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الموضوع: mailworkspro >> قائمه بريديه قوووووويه جدددداً

  1. #1
    عضو فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2001

    mailworkspro >> قائمه بريديه قوووووويه جدددداً

    MailWorks Professional is the ultimate mailing list manager and newsletter distribution tool. It provides you with everything you need to let visitors subscribe to your newsletter list and lets you create and send text or HTML newsletters to your entire subscribe list directly from your web browser!

    Feature List

    Send text/HTML emails to your newsletter subscribers directly from your web browser
    When a user subscribes using the MailWorks Professional subscription forms they are sent a confirmation email which they must reply to in order to confirm their subscription. This stops people from subscripting others involuntarily
    Create multiple topics and multiple newsletters under these topics. Users can choose to receive one or all of your newsletters
    Let your visitors automatically subscribe and unsubscribe themselves from your newsletter
    Includes setup wizard for easy configuration and setup of MySQL database
    Create newsletter templates which you can customize and send in just minutes
    Import subscribers by copy-pasting them into a list or by uploading your subscriber list
    Export subscribers in plain text, CSV or XML format
    See real-time stats on how many subscribers joined today, yesterday, to which newsletter, etc
    You can use personalization tags to personally address each and every one of your subscribers. For example, you can display the subscribers first name in your newsletter by typing %%first_name%% when creating your newsletter. When the newsletter is sent, this tag will be replaced with each subscribers first name
    Choose your own templates for the subscription forms so that they fit in with the look of your site. Simply click on the "update configuration" link and enter the location of your templates... it's easy!
    Add rich text, images, hyperlinks, lists and more to your HTML newsletters
    Build and display your own privacy policy to show visitors that they can trust you with their email addresses
    Includes setup guide to get you up and running in 5 minutes!
    More Features >>

    "Mailworks is brilliant. We were subscribed to [name removed] for our mailouts, but now we can use Mailworks to automagically handle our subscribers AND design and send our HTML emails to them directly from our browser."

    - Michael Toohey, MailWorks Professional Customer

    Click Here For Immediate Download

    MailWorks Professional provides you with the subscription forms that your visitors can use to subscribe to your newsletter(s) and manage their preferences... no more annoying emails from customers asking how to join your newsletter!

    Our setup wizard lets you specify the location of your sites templates, so your visitors wont even know that your using MailWorks Professional to send your newsletters to them!

    MailWorks Professional was written in PHP and uses a powerful MySQL database to store your subscribers and newsletter. It runs on your own web server directly from your web browser without any annoying page refreshes or hectic server loads when sending newsletters to your subscribers!

    "I just wanted to thank Mitchell for his help when I was setting up mail works pro. We sent out our first newsletter today to our 1,200 subscribers that we imported from our old list manager and it worked a treat. It's extremely fast too!"

    - Eddy McGrath, MailWorks Professional Customer

    Act Now! Get Your Copy By Clicking Here

    Who Uses MailWorks Professional?
    Although MailWorks Professional has just been released, our customer list is growing rapidly. Here's a list of some of our customers:

    MailWorksPro.com: We use MailWorks Professional on this site to build our newsletter subscriber base and send our subscribers information, special deals and upcoming feature releases.

    Socket6.com: Socket6 is one of our own web sites. We send our weekly email to our 5,000+ subscribers every week using MailWorks Professional.

    FanStorm.com: FanStorm manufacture computer mounting brackets and cooling devices. They constantly keep their customers "in the know" by sending them personalized emails with MailWorks Professional.

    DI-Group.net: DI-Group specialize in design and marketing. They use MailWorks Professional to keep current and interested clients informed.

    "MailWorksPro is awesome!!! Our webmaster just ran the setup wizard and is blown away by how easy it is to use. We're shaking because we're so eager to import our subscribers and send them our first newsletter!"

    - Jarrod Lee, MailWorks Professional Customer

    Get It For Only $79.95. Click Here.

    Creating A Newsletter

    Sending A Newsletter

    Importing Subscribers

    Exporting Subscribers

    Default Subscription Form

    Subscription With Templates

    MailWorksPro Login

    السعر $79 دولار .. مبن يدبرها؟؟
    وترااااااااااهااااااااااااا قويه ومميزااااااااااااتهااااااااااااااا حلوووووووووووووووه

    موقع المنتـــــــج
    تفاصيل عن
    المنتج ..

    محمد ,,,

    SNAKE IN 12/6
    ابوعليوه غير متواجد حالياً

  2. #2

    أخي محمد هل سمعت عن هذهhttp://www.octeth.com/products/oempro/demo.php

    Abqerino غير متواجد حالياً

  3. #3
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2001

    ياخوي اسمحلي

    عقب my mail ما صرت أصدق أحد

    القائمه اللي سوو عليها حفله شوي ويقولون محد يقدر يسوي مثلها

    وبالأخير بأرسل لـ10 أعضاء في القائمه البريديه قعد له 4 مدري 5 دقايق !!!!

    لو بأرسل للـ10000 اللي عندي كم بيقعد !!؟؟؟

    أبي قائمه بريديه سريعه وبسسسسسسس

    ~-{[< سبحان الله وبحمده .. سبحان الله العظيم >]}-~

    لم تزر منتديات همس الليل ؟؟؟

    إذن لم تعرف المنتديات بعد !!

    اضـــغــط هـــــنــــا وتــمــتــع بالإبداع ^_^
    Alhams.com غير متواجد حالياً

  4. #4
    عضو فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2001

    السلام عليكم ,,
    اخوي عبقرينو
    ما عطيتنا المميزات ,, لكن يبدو انها زينه


    وشبك محبط لهالدرجه

    انت تدري انه الي صممها فريق برمجه ,, وهم اصحاب وكتاب موقع مقالات المبرمجين <-- باللغه الانجليزيه الموقع ,, ؟؟؟

    محمد ,,

    SNAKE IN 12/6
    ابوعليوه غير متواجد حالياً

  5. #5
    عضو نشيط جدا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2000

    انا استخدم easylist - cgi
    قوية جداُ ماشاء الله وترسل لاعداد كبيرة جداً
    يمكنكم تتنزيلها من موقع متقن

    وانْظُرْ إِلى مَنْ حَوَى الدُّنْيا بِأَجْمَعِها *** هَلْ رَاحَ مِنْها بِغَيْرِ الحَنْطِ والكَفَنِ
    خُذِ القَنـَاعَةَ مِنْ دُنْيَاك وارْضَ بِها *** لَوْ لم يَكُنْ لَكَ إِلا رَاحَةُ البَدَنِ
    يَا نَفْسُ وَيْحَكِ تُوبي واعمَلِي حَسَناً *** عَسى تُجازَيْنَ بَعْدَ الموتِ بِالحَسَنِِ
    الرياض غير متواجد حالياً

ضوابط المشاركة

  • لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
  • لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
  • لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
  • لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك

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