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الموضوع: تم اصدار النسخة vBulletin 5 Connect Beta 26

  1. #1

    تم اصدار النسخة vBulletin 5 Connect Beta 26

    اخواني النسخة الجيل الخامس vb5 النهائيه تقترب ان شاء الله ,

    التجربة من خلال الموقع الرسمي http://www.vbulletin.com/vb5demo

    تحميل النسخة من منطقة الاعضاء https://members.vbulletin.com

    تم إصلاح آلاف الاخطاء و المشاكل (تحديدا 6256) إلى غاية النسخة بيتا 27 ..

    مؤخرا و حاليا تمت و تتم تجربة جودة النسخة باستخدام بعض الأدوات مثل : jmeter و xdebug و siege

    الاخطاء التي تم اصلاحها :

    1. VBV-4543 VBV-4345Admin CP Index Performance
    2. VBV-6905 Mobile App: Can reply once to a thread via app
    3. VBV-3758 VBV-3726Usergroup Permission "Can View Thread Content" doesn't work
    4. VBV-6911 If there is an Akismet key set, all threads will show up as deleted.
    5. VBV-7020 Social Groups groupintopic Table Broken for Upgrades
    6. VBV-6402 Activity stream should not fail completely on every error.
    7. VBV-7232 Upgrade from beta 25 to beta 26 fails on first step: API Error cannot_convert_channel
    8. VBV-6903 Upgrade from 3.7.4 Crashes on 3.8.0 A2 Step 49
    9. VBV-6938 vB5 Beta Siege load test higher cpu loads - adjusting Activity stream entries per page and max search results
    10. VBV-5809 Mobile App: No admin options for threads except delete (iOS)
    11. VBV-6930 Duplicate Title message appears when attempting to post Photo visitor message
    12. VBV-6952 Attempting to save an avatar without adding an image brings up a forum page in Admin CP
    13. VBV-6876 Album has an Add Photos button
    14. VBV-3215 No duplicate thread checking
    15. VBV-1046 Cannot permanently delete private messages in Trash folder
    16. VBV-6544 No Email Notification for blog moderation or blog transfer requests
    17. VBV-3294 Transferring blog ownership is broken
    18. VBV-6946 Mobile App: Weird pagination errors
    19. VBV-6945 Mobile App: When user setting birthday is set to day/month only, the year shows also
    20. VBV-6940 Mobile App: Can only post in the first blog published
    21. VBV-6939 Mobile App: Blog comment option is always disabled when posting (iOS)
    22. VBV-5496 Mobile App: Can't view subscribed list on home page
    23. VBV-4031 VBV-3726Usergroup Permission "Can Manage Own Discussions" doesn't work
    24. VBV-1566 "Private Messaging Enabled" setting doesn't work
    25. VBV-6184 VBV-7007Usergroup Permission "Can See Who Left User Ratings" doesn't work
    26. VBV-5344 Transparent option does not work or save in "Customize my Theme"
    27. VBV-6956 Saving a generated style produces a "style_errors" error
    28. VBV-6706 Cannot move system modules, attempting to save changes results in "You cannot remove a system module from the page template."
    29. VBV-6250 Saving edits to custom stylevar produces DB error
    30. VBV-6522 Additional options link in content types other than advanced options is not in the wireframes
    31. VBV-6983 Activate Email Page Doesn't Seem to Be Working Correctly
    32. VBV-6875 Wrong message when uploading pictures to an album (regression)
    33. VBV-1958 Need the ability to insert inline images via the Advanced Editor...
    34. VBV-1904 "Revert all Stylevars" missing phrase and doesn't work
    35. VBV-4360 VBV-4345Redundant language processing
    36. VBV-3224 Poll timeout doesn't work
    37. VBV-6904 When removing all the photos from the photo upload box, the 'Continue' Button disappear
    38. VBV-6854 Deleting an uploaded photo when creating a new topic does not actually delete the photo
    39. VBV-6542 Daily/Weekly Email Notifications does not seem to work
    40. VBV-6645 Comment editor open by default when blog comments are disabled
    41. VBV-6632 Certain Pages inaccessible when Can View Channels Channel Permission is set to No
    42. VBV-6981 Activate User Registration Links Broken
    43. VBV-6866 Social Group Missing Routes in vB4 upgrade
    44. VBV-6797 Activity Stream module crash after upgrade, "Unable to contact server. Please try again."
    45. VBV-6614 Alpha 27 Step 11
