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الموضوع: سلسله في الحمايه

  1. #16
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2000

    السلام عليكم
    الله يعطيك العافية اخوي الكريم على الموضوع الجميل,,,

    لكن للاسف الصور لم تظهر لدي لااعلم المشكلة لدي ام من الموقع المحمل علية الصور ,,,
    حاولت نسخ عنوان الصور وادخاله بالمتصفح ولم تفلح العملية فهلا اعطيتنا الصور بعنوانها الصحيح ,

    ولك جـــــــــــزيل الشكر الموفور,,,

    المغوار غير متواجد حالياً

  2. #17
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2003

    اسف ما نتبهت انه الصور نحذفو


    make config

    make menuconfig

    make qconfig

    مع الفرق البسيط ان الشرح كان عن الاصدا 2.6.1 والنسخه الجديده 2.6.2

    كل الناس لهم وطن يعيشون فيه .. الا نحن لنا وطن يعيش فينا
    AntiServer غير متواجد حالياً

  3. Help For You غير متواجد حالياً

  4. #19
    عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2004

    Re: (:

    رد مقتبس من tariq99
    الله يخليك AntiServer وهاد املنا فيك وبعرفك ما بتقصر
    وشكرا من كل قلبي

    للتواصل عبر
    الايميل والمنسجر : elkhateeb_m@yahoo.com
    EG4Host غير متواجد حالياً

  5. #20
    عضو فعال جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2003

    والله ولا اختبار فيزياء الله لايذكره بالخير هو والرياضيات
    وخاصة ضعت يوم شفت الصور

    Be Happy
    BitSurFer غير متواجد حالياً

  6. Help For You غير متواجد حالياً

  7. #22

    الله يخلي تزويد المشاركات بالابتسامات

    عالم غبره

    Believe an expert, believe on who has had experience
    الامبراطور غير متواجد حالياً

  8. #23
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2003

    يووووووووووووووووووووووووه لسا الموضوع مثبت .. لو يفك التثبيت برجع الموضوع للصفحه 1000000 :funny: :funny:

    كنت متحمسس بكتب السلسله بس شكلي نسسيت :funny: :funny:

    كل الناس لهم وطن يعيشون فيه .. الا نحن لنا وطن يعيش فينا
    AntiServer غير متواجد حالياً

  9. #24
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2002

    أحترم اللي يتعب عشان يقدم شيء .. اخوي انتي سيرفر التثبيت في مواضيع كهذه شيء لا يذكر ..

    الله يكثر من أمثالك

    DatZ me !!
    exe غير متواجد حالياً

  10. #25
    عضو فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2003

    IDS and ACID

    hi folks

    IDS is not used for prevent the root from his privilage IDS is for sensoring the attacks by signature

    if u wanna block the ip wich do scan there is some thing call port trap in that scheme u assign port not used

    say 55 and u configure the xinted to listen to that port if any request come to that port it block that ip send that request for period of time and may be for ever

    IDS is 2 TYPE host based and network based IDS u can read more about it in snort.com

    that speach about root password is shit
    antiserver with all my respect don`t talk about stuff u don`t know or people here don`t know to make propaganda for your self
    would u plz tell me the defrence betwen the IDS host based and network based
    i not attacking you

    best regardes

    Mohamed Zaki


    ليس اليتيم الذى قد مات والدة .: :. ان اليتيم يتيم العـلـم والأدب
    Mohamed Zaki غير متواجد حالياً

  11. #26
    عضو فعال جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2003

    رد مقتبس من exe
    أحترم اللي يتعب عشان يقدم شيء .. اخوي انتي سيرفر التثبيت في مواضيع كهذه شيء لا يذكر ..

    الله يكثر من أمثالك
    والله انك جبتها

    Be Happy
    BitSurFer غير متواجد حالياً

  12. #27
    عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2003

    DS is 2 TYPE host based and network based IDS u can read more about it in snort.com

    that speach about root password is shit
    antiserver with all my respect don`t talk about stuff u don`t know or people here don`t know to make propaganda for your self
    would u plz tell me the defrence betwen the IDS host based and network based
    i not attacking you
    he didn't say that IDS alone will protect ur server fully
    but it's a step in protection process.

    true IDS's passive proctection, but with other tools or with IPS( u know what it is ? don't u? ) u can TAKE some actions to prevent the introducers depending on the alarm u get.

    would u plz tell me the defrence betwen the IDS host based and network based
    huh?? so u recenly read about the diffirence so u come now showing off ur knowledge and askin him stuipd questions ??

    u should better wait his next artcile so u can get his point,

    DS is for sensoring the attacks by signature
    ids works both by signature (IDS) and by behavor (ADS)
    so as u said, don`t talk about stuff u don`t know . PERIOD

    Version: 3.12
    GCS d- s-:--- a-- C+++ UL--- P+ L++ E- W++ N++ o-- K w++
    O-- M- V-- PS PE Y+ PGP t- 5 X++ R- !tv b+ DI- D
    G+ e h* !r y?
    ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
    Dos->Windows->Linux->FreeBSD or Slackware, GeeK Destination | Geek blog
    GeeK غير متواجد حالياً

  13. #28
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2003

    Re: IDS and ACID

    رد مقتبس من ng4host
    hi folks

    IDS is not used for prevent the root from his privilage IDS is for sensoring the attacks by signature

    if u wanna block the ip wich do scan there is some thing call port trap in that scheme u assign port not used

    say 55 and u configure the xinted to listen to that port if any request come to that port it block that ip send that request for period of time and may be for ever

    IDS is 2 TYPE host based and network based IDS u can read more about it in snort.com

    that speach about root password is shit
    antiserver with all my respect don`t talk about stuff u don`t know or people here don`t know to make propaganda for your self
    would u plz tell me the defrence betwen the IDS host based and network based
    i not attacking you

    best regardes

    مش عارف شكلك محضر للموضوع وجايي تركض .. مشان هيك رافع الموضوع وبترد .. علي كل حال يا ابني ما اعجبني بكل حكيك غير propaganda ....

