النتائج 1 إلى 2 من 2

الموضوع: ركبت ايميل لست ولكن اتعبني ال Cgi يامن يرد العلم عن هاك الأح

  1. طلعت لموقع http://www.getperl.com

    ونزلت ايميل لست والسراحه ممتاز وتبعت الخطوات الموجوده في فايل ريد مي ورفعت الفايلات لموقعي واشتغل كل شي تمام وسويت لنفسي اشتراك في السته وقال شكرا وبعدين رجعت ولا كتبت الأيميل قال خطا اكتب ايميلك ..للحين ما شين تمام

    ولكن بعدين شيكت السته ما لقيت ايميلي ويقول عدد المشتركين صفر
    حاولت بكل الطرق والوسائل ما قدرت قعدت انطل وجهي عند اللي يسوى واللي ما يسوى ابعرف الحل ما قدرت ما خليت احد ما سئلته لكن للحين الوضع مأساوي قلت ما فيه الا اشوف الأجواد بسوالف يمكن يقول الله بكلمته وتنحل المشكله ..

    وعلى العموم انا نقلت لكم السكربت بالكامل هنا

    واللي يبقا السكربت الأصلي يطلع للموقع وكله 8k


    # #
    # #
    # #
    # For Unix/Unix Compatible/Linux/FreeBSD servers with #
    # Sendmail. #
    # #
    # DO NOT USE on MSWin32(Win9x/ME/NT/2k)/MacOS servers #
    # or servers without Sendmail. #
    # #
    # #
    # Copyright 1998-2000 by Thomas J. Delorme #
    # All Rights Reserved. #
    # #
    # This script may be used provided that all #
    # accompanying documentation is read completely before #
    # use, it is not changed or altered in any way, and it #
    # is used only on the supported operating systems. #
    # This script carries no warranties, express or #
    # implied, including, but not limited to, suitability #
    # for a particular purpose. By using this script you #
    # agree to release the author from any and all #
    # liability or damages that might arise from its use, #
    # including, but not limited to, lost data or time. #
    # Use of this script on any server, in any form, #
    # demonstrates your complete acceptance, and the #
    # complete acceptance of any entity for which you are #
    # acting as a representative, including, but not #
    # limited to, your employer or contractor, of these #
    # terms. Redistributing or selling the code for this #
    # script without prior written consent from the author #
    # is expressly forbidden. #
    # #
    # #
    # EasyList v2.2 by Thomas J. Delorme #
    # Website : http://www.getperl.com #
    # E-mail : webmaster@getperl.com #
    # Created : Thursday, July 8, 1999 #
    # Revised : Thursday, July 27, 2000 #
    # #

    ############ ADJUST THESE VARIABLES ################

    # PATH of the header file

    $headfile = '/path/to/head.txt';

    # PATH of the header file

    $footfile = '/path/to/foot.txt';

    # PATH of the e-mail address database - include the filename

    $emailpath = '/path/to/easylist.log';

    # URL of your homepage

    $homepage = 'http://www.alnazeeh.8m.com';

    # URL of this script - include the filename

    $scripturl = 'http://www.alnazeeh.8m.com/cgi-bin/easylist.cgi';

    # Name your mailing list - do not use quotes (" or ')

    $listname = 'My Newsletter';

    # Describe how often will you send e-mail to your mailing list? - No CAPS

    $listcycle = 'once every month';

    # Name of your website

    $mysite = 'alnazeh';

    # Password to access admin screen - CHANGE THIS IMMEDIATELY

    $adminpass = '5555';

    # Do you want to be notified if anyone tries to guess your password?

    $hacknotify = 'yes';

    # Change this to your e-mail address

    $myemail = 'alnazeh@yahoo.com';

    # If you want to use file-locking for a more secure database
    # keep this line as is...if you don't want to use file-locking
    # or can't use 'flock' change the 1 to 0
    # If you have a high-traffic site, I strongly suggest you use
    # file-locking.

