بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وانا ابحث فى الانترنت اكتشفت بالصدفة ان دعم جوملا للنسخة 1.6 توقف فى اغسطس الماضى
مما سبب لى بعض المتاعب
خاصة وانى فى تلك الفترة كانت المرة الاولى لى لاستخدام جوملا وكانت اول نسخة هى 1.6.0
والتى اضطررت بعدها للترقية الى 1.6.1 فى اقل من اسبوع

ربما لم الحظ الخبر الا اليوم ولكن اردت ان اقوم بالتنبية على الجميع بالترقية الى النسخة الاخيرة 1.7

الدعم سوف يستمر حسب الخطة الاستراتيجية التى وضعوها كما فى الصورة التالية

الموضوع الكامل
We have received many questions about Joomla 1.6, 1.7 and beyond, and how these versions slot in with the established 1.5 release of Joomla. Starting with Joomla 1.6, the release process, and in turn how the numbering system works, is changing. Joomla is switching to what is known as Long Term Support (LTS) and Standard Term Support (STS) releases. Joomla 1.5 is an LTS release and support is officially set to have its End of Life (EOL) in April 2012.

Now, what can get confusing is that 1.6 was an STS release and is already set for EOL August 2011. The current STS release is 1.7 and this is now the release the Gantry Framework will support. 1.6 has come and gone, and the upgrade path is 1.6 to 1.7, and you should be updating to this version now. From this point forward we'll not be focusing on Joomla 1.6 at all, and all development will be for the current STS release: Joomla 1.7.
Joomla 1.7 will remain the current STS release until 1.8 is officially launched. According to the tentative roadmap, Joolma 1.8 should be released in January 2012. Joomla 1.8 is going to be the next LTS, and this will effectively replace 1.7 as 1.7 did for 1.6. Shortly after 1.8 is released, 1.7 will be officially EOL'ed in February 2012.
For the next few months The Gantry Framework will continue to support the Joomla 1.5 LTS release, and the current short term release (Joomla 1.7). When Joomla 1.8 LTS is released next year, we'll support the Joomla 1.5 LTS and Joomla 1.8 LTS. Your not alone if you find these changes confusing, and we hope this makes the whole process a little clearer.
References: Joomla Development Strategy (Joomla! Developer Network)

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