    بس ارجع بيتي بنكمل نقاشنا لاني مسافر ومالي خلق وانا بنزهه افكر بشي تاني ..

    بس حضري حالك يا ابو البروباجندا وادرس منييح في الموضوع ... مشان نكبر البروبجندا

    كل الناس لهم وطن يعيشون فيه .. الا نحن لنا وطن يعيش فينا
    AntiServer غير متواجد حالياً

  14. #29
    عضو فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2003

    Re: Re: IDS and ACID

    رد مقتبس من AntiServer
    مش عارف شكلك محضر للموضوع وجايي تركض .. مشان هيك رافع الموضوع وبترد .. علي كل حال يا ابني ما اعجبني بكل حكيك غير propaganda ....

    بس ارجع بيتي بنكمل نقاشنا لاني مسافر ومالي خلق وانا بنزهه افكر بشي تاني ..

    بس حضري حالك يا ابو البروباجندا وادرس منييح في الموضوع ... مشان نكبر البروبجندا

    it would better u answer me rather than saying when i go home i will answerrather than type those preparing the topic u should answerd me
    u said IDS is designed to take some privilage from root wich is not true
    i won`t give lecture about how IDS identfy the attack but
    how would he know the behavour if he doesnot have signature about it
    or its kind of neural or fuzzy systems here
    dude i didnot ask him stupied qestion but he talk about IDS as every body here is geek loll


    person with no social life
    stuck on slashdot.org

    don`t attack me
    if u plz
    now the IPS guy

    intrusion-prevention technology

    if u realy know the IPS
    How is an IPS going to block attacks that aren't attacks? I mean, totally valid traffic that is only dangerous because of a policy misconfiguration? If you refer to a poll done by zone-h (arguably the most active defacement mirror on the net), most defacements (if you can rewrite data on a server, I'd count that as a hack) are accomplished because of misconfigurations. Think about that. That's somewhere around 300 attacks a day (average) that are reported to zone-h because of misconfigurations. How many more do you think happen *every day* that aren't reported?

    IPS is some how next generation firewall and its not replacment of IDS and its still so young to be trusted i not convinced with it any how

    waiting u dude to come from yr pacnic and be logic plz the time u spend write that u would use it replay more logical and respectable replay regerdes than insulting me by probagnda guy

    another thing u said he would make it more secure by add IPS
    An IPS, being in-line, does not have the indulgence of being able to be highly sensitive to everything an IDS can. Since it is making the decision to pass or not pass traffic, it has no room for misjudgment. As such, that places a severe limitations on its ability to find things off-line analysis offers. In addition, analysis is limited to what can be accomplished in fractions of a second. There is no opportunity for *real* analysis and correlation.

    To make an IDS into an IPS border-lines a silly idea, but to go so far as to say that IPS will replace IDS entirely is absolute ignorance. And we haven't addressed the issues of politics, availability, management, etc...

    An IPS is not an extension of an IDS, it's an extension of a firewall. And, that does NOT mean a firewall with an IDS on/next to it. The discussion of making a firewall an IPS is kind of an entertaining one. Most people think they have firewalls all figured out until you start heading down the path of all the problems they have. It's funny how the solution to all of a firewall's problems seems to mirror most people's conception of what an IPS is...

    best regardes

    Mohamed Zaki


    ليس اليتيم الذى قد مات والدة .: :. ان اليتيم يتيم العـلـم والأدب
    Mohamed Zaki غير متواجد حالياً

  15. #30
    عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2003


    person with no social life
    stuck on slashdot.org

    don`t attack me
    if u plz
    now the IPS guy
    LoL , ur doing nothing more than Showing off ur knowledge which is lamest thing in this planet ever
    ur the one who's making propoganda actually
    maaaan!! get life and do something useful instead of bashing ppl & TROLLING
    i asked u about ur definition and u grap some text by googling and telling me instead of saying DON"T KNOW , , evey kid knows about it

    i guess ur reading/preparing for some stuipd certifications and after u reat it come here telling us about it???? poor top security guy

    don`t attack me
    ur the one attacking here, look at ur 1st post, ur attacking him not asking for explanation
    u shouldn't say about the propoganda thing and ask him about the diffrience cuz it makes one feel that ur posting is not for explanation but for attacking & bashing him
    that is not clever way

    Version: 3.12
    GCS d- s-:--- a-- C+++ UL--- P+ L++ E- W++ N++ o-- K w++
    O-- M- V-- PS PE Y+ PGP t- 5 X++ R- !tv b+ DI- D
    G+ e h* !r y?
    ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
    Dos->Windows->Linux->FreeBSD or Slackware, GeeK Destination | Geek blog
    GeeK غير متواجد حالياً

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