    $uselock = '1';

    # Does your host require a sleep between blocks of e-mails sent?

    $usesleep = 'no';

    # How many e-mails are sent in one block?

    $blocksize = '100';

    # How long to sleep between blocks (in seconds)?

    $sleeptime = '3';

    # If the script can't find sendmail when you run it, enter the
    # sendmail path here...otherwise, leave this as is.

    $mailprogram = 'script';

    #################### STOP HERE! ####################
    # #
    # You may now upload this file to your server, using #
    # the instructions you received in the readme.txt file #
    # #
    # #
    # #

    # Get the form variables

    if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'GET') {
    $buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
    else {
    read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});

    # Break em up into a format the script can read

    @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);
    foreach $pair (@pairs) {
    ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
    $value =~ tr/+/ /;
    $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
    $FORM{$name} = $value;

    # Open the header/footer files

    open (FILE, "$headfile");

    if ($uselock eq '1') {
    flock FILE, 2;
    seek FILE, 0, 0;

    @header = <FILE>;

    if ($uselock eq '1') {
    flock FILE, 8;

    close (FILE);

    open (FILE, "$footfile");

    if ($uselock eq '1') {
    flock FILE, 2;
    seek FILE, 0, 0;

    @footer = <FILE>;

    if ($uselock eq '1') {
    flock FILE, 8;

    close (FILE);

    if ($mailprogram eq 'script') {

    @mailtest = ("/bin/sendmail","/sbin/sendmail","/usr/lib/sendmail","/usr/bin/sendmail","/usr/sbin/sendmail");

    foreach $mailtest (@mailtest) {
    if (-e $mailtest && -X $mailtest) {
    $mailprogram = $mailtest;
    if ($mailprogram eq 'script') {
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "@header\n";
    print "<CENTER><TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=400 BGCOLOR=FF0000><TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2>\n";
    print "<H2>Sendmail Not Found!</H2>\n";
    print "Please ask your host admin what the valid path for sendmail is on your system.\n";
    print "</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2><B>\n";
    print "Click here to <A HREF=$homepage><B>Return</B></A>.\n";
    print "<P></FONT>\n";
    print "<TABLE BGCOLOR=777777><TR><TD BGCOLOR=999999 ALIGN=CENTER>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica COLOR=FFFFFF SIZE=2>\n";
    print "Powered By :<BR>\n";
    print "<A HREF=http://www.getperl.com><B>EasyList</B></A><BR>\n";
    print "Copyright 2000<BR>\n";
    print "By : Thomas J. Delorme<BR>\n";
    print "All Rights Reserved.<BR>\n";
    print "</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<P></CENTER>\n";
    print "@footer\n";

    # Assign variables from FORM data

    $tempemail = $FORM{'submitemail'};
    $tempemail =~ s/\s//g;
    $thisemail = lc ($tempemail);

    # Decide which part of the script we need

    if ($FORM{'action'} eq 'subscribe') { &subscribe; }
    if ($FORM{'action'} eq 'unsubscribe') { &unsubscribe; }
    if ($FORM{'action'} eq 'admin') { &admin; }

    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "@header\n";
    print "<P><CENTER><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=3><B>EasyList Administration</B></FONT><P><FORM ACTION=$scripturl METHOD=POST><TABLE BORDER=1 BGCOLOR=990000><TR>\n";
    print "<TD><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=3 COLOR=FAC700><B>Admin Password :</B></FONT></TD>\n";
    print "<TD><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2><INPUT TYPE=password NAME=password SIZE=25><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=action VALUE=admin></FONT></TD>\n";
    print "</TR></TABLE><INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=Submit></FORM><P>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2><B>\n";
    print "Click here to <A HREF=$homepage><B>Return</B></A>.\n";
    print "<P></FONT>\n";
    print "<TABLE BGCOLOR=999999><TR><TD BGCOLOR=777777 ALIGN=CENTER>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica COLOR=FFFFFF SIZE=2>\n";
    print "Powered By :<BR>\n";
    print "<A HREF=http://www.getperl.com><B>EasyList</B></A><BR>\n";
    print "Copyright 2000<BR>\n";
    print "By : Thomas J. Delorme<BR>\n";
    print "All Rights Reserved.<BR>\n";
    print "</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<P></CENTER>\n";
    print "@footer\n";

    sub subscribe {

    if ($thisemail !~ /(^([\w\.\-]+)[@]([a-zA-z0-9\.\-]+)[\.]([a-zA-Z]{2,3})$)/ || $thisemail =~ /(\.\.)|(^\.)|(\.@)|(@\.)|(\.$)|(\\)/ || length($thisemail) > 128) {

