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الموضوع: مساعده بحل هذه الاسئله مشكله

  1. #1
    عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2006

    مساعده بحل هذه الاسئله مشكله

    السلامه عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    اخواني ياليت مساعدتي بحل هذه التساؤلات للهوت مايل علشان يتم فتح الارسال للسيرفر الخاص فيني

    للعلم سيرفر كامل

    Our goal in Windows Live Mail is to make sure that every wanted message sent to Hotmail customers arrive in their inbox, and I know how frustrating it is when this doesn't happen. It appears that your domain is being affected by one of our anti-spam or bulk message filters. As a part of the Sender Escalations Team, I work with directly with senders, domains, other ISPs to resolve mail delivery failures.

    Your case has been escalated to our department and we are dedicated to solve problems for our customers. The template that I am including with this response to fill out has many technical questions; it is designed to provide us with enough information to troubleshoot sending email. This information is needed for us to look up the root cause of your issues, and formulate a solution.

    In order to continue our investigation we require more information such as: the IP and the Domain or MTA (E-mail Server) you use. Even if you cannot fill out ALL of the questions this information would help us start our investigation.

    You may get this information from your ISP (Internet Service Provider), which may also provide you with more information with respect to why you are having these issues. In many cases if you are using a shared server we can work on your behalf and request this information from the domain you are hosted on.

    Feel free to respond back to me at this address when this information is obtained.

    What are the IP addresses of your outbound mail servers (as seen by the receiving server)?
    What domain are you sending from?
    Is your server a dedicated or shared server?
    What ISP, operating system, mail transport software, and/or mailing list management software are you using?
    How are "bounce messages" (non-delivery notices) handled by your system?
    How frequent are your mailings? What are the volumes of these mailings?
    What are some of the accounts on Microsoft's systems that you are attempting to send to?
    Do your SMTP logs show any failed transactions when attempting to send to addresses at MSN, MSN Hotmail or other MSN Services? If so, please include them inline in your response.
    Can you telnet to port 25 of mx1.hotmail.com from your mail server(s)?
    Can you traceroute to from your mail server(s)?
    Please include samples of a few of the messages you are sending, with complete headers (as seen by your recipients.)
    In what manner(s) are recipients added to your mailing list(s)?
    Provide the URL of your web site.
    Provide the URL of your Privacy Policy.
    Provide the URL at which users opt-in to receive your mailings.
    Provide the URL at which users may choose to permanently unsubscribe from your mailing list.
    Are you currently a Return Path client? Are you Sender Score Certified?
    Do you publish Sender Policy Framework (SPF)/Sender ID records for your IP?
    Do you use separate IPs for your transactional vs. promotional/subscription marketing communications?
    Are you in the Junk Mail Reporting Partner Program?
    Do you use Smart Network Data Services?

    Once I have received this information, I will review the data and contact you with the next steps.

    For information on common delivery questions please refer to the Hotmail Postmaster Site found at: http://postmaster.msn.com/

  2. #2

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله,
    الأخ الفاضل,
    قم بإرساله طلبك على الايميل JMRP@css.one.microsoft.com وسيقومون بالمتابعه معك ومطالبتك بتنفيذ بعض الخطوات, وبعدها بإذن الله ستحل المشكله,
    ملحوظه: رابط الحل الأساسى هو:

    إسم الشركة: مؤسسة مود سيرف - مصرية رسمية
    خدمة إدارة السيرفرات بـ109 ريال: مود سيرف - إدارة السيرفرات
    بريد الشركة: sales@modserv.com

المواضيع المتشابهه

ضوابط المشاركة

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  • لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك

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