    46. VBV-6403 Permissions Mapping for socialgrouppermissions in upgrade/install
    47. VBV-4345 General inspection of query execution and duplication on vB5 pages
    48. VBV-6469 vB_Cache::write appears inefficient
    49. VBV-6373 Activity Stream Failure on upgraded 4.2 forum
    50. VBV-6798 Error fetching forums: widget_subchannelsdisplay crashed. After upgrading from a vB 3.8.7 database backup.
    51. VBV-6060 The sitemap is not generated correctly
    52. VBV-6929 Performance- inefficient vB_UserContext->getChannelPermission in_array() calls.
    53. VBV-6928 Performance- vB_Cache_Memory->isLoaded seems slow
    54. VBV-6896 (Chrome & Firefox) Prepopulated "Write something here" can be edited and does not count as post text
    55. VBV-6931 Post Reply appears as title for visitor message draft form
    56. VBV-4566 Floating Filter bar not aligned when scrolling topic list
    57. VBV-6347 Private Messages deleted from Sent folder do not go to trash, unless you are a recipient of the message
    58. VBV-6974 VBV-6742UI/UX: Rename Home Tab in the Navigation Bar to "Forums"
    59. VBV-6640 IE - Text disappears when switching content types
    60. VBV-4711 Index Photo Description for Searching.
    61. VBV-6964 Category page defaults need to be changed
    62. VBV-4186 Refreshing registration page causes errors for registering
    63. VBV-6950 Photos from Photo Album cannot be individually deleted when drafting photo discussion
    64. VBV-6949 Visitor Message avatars and recipients are broken in post view ("posted a Visitor Message for A")
    65. VBV-6848 Signature Soft-Linebreak Character Limit counts excess spaces as characters
    66. VBV-6834 Show More link for activity streams scrolls to the top of the stream when a filter item is selected
    67. VBV-6779 "Receive Admin Emails" setting doesn't work
    68. VBV-7002 The ad managers html input box is too tiny.
    69. VBV-7005 Users with either the "Can Delete Own Posts" or "Can Delete Own Topics" permissions see options they shouldn't
    70. VBV-2032 VBV-1798Properly Categorize Stylevars.
    71. VBV-1795 inline_edit_search_bar_background_active_color doesn't work
    72. VBV-1898 profile_section_background is unused
    73. VBV-1902 thread_reply_background is unused
    74. VBV-6909 Custom profile fields do not display properly in registration page
    75. VBV-6714 Wrong template syntax
    76. VBV-6972 Missing info on who is online page (as per wireframes) that can be added now
    77. VBV-6907 Templates widget_conversationdisplay & widget_sgchanneldisplay have closing tag error
    78. VBV-1826 Signature Edit form will save changes, but shadow box will not be closed
    79. VBV-4850 Background indicator for unapproved/soft-deleted posts is visible for everyone, instead just to moderators
    80. VBV-6843 the "people who liked" popup is unviewable when the browser isn't full screen
    81. VBV-6842 the "people who liked" box displays "voted", a now unused term
    82. VBV-6816 Mark Channel Read not accessible to non-moderators...
    83. VBV-6976 Hide title checkbox is not functional in the activity stream module
    84. VBV-6943 Style Chooser and Language Chooser do not display the style/language that was actually selected
    85. VBV-6395 Usernames are not links after refrsh of WOL module
    86. VBV-1522 "Time Limit on Editing of Thread Title" setting doesn't work
    87. VBV-6820 Blogs - Subscription / Subscribers - Message to blog owner with the "Follow request" doesn't provide info on what is being followed / subscribed to
    88. VBV-6890 Group Admin - manage subscribers does not paginate
    89. VBV-6773 Thread Subscription Email Doesn't Show Content
    90. VBV-4938 "errormsg" phrase appears after a failed login attempt
    91. VBV-6925 Clean installs create a default forum but no default category
    92. VBV-6605 Beta 18 Step 6
    93. VBV-5456 After upgrading from 4.2 by going to member/0, you will find updates when you shouldn't
    94. VBV-6850 Missing stylevars
    95. VBV-4880 header_bg_color is not working
    96. VBV-5054 VBV-3175Unused stylevars
    97. VBV-6681 Admin CP Moderated Visitor Messages count is currently hard coded to 0