    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "@header\n";
    print "<CENTER><TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=400 BGCOLOR=FF0000><TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2>\n";
    print "<H2>E-mail Not Valid!</H2>\n";
    print "$thisemail\n";
    print "</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2><B>\n";
    print "Click here to <A HREF=$homepage><B>Return</B></A>.\n";
    print "<P></FONT>\n";
    print "<TABLE BGCOLOR=999999><TR><TD BGCOLOR=777777 ALIGN=CENTER>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica COLOR=FFFFFF SIZE=2>\n";
    print "Powered By :<BR>\n";
    print "<A HREF=http://www.getperl.com><B>EasyList</B></A><BR>\n";
    print "Copyright 2000<BR>\n";
    print "By : Thomas J. Delorme<BR>\n";
    print "All Rights Reserved.<BR>\n";
    print "</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<P></CENTER>\n";
    print "@footer\n";


    open (FILE, "$emailpath");

    if ($uselock eq '1') {
    flock FILE, 2;
    seek FILE, 0, 0;

    @emaillist = <FILE>;

    if ($uselock eq '1') {
    flock FILE, 8;

    close (FILE);

    foreach $emailaddress (@emaillist) {
    chomp ($emailaddress);
    if ($emailaddress eq $thisemail) {
    $already = 1;

    if (!$already) {
    open (FILE, ">>$emailpath");

    if ($uselock eq '1') {
    flock FILE, 2;
    seek FILE, 0, 2;

    print FILE "$thisemail\n";

    if ($uselock eq '1') {
    flock FILE, 8;

    close (FILE);

    open (MAIL,"|$mailprogram -t -oi");
    print MAIL "To: $thisemail\n";
    print MAIL "From: $myemail\n";
    print MAIL "Subject: Success! $listname joined!\n";
    print MAIL "Thank-you for joining $listname!\n\n";
    print MAIL "You will receive news and information about $mysite\n";
    print MAIL "$listcycle.\n\n";
    print MAIL "--------------------------------------------\n";
    print MAIL "If you have joined $listname by accident or someone else has\n";
    print MAIL "joined you without your permission, or\n";
    print MAIL "if you ever want to remove yourself from $listname\n";
    print MAIL "simply visit $scripturl?action=unsubscribe&submitemail=$thisemail\n";
    print MAIL "and you will be automatically removed.\n\n";
    print MAIL "Thanks,\n\n";
    print MAIL "$mysite staff\n\n";
    print MAIL "Powered By :\n";
    print MAIL "EasyList\n";
    print MAIL "http://www.getperl.com\n";
    print MAIL "Copyright 2000\n";
    print MAIL "By : Thomas J. Delorme\n";
    print MAIL "All Rights Reserved.\n";
    close (MAIL);

    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "@header\n";
    print "<CENTER><TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=400 BGCOLOR=000077><TR><TD><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2>\n";
    print "<H2>$listname joined!</H2>\n";
    print "Thank-you for joining $listname!<P>\n";
    print "You will receive news and information about $mysite \n";
    print "$listcycle.<P>\n";
    print "If you have joined $listname by accident or someone else has\n";
    print "joined you without your permission, or\n";
    print "if you ever want to remove yourself from $listname<BR>\n";
    print "simply visit <A HREF=\"$scripturl?action=unsubscribe&submitemail=$thisemail\">$scripturl?action=unsubscribe&submitem ail=$thisemail</A><BR>\n";
    print "and you will be automatically removed.<P>\n";
    print "Thanks,<P>\n";
    print "$mysite staff<P>\n";
    print "</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2><B>\n";
    print "Click here to <A HREF=$homepage><B>Return</B></A>.\n";
    print "<P></FONT>\n";
    print "<TABLE BGCOLOR=999999><TR><TD BGCOLOR=777777 ALIGN=CENTER>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica COLOR=FFFFFF SIZE=2>\n";
    print "Powered By :<BR>\n";
    print "<A HREF=http://www.getperl.com><B>EasyList</B></A><BR>\n";
    print "Copyright 2000<BR>\n";
    print "By : Thomas J. Delorme<BR>\n";
    print "All Rights Reserved.<BR>\n";
    print "</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<P></CENTER>\n";
    print "@footer\n";

