السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
انا.من طلاب لغات البرمجة ولكن استعصب علي شي في واجب منزلي وعجزت احله ممكن مساعدتكم؟
واذا مو واضح برسل لكم صورة

Solve the following questions using the concepts we covered until chapter 3 (branching statements). Type your name, id, section in a comment a t the top of each code. ________________________________________________________________________ Question#1 Write a C++ program that reads 16 numbers from user to initialize two dimensional array myArray[8][2] then find sum of each column in this array. Note: Fill the array row by row. Sample run: ___________________________________________________________ Please Enter 16 elements to initialize MyArray[8][2]: 1 2 3 4 5 3 1 10 20 2 30 8 10 33 21 10 3 2 Sum of column 1 = 94 Sum of column 2 = 74 ___________________________________________________________


For the Code: Copy & Paste your C++ Code below, For the Output: - Right-click the console widow, choose select all, then copy the output by press Enter and Paste it below. - If you get errors, copy & paste the errors instead of the output.Question 1 (Code) *Question 1 (Output) *