكن من تحميلها فياليت ارفاقها و شكرا

  15. #60

    الاخ الكريم
    في الموضوع
    vB Drafts - vBulletin.org Forum
    هنالك مرفقات لم اتمكن من تحميلها فياليت ارفاقها و شكرا
    تفضل هذا هو الملف الموجود فى اجد الردود
    الموضوع اساسا لا يحتوى على مرفقات

    الملفات المرفقة الملفات المرفقة
    مؤسسة كنترول

ضوابط المشاركة

  • لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
  • لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
  • لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
  • لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك

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