    if ($already) {
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "@header\n";
    print "<CENTER><TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=400 BGCOLOR=000077><TR><TD><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2>\n";
    print "<H2>$thisemail Already Joined!</H2>\n";
    print "</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2><B>\n";
    print "Click here to <A HREF=$homepage><B>Return</B></A>.\n";
    print "<P></FONT>\n";
    print "<TABLE BGCOLOR=999999><TR><TD BGCOLOR=777777 ALIGN=CENTER>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica COLOR=FFFFFF SIZE=2>\n";
    print "Powered By :<BR>\n";
    print "<A HREF=http://www.getperl.com><B>EasyList</B></A><BR>\n";
    print "Copyright 2000<BR>\n";
    print "By : Thomas J. Delorme<BR>\n";
    print "All Rights Reserved.<BR>\n";
    print "</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<P></CENTER>\n";
    print "@footer\n";


    sub unsubscribe {

    if ($thisemail !~ /(^([\w\.\-]+)[@]([a-zA-z0-9\.\-]+)[\.]([a-zA-Z]{2,3})$)/ || $thisemail =~ /(\.\.)|(^\.)|(\.@)|(@\.)|(\.$)|(\\)/ || length($thisemail) > 128) {
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "@header\n";
    print "<CENTER><TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=400 BGCOLOR=FF0000><TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2>\n";
    print "<H2>E-mail Not Valid!</H2>\n";
    print "$thisemail\n";
    print "</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2><B>\n";
    print "Click here to <A HREF=$homepage><B>Return</B></A>.\n";
    print "<P></FONT>\n";
    print "<TABLE BGCOLOR=999999><TR><TD BGCOLOR=777777 ALIGN=CENTER>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica COLOR=FFFFFF SIZE=2>\n";
    print "Powered By :<BR>\n";
    print "<A HREF=http://www.getperl.com><B>EasyList</B></A><BR>\n";
    print "Copyright 2000<BR>\n";
    print "By : Thomas J. Delorme<BR>\n";
    print "All Rights Reserved.<BR>\n";
    print "</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<P></CENTER>\n";
    print "@footer\n";

    open (FILE, "$emailpath");

    if ($uselock eq '1') {
    flock FILE, 2;
    seek FILE, 0, 0;

    @emaillist = <FILE>;

    if ($uselock eq '1') {
    flock FILE, 8;

    close (FILE);

    open (FILE, ">$emailpath");

    if ($uselock eq '1') {
    flock FILE, 2;
    seek FILE, 0, 0;

