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الموضوع: أريد شراء ترخيص في بي ليتم فتح موقعي المغلق من قودادي

  1. #1
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2000

    أريد شراء ترخيص في بي ليتم فتح موقعي المغلق من قودادي

    السلام عليكم ورجمة الله وبركاته

    لتويي انتهيت من عمل تحديثات كبيرة في المنتدى .. والمنتدى ذاع صيته وكثر زواره.. ولكنه أغلق اليوم وجائتني رساله من قودادي والسبب اني لا املك رخصه للمنتدى ولا مانع لدي الآن من شرائها..

    المشكله اني لم استطع فهم رسالتهم بشكل جيد وسأضعها لكم هنا وأتمنى منكم المساعده جزاكم الله خيرا...


    Copyright Dispute for .......COM‏
    From: GoDaddy.com Copyright Claims Dept. (CopyrightClaims@GoDaddy.com)
    You may not know this sender. Mark as safe | Mark as unsafe
    Sent: Thu 9/06/07 5:52 PM
    To: .....@hotmail.com
    Dear ........ ......,

    We have received notification of copyright infringement(s) taking place on your site .....COM. It has come to our attention that the website found at this domain name contains material being displayed without the consent of the owner/copyright holder.

    This is a violation of your Hosting Services agreement (http://www.godaddy.com/gdshop/legal...id=HOSTING%5FSA), as well as your Domain Name Registration Agreement (http://www.godaddy.com/gdshop/legal...pageid=REG%5FSA). I have attached the original notification we received on this matter as well to help you identify the problem.

    This notification was submitted in harmony with the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act)and our Copyright and Trademark Dispute Policy. Please review GoDaddy's Trademark and Copyright Policy found at https://www.godaddy.com/gdshop/lega...t_trademark.asp

    In accordance to this policy, as well as your hosting agreement, we have suspended this hosting account
    until this matter can be resolved, or you submit a complete Counter Notification as described in the
    Copyright section of the policy. You have 10 days to send a complete Counter Notification in accordance
    with the policy.

    We are not a court, nor are we dictating who, if anyone, has the rights to the work(s) in question. We are merely acting in accordance with the DMCA requirements for Hosting Providers. If there is a dispute as to the ownership of the content, that should be addressed in a court of law. As a result, situations, circumstances, and details do not usually need to be submitted to GoDaddy.com or it's affiliates.

    A list of the specific portions of your site in question are listed below. For detailed questions, you will need to contact the Complainant at the address listed below.

    Description of the Infringement(s)




    In order to resolve this situation and re-activate your site, you have 2 options.

    Option 1. Remove the content in question.
    In order to reactivate the site in question we will need you to provide the following information in a single email response:

    A. An electronic signature. (This can be a scanned copy of your physical signature, or as simple as typing your full name.)
    B. Identification of the material in question.
    C. A statement, under penalty of perjury, that the material has either been removed or will promptly be removed.

    Option 2. Submit a complete Counter Notification on the works in question in accordance with our Copyright Dispute policy. (See Above) You will need to reply, via email and include all of the following elements.

    A. An electronic signature of the Infringer. (This can be a scanned copy of your physical signature, or as simple as typing your full name.)
    B. Identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled.
    C. A statement under penalty of perjury that the Infringer has a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled.
    D. The Infringer's name, address, and telephone number, and a statement that the Infringer consents to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial district of Arizona, or if the Infringer's address is outside of the United States, for any judicial district in which Go Daddy may be found, and that the Infringer will accept service of process from the Complaining Party or an agent of such Party.

    The term "The Infringer" is used for identification purposes only. This is not an indication of any alleged guilt or innocence.

    If you have any further questions, please let us know.