    98. VBV-6760 Poll See More Search Results - Duplicate "Search Results" in breadcrumb
    99. VBV-6921 GRANT request notifications will incorrectly use the "follow" phrase.
    100. VBV-5972 cannot preview entries in the profile's media tab
    101. VBV-1512 No Member List functionality - related options should be removed
    102. VBV-6701 Background of site name and "no content found" message in activity stream module is hardcoded
    103. VBV-6853 Category Weirdnesses with Conversations
    104. VBV-6287 Overlapping notice and board turned off message
    105. VBV-6920 Administrative menu (cog icon menu) on channel display basically become a duplicate of the inline mod menu (regression)
    106. VBV-6970 COPPA page is not properly styled
    107. VBV-6935 (Regression) Reply poster can see total number of comments responding to their post even when some are soft deleted
    108. VBV-6998 List of unincluded search terms always end with a comma
    109. VBV-1907 Old Pollbars stylevars should be removed
    110. VBV-6702 Replace "bg" with "background" in stylevar names
    111. VBV-4635 Misspelled stylevar: profile_section_backgrund
    112. VBV-1901 secondary_content_background is unused
    113. VBV-1774 forum_category_bar_text_color is unused
    114. VBV-1710 announcement_border_color doesn't work
    115. VBV-6968 User Summary dimensions need more flexibility
    116. VBV-4702 Update icon sprite file to remove gray background around the online/offline images and the signature icon
    117. VBV-1794 inline_edit_form_text_color is unused
    118. VBV-1857 photo_border_hover_color is unused
    119. VBV-1849 main_nav_admin_bar_text_color and main_nav_admin_bar_text_disabled_color are unused
    120. VBV-1760 Unclear what form_dropdown_text_color is supposed to control
    121. VBV-1759 form_dropdown_background and form_dropdown_background_hover are unused
    122. VBV-1903 thread_view_avatar_border_color is unused
    123. VBV-1896 postbit_background and postbit_deleted_background are unused
    124. VBV-1756 filter_dropdown_link_color is unused
    125. VBV-1758 filter_dropdown_text_color doesn't work
    126. VBV-1751 filter_bar_border_color and filter_bar_button_border_color are unused
    127. VBV-1755 filter_dropdown_border_color is unused
    128. VBV-2817 No apparant method to attach non image documents - Manage Attachments button is hidden
    129. VBV-1720 button_special_ stylevars not actually used by .button.special definitions
    130. VBV-1718 button_special_text_color used by unrelated area
    131. VBV-1897 profile_button_secondary_background is unused
    132. VBV-1855 page_header_text_color is unused
    133. VBV-1821 inline_edit_subheader_text_color is unused
    134. VBV-1743 content_divider_color is unused
    135. VBV-1899 profilesidebar_count_text_color is unused
    136. VBV-1853 module_divider_color is unused
    137. VBV-1858 popup_background, popup_header_divider_color and popup_overlay_color are unused
    138. VBV-1707 additional_module_header_text_color is visually unused
    139. VBV-1854 module_header_background, module_header_border_color and module_header_line_color are unused
    140. VBV-1852 module_content_background and module_content_line_color are unused
    141. VBV-1950 No doc_background stylevar equivalent in vB5
    142. VBV-6888 The button_secondary_flat_text_color stylevar is incorrectly used as a background color in the CSS
    143. VBV-6517 Header Background Unable to Change in IE9
    144. VBV-5858 Stylevar to customize placeholder color is needed

    شكرآ لكم

    شركة اوريكو لتكنولوجيا المعلومات - استضافة وبرمجة المواقع | خدمات السوشيال ميديا

  2. #2
    عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2010

    ماهو الموعد النهائي ل اصدار النسخة النهائية اخي احمد ؟

  3. #3

    ماهو الموعد النهائي ل اصدار النسخة النهائية اخي احمد ؟
    والله علي حسب كلمهم لم يتم تحديد موعد معين ولكن قريبآ سوف يتم تحديد الموعد المحدد للنسخة الذهبيه ,

    شركة اوريكو لتكنولوجيا المعلومات - استضافة وبرمجة المواقع | خدمات السوشيال ميديا

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