    foreach $emailaddress (@emaillist) {
    chomp ($emailaddress);
    if ($emailaddress ne $thisemail) {
    print FILE "$emailaddress\n";
    } else {
    $myfound = 1;
    if ($uselock eq '1') {
    flock FILE, 8;
    close (FILE);
    if ($myfound) {
    open (MAIL,"|$mailprogram -t -oi");
    print MAIL "To: $thisemail\n";
    print MAIL "From: $myemail\n";
    print MAIL "Subject: $thisemail Removed\n";
    print MAIL "We are sorry to see you leaving $listname!\n\n";
    print MAIL "You will not receive news and information about $mysite\n";
    print MAIL "$listcycle anymore.\n\n";
    print MAIL "--------------------------------------------\n";
    print MAIL "If you ever want to join $listname again\n";
    print MAIL "simply visit $scripturl?action=subscribe&submitemail=$thisemail\n";
    print MAIL "and you will be automatically subscribed again.\n\n";
    print MAIL "Thanks,\n\n";
    print MAIL "$mysite staff\n\n";
    print MAIL "Powered By :\n";
    print MAIL "EasyList\n";
    print MAIL "http://www.getperl.com\n";
    print MAIL "Copyright 2000\n";
    print MAIL "By : Thomas J. Delorme\n";
    print MAIL "All Rights Reserved.\n";
    close (MAIL);
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "@header\n";
    print "<CENTER><TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=400 BGCOLOR=000077><TR><TD><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2>\n";
    print "<H2>$thisemail removed!</H2>\n";
    print "We're sorry to see you leaving $listname!<P>\n";
    print "You will not receive news and information about $mysite\n";
    print "$listcycle anymore.<P>\n";
    print "If you ever want to join $listname again<BR>\n";
    print "simply visit <A HREF=\"$scripturl?action=subscribe&submitemail=$thisemail\">$scripturl?action=subscribe&submitemail= $thisemail</A><BR>\n";
    print "and you will be automatically subscribed again.<P>\n";
    print "Thanks,<P>\n";
    print "$mysite staff<P>\n";
    print "</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2><B>\n";
    print "Click here to <A HREF=$homepage><B>Return</B></A>.\n";
    print "<P></FONT>\n";
    print "<TABLE BGCOLOR=999999><TR><TD BGCOLOR=777777 ALIGN=CENTER>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica COLOR=FFFFFF SIZE=2>\n";
    print "Powered By :<BR>\n";
    print "<A HREF=http://www.getperl.com><B>EasyList</B></A><BR>\n";
    print "Copyright 2000<BR>\n";
    print "By : Thomas J. Delorme<BR>\n";
    print "All Rights Reserved.<BR>\n";
    print "</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<P></CENTER>\n";
    print "@footer\n";
    } else {
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "@header\n";
    print "<CENTER><TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=400 BGCOLOR=000077><TR><TD><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2>\n";
    print "<H2>$thisemail not listed!</H2>\n";
    print "There seems to have been a mistake...\n";
    print "This e-mail address is not currently listed as a member of $listname!<P>\n";
    print "You've been missing out on news and information about $mysite\n";
    print "$listcycle!<P>\n";
    print "If you decide you want to join $listname<BR>\n";
    print "simply visit <A HREF=\"$scripturl?action=subscribe&submitemail=$thisemail\">$scripturl?action=subscribe&submitemail= $thisemail</A><BR>\n";
    print "and you will be automatically subscribed.<P>\n";
    print "Thanks,<P>\n";
    print "$mysite staff<P>\n";
    print "</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2><B>\n";
    print "Click here to <A HREF=$homepage><B>Return</B></A>.\n";
    print "<P></FONT>\n";
    print "<TABLE BGCOLOR=999999><TR><TD BGCOLOR=777777 ALIGN=CENTER>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica COLOR=FFFFFF SIZE=2>\n";
    print "Powered By :<BR>\n";
    print "<A HREF=http://www.getperl.com><B>EasyList</B></A><BR>\n";
    print "Copyright 2000<BR>\n";
    print "By : Thomas J. Delorme<BR>\n";
    print "All Rights Reserved.<BR>\n";
    print "</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<P></CENTER>\n";
    print "@footer\n";

    sub admin {

    if ($FORM{'password'}) {
    if ($FORM{'password'} eq $adminpass) {

    if ($FORM{'sendmessage'}) {

    open (FILE, "$emailpath");

    if ($uselock eq '1') {
    flock FILE, 2;
    seek FILE, 0, 0;

    @emaillist = <FILE>;

    if ($uselock eq '1') {
    flock FILE, 8;

    close (FILE);

    $subscribers = @emaillist;

    unless (defined($child_pid = fork())) {die "Process Error : $!\n"};

    if ($child_pid) {

    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "@header\n";
    print "<P><CENTER><TABLE BGCOLOR=990000><TR><TD BGCOLOR=770000><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=3 COLOR=FAC700><B>EasyList Administration</B></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2><B>Messages Sent Successfully!</B></FONT><P>\n";
    print "<FORM ACTION=$scripturl METHOD=POST><TABLE BORDER=0 BGCOLOR=990000 WIDTH=400><TR><TD BGCOLOR=770000>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=3 COLOR=FAC700><B>Send Mail To List</B></FONT><BR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2 COLOR=FFFFFF><B>Click 'Send!' only once...it may take a few minutes depending on the size of your mailing list and the speed of your server.</B><P>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2 COLOR=FFFFFF><B>Subject :</B></FONT><BR><INPUT TYPE=text NAME=subject VALUE='$listname' SIZE=50><P>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2 COLOR=FFFFFF><B>Message :</B></FONT><BR><TEXTAREA NAME=listmessage COLS=70 ROWS=10 WRAP=PHYSICAL></TEXTAREA><P></TD></TR>\n";
    print "<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=action VALUE=admin><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=sendmessage VALUE=yes><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=password VALUE=$FORM{'password'}><INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=Send!></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></FORM>\n";
    print "<TABLE BORDER=0 BGCOLOR=990000 WIDTH=400>\n";
    print "<TR><TD BGCOLOR=770000><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=3 COLOR=FAC700><B>Your Mailing List - <I>$subscribers</I> subscribers</B></FONT></TD></TR>\n";
    print "<TR><TD><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2 COLOR=FFFFFF><B>You can add to or remove from your mailing list below.<BR>Use only one e-mail address per line.<BR>Click 'Change' only once...it may take a few minutes depending on the size of your mailing list and the speed of your server.</B><P>\n";
    print "<FORM ACTION=$scripturl METHOD=POST><TEXTAREA NAME=oldlist COLS=70 ROWS=10 WRAP=PHYSICAL>\n";