    Copyright Claims Department

    --Forwarded Message Attachment--
    From: Licensing@vbulletin.com
    To: CopyrightClaims@GoDaddy.com
    Subject: DMCA Notification of Copyright Infringement @ http://........com/vb/
    Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2007 15:49:43 +0300

    DMCA NOTIFICATION OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT Date: 06 September 2007 Greetings I am an agent authorized to act on behalf of Jelsoft Enterprises Limited whoexclusively own vBulletin, a forum Software. I can find no record of this user purchasing a site license for thislocation http://......com/vb/ Please suspend/remove the GUI and files and prevent future abuse. NB: If at your own prerogative you offer your client an opportunity toremove the site themselves or purchase a license as opposed to your removalor suspension of service, please be aware that Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.whilst happy to respect your goodwill gesture, in no way requests orrequires such action from you and reserves the right to decline the licensepurchase and refund the fee. Copyright protection not revenue collection isour primary concern and motivation and some forum content if it damagesothers or breaks our AUP is not allowed. Formality: In accordance with the provisions the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of1998 Please expeditiously "take down" or "block access" to the infringingmaterial and take appropriate action against the customer to prevent futureabuse. Declaration: I, the undersigned, CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that I am an agentauthorized to act on behalf of the owner of certain intellectual propertyrights, said exclusive owners being named: Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd., Howarth Lodge, 7 Reading Road, Pangbourne,Reading, RG8 7LR I have a good faith belief that the items or materials listed below are notauthorized by the above intellectual property owners, their agents, or thelaw and therefore infringe their rights. I further aver that the information contained in the Notice is accurate. Software: vBulletin I may be contacted at: Pirate ReportsPO Box 36EAST MOLESEYSurreyKT8 9XTENGLAND Tel: 44(0)20 8941 1843 Truthfully, A. PopaInvestigatorRomanian Office http://www.piratereports.com This information may be passed to your client who should already be aware ofthe situation. The sender accepts no responsibility for an end usersincorrect registration or failure to do so as the Terms and Conditions ofUse are clearly explained as an integral part of the purchase procedure. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----Version: GnuPG v1.4.4 (MingW32)Comment: PirateReports Public Keyhttp://www.piratereports.com/index.php?page=contact iD8DBQBG3/dmsET8wU8f+dwRAiPmAJwKI1Dv8Z0HiyJ7hZtcAYNMALGc1gCffoZ1aLmgGSQoByM+tG70oMxzfGU==B0sm-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----


    أرجوكم ساعدوني للخروج من هذه المحنه ...ماذا يلزمني لإعادة فتح الموقع.. وإذا كان هناك أحد الأخوه المستضيفين هنا في المنتدى يستطيع شراء الترخيص لي ومراسلة قودادي لإعادة فتح الموقع مع الحصول على العموله اللازمه فإن ذلك سيساعدني أيضا..

    وشكرا لكم

  2. #2
    فريق عمل ALEX IPC
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2003

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    يسعدنا ويشرفنا أخذ فكرة عن أسعار التراخيص لدينا

    سعر ترخيص مدى الحياة 160 دولار امريكي ( نفس سعر الشركة الام )

    سعر الترخيص لفترة عام كامل = 85 دولار امريكي ( نفس سعر الشركة الام )

    سعر التركيب + التعريب + الحماية = 60 دولار امريكي
    يمكنك الاستفادة من العرض التالي

    سعر تركيب الهاك الواحد : 10 ريال سعودي ( حسب الكمية )

    تحيتي اليك ونحن بالخدمة اخي الحبيب

    س : ما هي وسائل الدفع لديكم في الشركة ؟
    ج : كما هو موضح اسفل في الصورة

    للمراسلة والاستفسار يمكنك اضافة الماسنجر او مراسلتنا عبر البيانات في التوقيع





    Alex I.P.C
    برمجة - تصميم - استضافة - سيرفرات
    سكريبت دليل الروابط الخارجية
    Mobile/+20 111993631

  3. #3

    نسوي لك ترخيص على دفعتين بنفس سعر الشركة
    يعني تسددها على شهرين 160 دولار = 600 ريال
    الشهر الاول = 300 ريال
    الشهر الثاني = 300 ريال

ضوابط المشاركة

  • لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
  • لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
  • لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
  • لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك

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