السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
السكربت ELS - Easy Linux Security script
تم عمل السكربت من قبل
Richard Gannon, Martynas Bendorius and Wael Isa
صفحة الدعم http://www.web4host.net/forum/viewthread.php?tid=2
السكربت يعمل مع الانظمة التالية
* Red Hat Linux 9
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, 4, 5
* Fedora Core 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
* Fedora 7
* CentOS 3, 4, 5
* Debian 3.0, 3.1, 4.0

عمل السكربت
* Install RKHunter
* Install RKHunter Cronjob which emails a user-set email address nightly
* Install/update APF
* Install/update BFD
* Install CHKROOTKIT Cronjob which emails a user-set email address nightly
* Disable Telnet
* Force SSH Protocol 2
* Secure /tmp
* Secure /var/tmp
* Secure /dev/shm
* Install/update Zend Optimizer
* Install/update eAccelerator
* MySQL 4.1 and 5.0 Configuration Optimization
* Upgrade MySQL to 5.0
* Tweak WHM Settings for security and stability
* Configure RNDC if not already done (cPanel only)
* Change SSH port (also configure APF as necessary)
* Add wheel user and disable direct root login over SSH
* Optimize MySQL tables
* Install/update Libsafe
* Install/update ImageMagick (from latest source)
* Uninstall LAuS
* Harden sysctl.conf
* Install Chirpy's Free Exim Dictionary Attack ACL (cPanel only)
و المزيد

طريقة التثبيت يجب الدخول بصلاحية الرووت
wget -O installer.sh http://els.web4host.net/installer.sh; chmod +x installer.sh; sh installer.sh
ثم اكتب
els --help