    foreach $emailaddress (@emaillist) {
    chomp ($emailaddress);
    print "$emailaddress\n";

    print "</TEXTAREA><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=action VALUE=admin><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=password VALUE=$FORM{'password'}><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=maintain VALUE=yes></FONT><P></TD></TR>\n";
    print "<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><INPUT TYPE=submit Value='Change'></FORM><P>\n";
    print "</TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<TABLE BORDER=0 BGCOLOR=990000 WIDTH=400><TR>\n";
    print "<TD BGCOLOR=770000><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=3 COLOR=FAC700><B>Duplicate Removal</B></FONT></TD></TR>\n";
    print "<TR><TD><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2 COLOR=FFFFFF><B>To weed out duplicate e-mail addresses, click the button below.</B></FONT><P></TD></TR>\n";
    print "<TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER><FORM ACTION=$scripturl METHOD=POST><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=action VALUE=admin><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=dupecheck VALUE=yes><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=password VALUE=$FORM{'password'}><INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=Remove!></FORM></TD>\n";
    print "</TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2><B>\n";
    print "Click here to <A HREF=$homepage><B>Return</B></A>.\n";
    print "<P></FONT>\n";
    print "<TABLE BGCOLOR=999999><TR><TD BGCOLOR=777777 ALIGN=CENTER>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica COLOR=FFFFFF SIZE=2>\n";
    print "Powered By :<BR>\n";
    print "<A HREF=http://www.getperl.com><B>EasyList</B></A><BR>\n";
    print "Copyright 2000<BR>\n";
    print "By : Thomas J. Delorme<BR>\n";
    print "All Rights Reserved.<BR>\n";
    print "</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<P></CENTER>\n";
    print "@footer\n";

    } else {

    close (STDOUT);

    $subject = $FORM{'subject'};
    $subject =~ s/^\s+//;
    $subject =~ s/\s+$//;
    foreach $emailaddress (@emaillist) {
    chomp ($emailaddress);
    unless ($emailaddress eq '' || $emailaddress !~ /(^([\w\.\-]+)[@]([a-zA-z0-9\.\-]+)[\.]([a-zA-Z]{2,3})$)/ || $emailaddress =~ /(\.\.)|(^\.)|(\.@)|(@\.)|(\.$)|(\\)/ || length($emailaddress) > 128) {
    open (MAIL,"|$mailprogram -t -oi");
    print MAIL "To: $emailaddress\n";
    print MAIL "From: $myemail\n";
    print MAIL "Subject: $subject\n";
    print MAIL "$FORM{'listmessage'}\n\n";
    print MAIL "--------------------------------------------\n";
    print MAIL "If you have joined $listname by accident or someone else has\n";
    print MAIL "joined you without your permission, or\n";
    print MAIL "if you ever want to remove yourself from $listname\n";
    print MAIL "simply visit $scripturl?action=unsubscribe&submitemail=$emailaddress\n";
    print MAIL "and you will be automatically removed.\n\n";
    print MAIL "Powered By :\n";
    print MAIL "EasyList\n";
    print MAIL "http://www.getperl.com\n";
    print MAIL "Copyright 2000\n";
    print MAIL "By : Thomas J. Delorme\n";
    print MAIL "All Rights Reserved.\n";
    close (MAIL);
    if ($usesleep !~ 'n' && $sendcnt eq $blocksize) {
    sleep $sleeptime;
    $sendcnt = 0;

    if (!$FORM{'sendmessage'}) {

    open (FILE, "$emailpath");

    if ($uselock eq '1') {
    flock FILE, 2;
    seek FILE, 0, 0;

    @emaillist = <FILE>;

    if ($uselock eq '1') {
    flock FILE, 8;

    close (FILE);

    if ($FORM{'dupecheck'}) {

    foreach $templist (@emaillist) {
    $testlist = lc($templist);
    if ($dupecheck !~ $testlist) {
    push (@nodupes, $testlist);
    $dupecheck .= $testlist;
    @newlist = @nodupes;

    open (FILE, ">$emailpath");

    if ($uselock eq '1') {
    flock FILE, 2;
    seek FILE, 0, 0;

    foreach $addnew (@newlist) {
    print FILE "$addnew\n";
    if ($uselock eq '1') {
    flock FILE, 8;

    close (FILE);

    @emaillist = @newlist;

    if ($FORM{'maintain'}) {
    @oldlist = split (/\n/, $FORM{'oldlist'});
    foreach $oldtemp (@oldlist) {
    $oldtemp =~ s/^\s+//;
    $oldtemp =~ s/\s+$//;
    $oldlist = lc ($oldtemp);
    push (@newlist, $oldlist);
    open (FILE, ">$emailpath");

    if ($uselock eq '1') {
    flock FILE, 2;
    seek FILE, 0, 0;

    foreach $addnew (@newlist) {
    print FILE "$addnew\n";
    if ($uselock eq '1') {
    flock FILE, 8;

    close (FILE);

    @emaillist = @newlist;

    $subscribers = @emaillist;
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "@header\n";
    print "<P><CENTER><TABLE BGCOLOR=990000><TR><TD BGCOLOR=770000><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=3 COLOR=FAC700><B>EasyList Administration</B></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<FORM ACTION=$scripturl METHOD=POST><TABLE BORDER=0 BGCOLOR=990000 WIDTH=400><TR><TD BGCOLOR=770000>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=3 COLOR=FAC700><B>Send Mail To List</B></FONT><BR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2 COLOR=FFFFFF><B>Click 'Send!' only once...it may take a few minutes depending on the size of your mailing list and the speed of your server.</B><P>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2 COLOR=FFFFFF><B>Subject :</B></FONT><BR><INPUT TYPE=text NAME=subject VALUE='$listname' SIZE=50><P>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2 COLOR=FFFFFF><B>Message :</B></FONT><BR><TEXTAREA NAME=listmessage COLS=70 ROWS=10 WRAP=PHYSICAL></TEXTAREA><P></TD></TR>\n";
    print "<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=action VALUE=admin><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=sendmessage VALUE=yes><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=password VALUE=$FORM{'password'}><INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=Send!></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></FORM>\n";
    print "<TABLE BORDER=0 BGCOLOR=990000 WIDTH=400>\n";
    print "<TR><TD BGCOLOR=770000><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=3 COLOR=FAC700><B>Your Mailing List - <I>$subscribers</I> subscribers</B></FONT></TD></TR>\n";
    print "<TR><TD><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2 COLOR=FFFFFF><B>You can add to or remove from your mailing list below.<BR>Use only one e-mail address per line.<BR>Click 'Change' only once...it may take a few minutes depending on the size of your mailing list and the speed of your server.</B><P>\n";
    print "<FORM ACTION=$scripturl METHOD=POST><TEXTAREA NAME=oldlist COLS=70 ROWS=10 WRAP=PHYSICAL>\n";

    foreach $emailaddress (@emaillist) {
    chomp ($emailaddress);
    print "$emailaddress\n";

    print "</TEXTAREA><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=action VALUE=admin><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=password VALUE=$FORM{'password'}><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=maintain VALUE=yes></FONT><P></TD></TR>\n";
    print "<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><INPUT TYPE=submit Value='Change'></FORM><P>\n";
    print "</TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<TABLE BORDER=0 BGCOLOR=990000 WIDTH=400><TR>\n";
    print "<TD BGCOLOR=770000><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=3 COLOR=FAC700><B>Duplicate Removal</B></FONT></TD></TR>\n";
    print "<TR><TD><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2 COLOR=FFFFFF><B>To weed out duplicate e-mail addresses, click the button below.</B></FONT><P></TD></TR>\n";
    print "<TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER><FORM ACTION=$scripturl METHOD=POST><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=action VALUE=admin><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=dupecheck VALUE=yes><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=password VALUE=$FORM{'password'}><INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=Remove!></FORM></TD>\n";
    print "</TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2><B>\n";
    print "Click here to <A HREF=$homepage><B>Return</B></A>.\n";
    print "<P></FONT>\n";
    print "<TABLE BGCOLOR=999999><TR><TD BGCOLOR=777777 ALIGN=CENTER>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica COLOR=FFFFFF SIZE=2>\n";
    print "Powered By :<BR>\n";
    print "<A HREF=http://www.getperl.com><B>EasyList</B></A><BR>\n";
    print "Copyright 2000<BR>\n";
    print "By : Thomas J. Delorme<BR>\n";
    print "All Rights Reserved.<BR>\n";
    print "</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<P></CENTER>\n";
    print "@footer\n";



    if ($FORM{'password'} ne $adminpass) {

    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "@header\n";
    print "You have been identified as : $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}</FONT>\n";
    print "@footer\n";

    if ($hacknotify eq 'yes') {

    open (MAIL,"|$mailprogram -t -oi");
    print MAIL "To: $myemail\n";
    print MAIL "From: $myemail\n";
    print MAIL "Subject: Attempted Hack!\n";
    print MAIL "Someone has attempted to hack into your\n";
    print MAIL "EasyList Admin area.\n\n";
    print MAIL "The time was : ".gmtime()." GMT\n";
    print MAIL "Their IP was : $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}\n";
    print MAIL "Their guess was : $FORM{'password'}\n\n";
    print MAIL "If they were close you should change your password now!\n\n";
    print MAIL "This message is a security feature of your EasyList script.\n\n";
    print MAIL "Powered By :\n";
    print MAIL "EasyList\n";
    print MAIL "http://www.getperl.com\n";
    print MAIL "Copyright 2000\n";
    print MAIL "By : Thomas J. Delorme\n";
    print MAIL "All Rights Reserved.\n";
    close (MAIL);


    if (!$FORM{'password'}) {

    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "@header\n";
    print "<P><CENTER><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=3><B>EasyList Administration</B></FONT><P><FORM ACTION=$scripturl METHOD=POST><TABLE BORDER=1 BGCOLOR=990000><TR>\n";
    print "<TD><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=3 COLOR=FAC700><B>Admin Password :</B></FONT></TD>\n";
    print "<TD><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2><INPUT TYPE=password NAME=password SIZE=25><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=action VALUE=admin></FONT></TD>\n";
    print "</TR></TABLE><INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=Submit></FORM><P>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica SIZE=2><B>\n";
    print "Click here to <A HREF=$homepage><B>Return</B></A>.\n";
    print "<P></FONT>\n";
    print "<TABLE BGCOLOR=999999><TR><TD BGCOLOR=777777 ALIGN=CENTER>\n";
    print "<FONT FACE=arial,helvetica COLOR=FFFFFF SIZE=2>\n";
    print "Powered By :<BR>\n";
    print "<A HREF=http://www.getperl.com><B>EasyList</B></A><BR>\n";
    print "Copyright 2000<BR>\n";
    print "By : Thomas J. Delorme<BR>\n";
    print "All Rights Reserved.<BR>\n";
    print "</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n";
    print "<P></CENTER>\n";
    print "@footer\n";



    النازح المنسي غير متواجد حالياً

  2. #2
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2000

    السلام عليكم ...

    تبدو لي المشكلة في انك لم تقم بتحديد المسارات فعلى سبيل المثال

    PATH of the header file

    $headfile = '/path/to/head.txt';

    يجب ان تقوم بتغيره إلى على سبيل المثال


    يجب ان تتأكد من المسار من الشركة المزودة


    اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد
    المحبوب غير متواجد حالياً

ضوابط المشاركة

  • لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
  • لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
  • لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
  • لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك

أضف موقعك هنا| اخبار السيارات | حراج | شقق للايجار في الكويت | بيوت للبيع في الكويت | دليل الكويت العقاري | مقروء | شركة كشف تسربات المياه | شركة عزل اسطح بالرياض | عزل فوم بالرياض| عزل اسطح بالرياض | كشف تسربات المياة بالرياض | شركة عزل اسطح بالرياض